What exactly are void elves doing?

The Well of Eternity gave the Night Elves immortality, something Trolls do not have. The Night Elves were never concerned with losing the ability to regenerate parts. The Night Elves don’t even have historical records that go back far enough to even remember that the first Night Elves lost that ability.

Not being able to Shadowmeld does suck, though, yes.


No, that is not where they got immortality. They gotten it from nardrassil along with it being blessed by nordozmu, and lost it when the tree was drained by archimonde.

The ones we see are not concerned due to not knowing their troll ancestry.

Do humans have records on their primardial history?

night elves going from dark trolls to night elves to eventually gaining enough knowledge to create a civilization is something no covered in WoW, and is the same as humans going from cave men to medevil ages.

I think it sucks if they learned their troll ancestry and not being able to regenerate their burnt off limbs from a certain tree burning.


No one’s left that has any sort of legit claim through succession to the throne of Quel’thalas. The only way there can be a new Sun King/Queen now is if someone steps up and claims they want the throne and actually has the support to take it. Lor’themar already said he doesn’t want it and that no one will take it if he has anything to say about it, if I remember right.

That doesn’t mean he can keep certain individuals from announcing their intention of taking it and drumming up the support to do so. That might be Alleria, or maybe even Umbric? Or even someone else among the blood elves?

Who knows? All I see is the potential plot for the next season of World of Elfcraft.

The whole “siphon from creatures” topic seems a bit moot, as we still don’t know if the void elves are even doing that.

The original ones weren’t, they aren’t shown in game doing it, and we have no idea how the process of becoming a void elf looks like.


Well I mean mine just helped kill Razageth. She’s not really sure what she’s doing here though. The whispers are extra cryptic. There’s something they don’t want any of us to know yet. But I’m almost certain I know tue void’s little not so little secret.

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I think in my case it was that damn blue cheese, have been hearing strange voices ever since I had one of those.

Earnestly though, in a way, that’s the good thing about not really knowing much about the void elves, you have a lot of freedom. I still hope they come back to them at some point and provide a bit more info on what they have been up to.

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Given that you now have High Elf customisations for both Blood and Void Elves, that’s in the “Go To Turtle Wow” category.

They were immortal before the three thanks to the original woe, nordrassil restored that.

I hate to say it but it feels like we’re never going to see anything from Void Elves. They’ve fumbled them since they were introduced.

A race with essentially no backstory that was introduced as the High Elf compromise. Only to be introduced from some rogue group of Blood Elves no one knew about rather than Alliance High Elves.

I feel like they would have had a lot more story potential and a better background if they had been High Elves who were with Turalyon and Alleria this whole time. Following Alleria as she delved into the Void.

Void Elves were created via twisting the lore into a pretzel of contrivances and coincidences because mentioning High Elves reduced Ion to panicked screaming. And Allied Races in general were more than likely a last minute decision because they didn’t have an expansion hook for BfA, and were cobbled together via cannibalized assets already made for the planned customization overhaul.

Basically we’re not going to see much of anything done with the Allied Races in terms of any advancement of story, and no more Allied Races either. At least nothing beyond some cursory mentions.


As it should be.

Is there a particular reason you think Allied Races shouldn’t have more exposition? I’m not clamoring for more AR content myself, just curious.

Source needed. Never seen any indication the well gave thrm immortality.

Wasn’t their immortality due to Nozdormus’ blessing upon Nordassil? Otherwise, I think they were just really long lived.

The only race that seems to be biologically immortal are the Draenei. We have no records of any dying of old age. That I know of anyway


Nope there wouldn’t be. Draenei and Forsaken are the only biological races that we can play that are functionally immortal in the sense that they cannot die of old age. They just keep on going assuming they aren’t killed or get some unique disease that ends them. Think of Blight or some other type of contagion. The 2 races are immortal for different reasons.

One is hyper evolved and somehow due to their mastery of the arcane reached effective immortality even before their migration from Argus. Eredar are functionally immortal due to their unique biology.

Forsaken because they’re undead and necromancy keeps them “alive” assuming they don’t rot away and wear out their bodies from working, and daily usage.

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Chronicle 1 states similar things, they were transformed in litteraly immortal beings thanks the the original well.

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While I generally agree that the background story is a bit hilarious for an allied a race (especially because population numbers were mentioned as a factor in the past by the devs), they did leave the door open for High Elves following Alleria to also become VE. All, let’s say open minded BE/HE seem to be welcome. The devs just forgot to let us know how the whole process works in case you don’t oopsie doopsie yourself into it, or ran out of your supply of darkened naaru.

Exactly. They could just apply titling semantics on depending what customisation is selected. It’s a small addition to what’s already there but hopefully it’d end the damn ‘High Elf’ threads and forum invasions.

So many times have I seen someone asks something lore related about some other subject or different race and you see some shmuck derailing it, saying it’s ridiculous cause Alliance don’t have High Elves etc.

The Alliance does have High Elves, just not as a player race. You do have customisations which give you the look and the language and if you work at it, plausible mounts as well.

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No, it doesn’t.
It states that they’re near-immortal.
Night Elves die of old age naturally, they just live incredibly long lives.
Comparing a human to a fly, we are near-immortal too.
Flies live what, a week?