What exactly are void elves doing?

Careful, you might summon the circle master.

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Oh yea your right.


Which makes me even more mad that they were and still are locked behind quest requirements.

While they have removed the reputation requirement, they should really just remove all requirements and make all allied races playable by default.

I could take making my way through quests to unlock Horde allied races. But I do not want to go through quests to unlock the Alliance ones too.

Terrible expansion, don’t wanna play it.

But atleast the questing was fun through.

Yeah, but I have already done it on my European account.

I really can’t be arsed to go through it all again. It was hard enough with Horde.

Yea true through.

Removing the quest requirements might help the Alliance population. I’ve lost too many to the Horde as they couldn’t just start as Void Elves so settled for Blood Elves even if they didn’t like the Horde.

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Nothing is going to help the WoW population overall, it is a dwindling portion.

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I think the only way to help the WoW Population overall is by atleast giving Allied Races more of a rehall as in giving them starting zones like the regular races where we could finally start at level 1 to level 10 or 5 like the gnomes and trolls and just finally have faction reps. In this case with the Void Elves. They 100% need it.


Might as well make them regular races at that point. Which for some, since they are just 1 or 2 customization difference (other then racials) might as well be deleted and merged with the main race.

The only exception is void elves, but they could make blood elves neutral in place and give horde a entirely new race to compensate, but doing so will upset the horde big time since the horde do not want them going neutral.


Blizzard could, but that’s up to them if they’re willing to accept that the gamer landscape has changed.

Though I swear, if Blizzard goes the Gacha route for WoW then WoW is dead to me.

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There is only 2 ways that needs to happen to save WoW population;

They drop the mythic plus model, as speed running is a very niche thing in the gamer community enjoy. Forcing it upon the player base makes the game very undesirable at end game level. Once a new player see’s that at end game they will seek new pasture immediately.

They stop ruining lore and races. Things like dark ranger customizations, wildhammers and void elf unmutated customizations needs to go, dark rangers/wildhammers needs their own race slot with their own class options. They also need to stop butchering lore like they did in SL, with the biggest one being arthas’s blue fart cloud.

And no, high elves will not save WoW in a world where there is a lotr mmo in.

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Er, LoTR MMO is kinda dead…

Is it still online?

Last I checked they where. That means there is some success in it.

Mythic+ isn’t killing WoW. No one is forced to run it and with the way professions are set up, casual people can now craft their own end game gear and hopefully that continues going forward.

WoW is like EverQuest 1, it’s likely always going to have a population big enough to make it profitable for blizzard

Imo, The game needs to be free to play, have bad luck protection, bring back fomo content, etc. Basically anything beneficial to the casual playerbase.


Keep telling yourself kid, if it keeps the demons from you at night lol. History tends to repeat itself, games that makes speed running the main feature of the game tends to fail badly.

Yeah, I can’t imagine that being anything but contentious at best. I personally feel it’d look seriously bad for any horde race to flake off and become officially neutral, even if that’s functionally what’s happened in the case of void elves becoming playable.

If Blizzard did go that route, I think what they’d do is merge belves and velves so that both sides “lose” it as a race when it becomes neutral. That would make it so that they wouldn’t have to create a replacement race for anyone.

No way we’re giving up on Blood Elves, they’re Horde to the core now

What Blizzard should have done is create a pan-“High Elf” playable slot whose customization options would have clearly allowed players to choose between Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei. Then this distinction would have been endorsed by the lore and dialogues (have the NPCs refer to you as a Ren’dorei when you picked the Ren’dorei customs, same with Quel’dorei). If the technology permits it, also allow the player to choose between 2 starting zones (respectively Daralan and Telogrus Rift I guess). And EVERYONE would be happy.

More generally Blizzard must understand that they need to implement an ‘Origin’ option just like in LOTRO. Let the player choose between all the subraces/subfactions associated with each playable race. As long as hailing from these subraces/subfactions is consistent with the lore ofc, that is to say as long as these are part of the Horde/Alliance (so a Troll’s ‘Origin’ would be either Darkspear, Revantusk or Shatterspear ; a Human’s ‘Origin’ would be either Stormwind or Stromgarde, etc)

They kind of got it right with the Orc Heritage questline letting you pick a clan. Now they must go further in that direction, implement that option into the actual character creation screen, and expand it to all other races


It depends on who loses out the most if the AR’s merge with the core races. Getting to the nitty gritty of that might be better on another topic though. But I do want to discuss those ideas.

Basically, they would to figure out what race feels the most unique enough to make it a seperate race vs not.