What Else is being Cut from Wrath?

This is what happens when you bang too many pots and pans demanding changes to the game. You made your bed, now lay in it.


Blizzard has made clear they are using #somechanges to fix perceived errors in past expansions.

We’ve known this for over a year.

Not sure why you’re surprised.

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I do when I am pugging, but in M+ like proper raiding I only play with the guild because I want geared quality players to play with.

Preach lol.

So you’ve got no horse in the race but want to comment.

Honestly remove level 70 boost and add in 40$ 1 time rdf access and tell me the public doesn’t want rdf after that…

M+ is not puggable, how is this even a consideration?

There is no LFD auto Q port to dungeon for M+ content.

This discussion is about random pug dungeons, sooooo yeah… Look at the discussion that was being had there, it was not about Wrath.

LFD coupled with servers being coupled together DID actually break down the sense of community in WoW.

Unless they are planning to contain LFD to ONLY the server you are playing on (the original LFD allowed you to play with people on other servers), it’s a bad idea.

It has nothing to do with this:

That’s not even an issue.

Why would they even do that though?

Part of the fun of starting a DK in Wrath was the starting zone quests. And considering the general consensus of Classic players is “It’s about the story”, then why would they allow you to skip that?

Boosts in general in Classic just seem counterintuitive, to be honest, but for DKs in the expansion where they started seems WAY out of line. That’s on par with allowing Blood Elves and Draenei boost in TBC.

I think people should have to fly to ashenvale to queue for warsong gulch. No queueing for battlegrounds it destroys me immersion

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Funny, people pug their way to KSM and beyond all the time.

/sigh… you’re conflating 2 different things.

You said m+ isn’t toxic, but you don’t participate in M+ with anyone but your own people, so how would you know?


This is me. I want to invest least amount of effort and time into getting some placeholder PVP gear.

I was on a tiny server. I knew my community, and I also knew that I couldn’t group with them often unless my 5mans were 80% guildies. Which is why once my guildies and I got our meta achievement for the 5mans, we didn’t touch them again until LFD came out.

It is literally one of the things Birmingham cites in his interview as to why LFD is a problem. Tell that to him, not me.

Oh fun, I see this is my fault the Devs are acting like the trolls on these boards? Whatever.

You guys can get your wish, I’ll just be done with the game.

Because its not the dungeon style that’s toxic… ITS THE PEOPLE.

You are aware that a feature (dungeon style) cannot be “toxic” right? Toxicity is brought by the people using it.

Yes like someone who won’t play with another they deem bad… I would use that as an opportunity to help… Different strokes, different folks…

that’s literally what I just said.

Ok, you called teleporting to dungeons toxic, it literally cannot be lol.

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You think that out of all of this, legitimately, that Blizzard are the trolls?

You really haven’t looked yourself in the mirror much…have you?

Like you honestly believe Blizzard is just trying to troll you, and not that this isn’t their legitimate opinion on certain undeniably controversial features??