What exactly are void elves doing?

Including eating an entire Dark Naaru. She’s essentially Void Elf Supreme

Free Unicorns For All! And Brush Your Teeth!

All she needs is a boot on her head.

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She will invade Silvermoon eventually. Until that happens we need to bring Sylvanas and Kael’thas back to Azeroth so she can’t claim the throne of Quel’thalas.

Thalyssra and her new husband are already on track to claim it buddo.

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Not anymore then any other race. Specifically humans, whom when they taught arcane magic to, surpassed them on their magic usage.

Human potential meme didn’t come from no where.

This includes high elves and general dalaran except a fritze few in dalaran.

Your not changing my mind on that subject.

They don’t think siphoning magic from any life or forms of sentient is right, period.

So sucking magic from one magic life form is wrong while still then the other magic life form is right? I think you need to read what your typing because that don’t make sense.

They are not. Bob has no legitemacy and Thalyssra is not the Grand Magistrix. They have no authority on anything.

I think you meant they [void creatures] have consciousness.

I don’t think there’s been any High Elves discussing the classification of other planar beings, let alone their being a consensus on the topic.

Edit: Just saw this:

Doesn’t have to be. If they beleive it is wrong to drain magical animals that was created by arcane magic, then the same would be applied to other planer creatures. Magic is magic.

I did how ever noted that elves that is neutral and did not have to make said choice might end up being on with it (neutral dalaran elves whom proprobly don’t care much for dalaran laws mostly)

Also yes it was a phone auto correct.

While Mana Wyrms were likely created by magic they are still classified as beasts, that is, animals, not elementals. They are not a one-to-one comparison to other planar beings.

So it is not ok to cause pain to obe, but ok to cause pain to another.

Doesn’t matter. If you cause pain to one but not the other, it is called being a hypercrit. Which I doubt the ones that rejected the draining teaching would be.

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By your logic the High Elves have always been hypocrites, given they never stopped eating meat. So many of them are literally hunters.

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Honestly, I think they are. But it’s not something the game’s ever thought to bring up before.


The whole “stayed High Elves because they didn’t want to siphon from living creatures” was super flimsy writing, and Burning Crusade was notorious for its rather lack of thought into its writing.


I think a more-than-fair argument could be made if there was some reason why you can’t drain from dead creatures, making it a question of sustaining yourself through an animal’s suffering (since the mana wyrm in the cutscene was clearly in pain), but I think it gets muddied when you consider that high elves were able to sustain themselves off of magic artifacts in Dalaran.

If anything, I think a better potential story beat could’ve been sought through how most of those high elves that took a stance against draining had the moral luck of being able to feed off of other people’s resources. But it feels like the game implicitly (or maybe intentionally) wanted the high elves cast as “the good ones” since part of the point of the blood elves reaching a low point was them having to resort to the horde in the first place.


I think the simplest solution would be to have the High Elves insist on detoxing from the mana addiction, which would have been too difficult for the entire population of Quel’Thalas to undertake, especially when there was so much work that needed to be done to recover that they were still trying to figure out how to do without the Sunwell doing the (often times literal) heavy lifting for them that allowed them to build Silvermoon in the first place.


They have different consequences as both Alleria and her merry band have found out.

So far no negative consequences are shown regarding dipping into the void. Unlike blood elves where it immediatly backfired when using the fel.

There is.

They mutate, even alleria spills purple blood when hurt.

Yeah. You cannot give a being a clean painless death if you needs it’s magical essence for sustainence. Even when mana tapping mages they ended up in pain too.

When alleria ate the naaru, it was also still alive. Unfortunately we do not know if it suffered from it due to naaru’s unability to physically express even in cut scenes.

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High Elves were already mutated Night Elves, who themselves were mutated Dark Trolls, neither of which are considered consequences.

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They should just splinter the character creation of Void Elves as ‘Quel’Thalassian Elves’ and have a category of Void Elf or High Elf, along with different racials and allow the ‘High Elf’ category to be Paladins, but not warlocks unlike the void elves.

I’m sick of the High Elf argument. I’m sick of Void elf ‘Lore’ (Literally just $#!%$ on Belf lore) – Having the High Elf race, with the void elves as a backbone to support (Keep in mind, despite Void Elves being former Blood Elves, their racial leaders are sisters) could be good for future story-telling.

As for the ‘Faction Equality’ with this development, do the same ordeal with Trolls – Allowing them other Troll tribe customisations and throw in the lore that some under the wing of the Zandalari pledged loyalty along side them, whereas others did not (Allowing us to still have enemies of those tribes, but also allies).

  • High Elves splintered with Void Elves.
  • Forest Trolls and Drakkari etc splintered with Darkspear Trolls.

After that, both of their story developments could advance spectacularly with the unifications and their path forward.

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So tell me, can night elves still regenerate limbs that was cut off or heal wounds fast like trolls or is trolls blessed by elyne to be able to shadowmeld? Blood elves also can no longer shadowmeld as well…

There is consequences my man.