What exactly are void elves doing?

That is easy. They took the edgy magic plot from the blood elves and claimed it for themselves. While blood elves are now regular tolkien elves the ren’dorei have the power of the cosmos at their desposal.


Or we can assume void elf darkfallen are void elf darkfallen made of the inexplicable wealth of manpower that “race” fielded during Sylvanas’s war. I’d argue that tracks more logically than the Forsaken’s evil elite swapping factions for no reason right after returning to power.

Either way, unlike the Horde’s risen high elves and the Alliance’s returning kaldorei, Velonara forgot to give them a backstory, so I guess headcanon takes it in this instance.

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That makes as much sense as anything. For me, the Alliance Thalassian Darkfallen are basically an unknown factor. Backstory could be Alleria’s rangers returning to their originally favored leader or some Void Elves that were raised into undeath, and now are returning back to the Alliance. That would make them High Elves who became Blood Elves who became Void Elves who then became Darkfallen.

So basically, these Darkfallen if they were Void Elves before undeath, Alliance who went Horde, who went Alliance who in death became Horde and now are back to the Alliance again… I mean that’s quite the last 20 years.

I looked something up, and found that Alleria is considered a Void Elf now, rather than a High Elf, noted in Shadows Rising:

    “Alleria. You were our greatest hope.”
    Shaw joined them silently, his gaze trained on the void elf.

Alleria did not undergo the process Umbric and his followers did, but her improved void powers came from eating void essences, something that could be repeated by others, though probably from other void beings than darkened Naaru.


It would be nice if Alleria and Umbric were plotting to take Quel’thalas away from the blood elves and put the Alliance standards there, either by force of arms or some other subversive methods.
I’d also like to think Turalyon was forming plans to retake Lordaeron and its surrounding regions for the Alliance as well. The two arcs would mesh together pretty well.

But these require the Alliance to take up the role as the aggressive faction in a new war.

It’s pretty clear that Blizzard will never do that in a million years.

Stop being horny on main.

No can do compadre, by my very nature I am by default horny… points up at the very pointy horns


It’s too bad there’s no mention of Milan and Talthressar.

Milan - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (fandom.com)
Talthressar - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (fandom.com)

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Finally, some one says this!

Those guys are more likely to seek out other magics then what is considered in the entire of azeroth as one of the most curruptive magic around!

Same logic woulda applied to nightbornes ya know…

This is the problem. Why would the same ppl that did not want to eat the mana essences of living beings, be ok with all the sudden doing the same to void beings?

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The nightborne are horde allied and queen Thalysrra may not have granted permission to raise them. Hostile alliance forces are under no such agreement.
But yes I agree they were left out as well as the forsaken from getting more dead things playable

Void Elves still exist?

Maybe they don’t consider void creatures to be living beings.

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Yea High Elves on the Alliance. They just hadn’t had their time to shine of their Void Elven Potential sadly.

They have a consensus, we can “kill them”, so in a sense we can assume they will consider them alive.

If you go with the enemy logic, they also refuse to do that to undead also. And they don’t need to, they draw mana from inamate objects.

You know she was raising blood elves for awhile too until lor’themar found out right?

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She already had dead blood elves though. Easier to pretend like nothing is out of the norm versus hiding this oddly new variant of undead nightborne.
All head cannon filling the gaps obviously.

I don’t believe that we can confirm that this is their (Elvenkind’s) consensus, or whether we can in fact ‘kill’ void creatures – upon being physically destroyed, they may well simply re-form in the void only to then return.

The old gods are hinted to function in such a manner.

Stands to reason that absorption of a void creature’s very essence may be one of the very few sure ways to get rid of them. And what species is known to go about absorbing energies in such a way? Elves of course.

Locus walker has even made note of this.


Blood elves i beleive. High elves i have doubts with, only because they don’t absorb consience/sentient beings. (Also my phone auto currected consience into consensus for some reason.)

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I mean to say that of all races, Elves (as a species, regardless of moral codes that different parties have) have both the capability to interact with the Void in such a unique way, and the knowledge of absorbing all kinds of magicks – that I imagine they’ll be playing a pretty vital part in upcoming Void shenanigans.

The moment the writers remember that Alleria exists of course.


Magic absorbtion is not a uniquely elf knowledge (although it used to be a blood elf theme) other magic practitioners knows of magic absorption but bans it’s use mostly because of fear of curruption or other negative effects they have.

Again, i will stat, i beleive blood elves would be more willing to become a void elf (espaicially ones that desents being allies of the horde) but i do not think most high elves would do this, with maybe the exception of dalaran ones that did not choose a side.

I’ll say it even plainer this time: There are indications that Elves are uniquely genetically equipped to combat the threats of the Void – or any form of magic for that matter.

The fact that some view siphoning/absorbing magical energies as taboo means nothing to the case.

I’m taking about this idea that “Void creatures are alive I guess and we don’t siphon mana off of animals anymore because that’s wrong so we won’t do it to void creatures”.

There’s a stark difference between sucking the energy out of magical wildlife and absorbing the energies of a void entity when for all we know, the absorbing of void entities may be a key aspect of fighting off the greatest cosmic threat known. And I’d say doing that in pursuit of knowledge and to protect Azeroth is pretty noble.

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