What exactly are void elves doing?

Near immortal can mean you can´t die of old age…but if you are wounded and bleed out, you die anyway, its not a message about how old you can be.

bad hair days driving you literally insane
#just voidy things

And as we’ve seen from the toxic ‘High Elf’ community - That’s not enough.
They should probably play as goblins, given their greed for wanting and demanding more & more, despite being thrown an unnecessary bone.

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The books actually have some Night Elves feeling the impending winter of age.


You’re headcanoning so hard that you’ve utterly ignored things your favorite character has said, such as “Perhaps it is time that we rejoin the cycle.”

Nelves were never naturally immortal.

Only the Aspect blessing conferred that, and Tyrande confirms it was utterly unnatural to them.

Edit: Nevermind that there’s literally no difference in your given example and the aspect’s conferred immortality. In both your incorrect example and the aspect’s gift, nelves can only die by being killed.


I think we are going to find out in the next expansion tbh. They have been heavily baiting the infinite dragon flight which I think will be the conflict of the final patch. They keep mentioning it and norzdormu once again acknowledged his death and I think hinted that chromie would replace him as aspect of the dragonflight. Why her? I guess because fans are familiar with her.

Void elves though appear to have been studying the void since they left azeroth and got stuck there. When a void centric expansion comes I’m sure we will see a resurgence of importance of them.

But they haven’t been entirely discarded. Umbral/umbridge the dude that’s essentially their racial leader, has been present in a lot of conflicts since his emergence in BfA. And I noticed in DF they have done a good job of making sure alliance races are getting representations as villains and side characters and stuff. Blizzard had a tendency for a long time to make everything human, goblin, or orc, like literally all the time in generic content. I think it’s good that they are continuing these stories instead of just adding them to the factions and totally abandoning them. And we are still getting advancements in the stories with the additions of the quest lines for heritage armor.


I would love to see them have New Buildings, A Zone of their own that is huge, Capital, and etc. It feels like the Void Elves haven’t done much or just aren’t shown alot really.


I can’t help but think not dying of old age was bestowed upon them through their evolution to night elves, from trolls, surrounding the well of eternity. And even then I don’t think trolls or their descendants die of old age. In fact just gooling it confirms there are no records of trolls ever dying from old age and I assume this is a property of their regenerative powers and elves descend from them. While elves do not seem to retain this ability inherently I don’t recall them ever dying of old age. Even when they are in withdrawal from their mana addiction thy don’t seem to die they just go crazy and feral like we see in suramar


It’s not us that is being toxic. There’s that Void Elf Hunter who looks like a High Elf that is giving everyone a bad name.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

I mean … Whilst there is truth in what you say, there are a few others I’ve encountered.
Many more who are in denial to why Blood Elves are actually called ‘Blood Elves’ and ignorant to the true lore of that title.

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The lore has it very different. The dragonflights granted the Night Elves immortality to watch over the Second Well of Eternity… to seal that pact the First World Tree, Nordrassil was created.

To defeat Archimonde Malfurion had the wisps detonate themselves and the tree, the release of energy obliterating the archdemon and cost the Night Elves their immortality and the bulk of their power. at that point the aging clock… stopped for 13 thousand plus years started moving again.

That is right, but we have only ONE night elf so far dying of old age confirmed.

That would be great, but probably not very likely. I’d be already happy if we’d see a bit more acknowledgement in game dialogue. With Shadowfire playing a big role, there would be a lot of good opportunities. Of course WoW generally doesn’t do such things well beyond certain zones, so I’m also not expecting anything much on this front.

We might see something like the blood elf flavoured tents in Dragon Isles for void elves during a void-themed expansion. That’s probably the most we can hope for the void elves. Also not easy, night elves probably should get some positive attention at some point, a lot of the old continents could use an update and so on.


I wonder who you’re referring to?

I like how Void Elves are the only race/allied race that you’re not allowed to request more customization options for without being called “Greedy.”


I know but it doesn’t seem like we have any record of trolls or their descendents dying of old age. Maybe it is possible nelves born now do not inherit this ability but ones like malfurion and tyrande are empowered with nature magic by this point rather than arcane, and iirc in addition to the blessing of the aspects, the hyjul tree sat above an improvised well of eternity made from the vials that illidan kept from the original well.

We need more clarification but I am assuming 10k year old druids aren’t just gonna drop dead. Worgan are a result of druidic magic and genn doesn’t appear to be aging from what I can tell. So I’m thinking the older ones are not suffering and the problem will be inherited to the new born


When you live a violent lifestyle, dying of old age is a luxury that few have.

Well, I feel like it’s implied that some are able to regrow entire limbs or organs like star fish. I just feel like this would greatly reduce the impact of aging. While aging is not totally understood we do know that it shows because of slow then gradual reduction of the cells abilities to repair themselves and generate new healthy cells. Trolls sort of would not have that happening, because of their giga regeneration or it would be remarkably impaired. Rastakhan himself is 200 years old and doesn’t seem to be falling over and is quite capable of scheming and playing politics within the zandalari empire, for example.

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Time isn’t catching up to them… the clock has simply been resumed. Malfurion was young when his aging was suspended he’s now just a bit older. Greymane is still old enough to be… grey. He’s one of those spry oldsters and the worgen transformation may have buffed him physically.

You know the guy that did two threads about talking about how High Elves should be playable and void elves shouldn’t get a update as well saying High Elves are Better than all races.