What exactly are void elves doing?

I don’t think they’ll make a horde (or alliance) race neutral. So far they always opted for the you also get it (void elves, nightborne) option, instead of taking it away.

The whole Horde/Alliance conflict might be less of an issue in the future. The devs go ever more into that direction (started with arenas, now other instanced content) which might be better for the game anyway in the end. As fun as the red/blue team fights sometimes can be, I feel like the game and story went so far away from it, that whenever they try to re-ignite the conflict it feels forced and they just end up annoying a big part of their customers. It’s great for forum drama though.

We don’t need vanilla situation again when nobody played Horde.

Not necessarily. What blizzard needs to do is a few couple of things.

First, they need content that is not fixed on increasing gear score. Content that is not fixed on simply increasing gear score, are endless content that never has to feel old.

Second, they need to heavily invest in their roleplaying community - this is the community that will stay largely subbed with blizzard through droughs and whatever, because they tend to make their own content in one way or another.


But we don’t want Sin’dorei on the Alliance. Like basically now that Void Elves are High Elves. They just don’t have a starting zone nor home or faction rep yet.

Because they shouldn’t had been given in the first place. They catered to the High Community by giving them a rip off model that’s identical the Blood Elves and shares Blood Elf history and simutainously sh!ts all over the Blood Elf lore.

  • “Hah your blood elf shadowpriest isn’t canon and doesn’t exist – Anyone who treats with the Void is a danger, and would be outcast.”
  • Not to mention it spits in the face of other shadow / void users / Belf void roleplayers.

If Horde forsaken got to use Undead Night Elves and DK human models — I bet you wouldn’t be singing the same tune of:



Speaking of customization, what happened to the tentacles in the hair that Void Elves could have? They seem to have disappeared. Is there a lore reason for that?

Nothing, you can simply choose to toggle them off when you make a Void Elf character, and Blizzard added Void Elf NPC’s without them, too.


The void elves are just like blood elves just better. Unlike Kael’thas Alleria wasn’t corrupted and Blizzard’s reminding us of it every day. We lost our corrupting magic and became boring Tolkien elves after TBC was over.

Yea I miss it when Blood Elves when Corrupted High Elves that were like magic vampires.


Alleria wasn’t what

Corrupted. The void magic didn’t make her evil. She still has her free will. Unlike Kael’thas whom turned into a puppet of the legion when he sucked the fel snuff too hard.

Having free will don’t mean she is not currupted.

She bleeds purple…

I mean, nightborne bleed a different color from night elves, too. Like void elves, they could literally be siblings with a member of the “parent” race, but exposure to energies changed them.

Elves and magic. Results variable, usually dramatic.


Not only that, she does hear whispers and all the goodies that comes with void curruption. The only difference is that she is trained how to handle it mentally.

I really wish Blizzard put out more short stories on the regular. They really flesh out the world and they’re fun… Even if I sometimes complain about them.

But we know precious little about Bobaras Q. Regularsun, the void elf.


Insert fun detected joke here.

I think it would be neat if the Void Elves started raising Twilight Dragons. Try and teach them to control their powers.

Why do that when they can enlist the nether dragons?

Why not just make void dragons, preferably with less tentacles and lovecraft

Give void dragons to the Void Elves to raise would be neat. Not making new void Dragons (preferably, as attention from the dragonflights might not be something the Void Elves need as such a small population), but to give the eggs and hatchlings of Void Dragons a chance.

Teach them to control themselves the same way the Ren’dorei have, and at that point they’d essentially be Void Elves that happen to be Dragons. Perhaps even broadening the idea of “Ren’dorei” beyond just the Thalassian elves.

Would be an interesting direction, IMO.

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