What exactly are void elves doing?

In Veldrakken we see Void Elf Darkfallen so obviously they are recruiting. If NPCs are showing the new skin tones and Void Elf look beyond the original group from Umbric we can discern that these are indeed new recruits, otherwise we would have to justify Darkfallen Void Elves as being somehow part of the original group that were changed along with Umbric. That doesn’t make sense. Same with the High Elf look Void Elves we see walking around.


And that is a huge missed opportunity, Void Elves could have taken Nether Tempest and rebuild it, with a well balance and “friendlier” void hub there.

In attempts to “heal” outland, as of today, like the Cennarion Circle.

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I would argue that politically they are ren’dorei because they choose to identify as such. They also mastered the void in a safer and more contained way than the ones transformed by the Durzaan. That’s why they look like High Elves/Darkfallen.


Could some of the darkfallen be the former followers of Dar’khan?


Farfetched, but I can see that being a thing. Third War killed 90% of all Thalassians in Quel’thelas. If we imagine the followers of Dar’khan being killed just the same as all the others. Then some could have been raised as Darkfallen and later joined the ren’dorei since they are continuing the work of their former master.


Nor is there a canon reason they would have darkfallen skins at all. Have the fill the mile wide gaps somehow. Either they’re high elves with void elf racials or they’re void elves who were raised or even weirder blood elves who were raised and somehow got subjected to the void ritual and it somehow had no effect on the undead part and now they’re both.

The best guess I could give for Undead Void Elves is that they’re High Elves that were forsakened, and were adopted by the Alliance.
It’s not the best fit, but it’s something.

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So far they are just sitting on the floating rock but studying the void with lack of buildings, capital, and etc. I would love it if the Void Elves finally get a Landmass in Azeroth where they could atleast have a Sanctuary that isn’t on a rock.

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Man, they really need to smack a few NPCs in to explain what’s going on with this race.
Almost everything is headcanon. The race has barely done anything outside raise a dinosaur with void necromancy, and yeet people into void rifts during BFA.
Like, if there’s any allied race that needs a bonus quest chain like the Dark Irons did, it’s Void Elves. Too many questions, too much toxic speculation, and there’s some major plot strings that deserve to be addressed.

Also, just throwing gasoline on the Darkfallen thing, but Vorath was using void magic during his fight in the 9.2.5 quest chain.
I’ve always seen the Darkfallen Ren’dorei as being a mix of defecting Forsaken / San’layn with the rare actual raised Void Elf. Sometimes, you want to be with your own people, rather than with a humans, especially if that group of your own people lets you study messed up magic - while the main group outright bans it.




Headcannoon is all you have. Blizzard isn’t giving any more details other than what’s been presented.

Could have got broken.

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I can buy that certain blood elves simply never vibed with the Horde and/or feel stifled by Silvermoon’s void ban - either might feel inspired by Alleria’s return to the Alliance as a void elf - but Forsaken elves flipping on a dime after two dark decades in the Banshee Queen’s service is baffling. The Alliance would be as stupid to accept them as they would be to defect.


This is the only answer I will accept and it is now canon.



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This right here is a very important piece of the equation that is never ever addressed.

Even if the silvermoon darkfallen would defect(highly unlikely) why would Turalyon allow Sylvanas’ inner circle into the alliance?


Since it’s not a result that she intended, that she was manipulated into it by an entity less than benevolent, and given that it has turned her into a danger to those around her, I’m not sure w hy anyone would be “inspired” by it.

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This is probably true. The high elf looking void elves are probably closer to Alleria than the first generation batch as far as powers and “voidification” go.

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While not exactly lining up, having some blood and high elves being interested in the Void and Void Elves isn’t too far fetched.

Looking for new magical sources as salvation seems to be in the DNA of descendants of the Highborne. Why would they have looked to establish another magic well after the first Legion invasion (there was a perfectly fine alternative)? The Kael’thas story, Nightborne story, Umbric and his followers and so on.

For Blood Elves it’s easy to imagine that there are some who would want to join Umbric. Either for personal power (someone rejected by the Magisters for example), pure magical knowledge, or sharing Umbric visions or angst about the Sunwell.

For High Elves, some of the same reasons can apply. Just because they as a group decided not to go down the path of the Blood Elves (or didn’t want to join the Horde), doesn’t mean that there aren’t also individuals which change have changed their mind or have personal reasons to join the Void Elves similar to Blood Elves (personal power, thirst for magical knowledge, some might be tired of abstinence). Some might just start with an interest of what’s going on there, and then are slowly drawn into it. There are also High Elves from the Allerian Stronghold for example which might want to join their former leader. Other High Elves might also be persuaded by the example of Alleria and other Void Elves. High Elves after all have had exposure to Void Elves, some study magic together, some fought together with them.

At this point probably mourning the loss of any decent social life.

I wouldn’t accept the notion that Darkfallen should immediately be denied entry since Turalyon does know of the Lich King was Bolvar Fordragon and he personally raised Void Elf Death Knights. This would merely be accepting all Darkfallen be they Night Elven or otherwise.

Ever since Alonsus Faol revealed himself to Turalyon the attitude shifted among him and the Alliance leaders like Genn Greymane. Especially if Alleria Windrunner vouches for them.

We can assume Void Elven Darkfallen are former Dark Rangers who the Alliance has embraced because before they served the Alleria Windrunner prior to their first deaths during the Scourging of Quel’thelas. The Alliance has no reason to hold their past against them as Sylvanas held an autocratic control over her Forsaken and many were compelled to obey her whims under penalty of a brutal second death. Obedience became the norm, and the Alliance recognizes that, and if Alleria Windrunner says, “Before they served Sylvanas, they served me, and in their undeath serve me again…Husband (Turalyon) let them in. I will vouch for them.”

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