What does your ideal map look like?

I really liked your topic, you put a lot of effort into it. But I would say he’s a bit horde centric. And I would make another observation, you were under-ambitious about certain structural changes in Azeroth’s geopolitics.

My idea for a new balance of power in Azeroth would follow the premise that such changes would be post-Shadowlands and that our period outside of Azeroth actually led to a passage of a few years as time flows differently in Shadowlands.

In the meantime Yrel’s army of light finally reaches Azeroth through the dark portal. This ends up having a profound impact on Azeroth, accelerating changes in the geopolitical tectonic plates of the world.

In my ideal representation of Yrel she would be something of an anti-Christ, pushing the Alliance into a period of reconstruction, which would serve to cement her reputation as a benevolent agent or even a Messiah, supported by Turalyon’s good graces.

Even before Yrel’s arrival, the Scarlet brotherhood lobby would have been a major presence in Stormwind politics. And it would gain even more traction with the fact that Yrel would announce that his lightforged along with the Naarus possess the technology to eradicate the remnants of the plague from Lordaeron and Gilneas.

The first step towards hostilities would therefore be from the Alliance, once the heir to the Menethil throne would be revealed (and to me it would be more interesting if she were a female heir). And she proceeded to demand that Turalyon as her vassal reclaim her lands.

This course of events would be interesting for two reasons, it would deal with two loose ends of history the scourge that no longer has the restraints of a helm of domination and the fact that the undeads are now a nihilistic race on its way to extinction. When the Alliance moved its resources to reclaim the lost kingdoms, notably Lordaeron, the Horde weakened by recent events would view this juncture in an ambivalent way. While some races see this as an open declaration of war, others would see this as a minor fact due to the treachery of the vast majority of forsakens during Sylvanas’ rule.

For me the fate of forsakens must always follow two premises, their link with Lordaeron and especially the link with the fate of Arthas and his legacy. So since the Horde would do little to help them, they would eventually flee to Northrend. And in this new scenario they would use all the knowledge learned from their apothecaries, to take control of the remnants of the scourge. Culminating with them having access to new valkyrs and claiming ICC as their new capital. It’s obvious that in the course of events I’ve drawn, the forsaken’s situation will be temporary, and they’ll vow to reclaim their former realm of Lordaeron in every way possible. This would set the precedent for a new lore of invasion of Lordaeron by a new “scourge” as in warcraft 3.

In this new scenario, forsakens would again be a power house, and two fundamental aspects of the race would be respected, first that its fate was always tragic and, furthermore, this would serve to give the race a kind of redemption, since finally the forsakens were who they would manage to put an end to the scourge once and for all. This would in a way be the end of Arthas’ influence over them, as the subjects became the lords of their king’s armies. Not to mention that forsakens have always had a trajectory independent of the Horde. And that his lore has always followed a logic of its own.

In Kalimdor we would have a much more volatile scenario. With the arrival of Yrel the mag’hars became extremely warmongering. And dreams of rebuilding an Iron Horde like war machine would be an obsession for the race, as the mag’hars were defeated by the lightbounds as the mag’hars lost virtually all their military might with the fall of Iron Horde.

In that sense they would see Azuremyst Isle as a legitimate target postforsaken fall in Eastern Kingdoms. And they would attack the island in full force. In this new scenario, I would consider that there would be a very strong bond between Talanji and Geya’rah with the two increasingly converging on the council on what to do with Yrel, and taking into account that the mag’har have warned the Horde of what they are and only Talanji took Geya’rah seriously. The blood elves and the nightborne by extension, will see Yrel in a friendly way much influenced by Liadrin’s experience with the draenei of Draenor.

With the imminent prospect of an invasion of Azuremyst Isle by the mag’har and zandalari, Velen and the draenei are rescued by Vindicaar and Yrel and Turalyon take the draenei to Eastern Kingdoms. As a symbol of good faith the new queen of Lordaeron donates the lands of Eastern Plaguelands to the draenei. And a new capital following the lines of Shattrath is rebuilt in Stratholme.

Malfurion has transformed into an entirely different character after Tyrande’s disappearance. He like everyone else is convinced that she is dead just like the other heroes who went to this realm.

In this new scenario Malfurion with the assistance of Shandris and Maiev his lieutenants became extremely aggressive. And the kaldorei have deep distrust of the Alliance, mostly because they resent the fact that past events and little Alliance assistance led to Tyrande’s death. This is one of the reasons the kaldorei did nothing to help the draenei when their island fell.

The kaldoreis now control the maps of Hyjal, Felwood and Dark Shore and still have great influence on Feralas. But they lost control of Ashenvale. The botani, who have been creating trouble for the Horde since their arrival in Azeroth, end up encountering Malfurion as they try to expand their evergrowth to Hyjal. They are amazed by the druid’s great power, and come to worship him as a god and submit to him completely.

The kaldorei following Malfurion’s orders turn their eyes to Broken Isles as well. The maps of Val’sharah and Azsuna are repopulated by kaldoreis, the world tree in Val’sharah is rebuilt by Malfurion, and following Malfurion’s orders Maiev helps rebuild kaldorei influence in Azsuna using the influence of Prince Farondis. The academy of Narthalas is rebuilt and the kaldoreis once again claim their connection to the arcane.

This scenario culminates in mounting hostilities with the nightbornes who intended to claim Azsuna as part of their legacy. And that can contribute to building a lore of elven wars that take place on these islands. With the direct involvement of at least 3 elven races. Since blood elfs and nightbornes are now part of the grand elven kingdom as Lor’themar and Thalysra are the respective Sun King and Grand Magistrix and are married.

The Horde will fear Malfurion, and will at all costs avoid an open confrontation with the great druid, so hostilities between the Horde and the kaldorei come to an end. The Horde accepts that kaldorei pilgrims go to the temples of Elune in Ashenvale, and let them not be disturbed in any way. The Horde will preserve these temples and they will be guarded by Horde troops.

I would use the orc clans to mimic the rebuilt human kingdoms. Shadowmoons now live on Azuremyst Isle, as they have a strong interest in the draenei crystals left behind and the island resembles the ancient shadowmoon. Warsongs build a big city in Ashenvale. The blackrock clan rebuilds a new foundry in Desolace. The frostwolf clan expelled from Ek takes up residence in Winterspring. The thunderlord clan lives in Barrens as gronns have come to roam these lands. The bleeding hollow clan comes to live in Feralas as it resembles Tanaan. And the shattered hand clan moves to thousand needles.

The Horde is once again experiencing an industrial revolution in Kalimdor, with railroads linking its large settlements. A strong trade between the races is established, we would see the influence of zandalari in Kalimdor as well, with Talanji taking over the role of overlord of all trolls.

Greymane will be somewhat ostracized in this new Alliance, and despite being the only one to suspect Yrel and Turalyon’s intentions will be silenced as the worgen will admire the high exarch for having reclaimed their lands. Velen will also be silenced in this context.

In this scenario I created to explain the map changes I tried to build justifications in lore. But the ultimate goal would be how to build an anti-Christ figure like Yrel. Yrel’s actions will be justified, as the Horde will also move to take Alliance territories. In this sense Yrel will consolidate as someone who just showed the true intentions of the Horde, paving the way for the construction of his character as an eventual villain.

This would be my ideal scenario for an ambitious expansion that would revamp maps that I would find much more interesting. As I am tired of seeing maps destroyed I would much more like to see an extremely powerful Alliance and Horde again.

I actually like the map. Would go as far as to say almost all in it makes sense.

I, Cursewords, Warlock of the Black Harvest, Hand of A’dal… come with the good news!

As an act of good faith, the most ardent and earnest of the Forsaken Alchemists and Engineers have forged tools to aid you, Worgen.

These “flea collars” have been specifically and especially designed for Alliance Worgen. Our friends. Wear these Forsaken Collars… with the blessings of the Horde.

The Forsaken just can’t help but collar people


The Void Elves are the Alliance’s new “edgy” race. Are you enjoying them?

You are a bit extra.

I don’t know they haven’t really done much yet. They’ve pwned the Horde a bunch of times which makes them okay in my book though.


Horde gets Kalimdor, Alliance gets EK. Might as well at this point.


I guess, my vision of the map (game) would be to take a step back from the Horde and Alliance blanket factions, and once again zone into each individual race.

I feel like going back to that “every day problems” is so much more than “RED BAD” and it helps create more of an immersible story.

For me, the ideal map would be 5-10 years after the Shadowlands. We went into the time portal to chase Zovaal, we beat him, but it took 10 years for us to figure a way to get out. (For us it was a few months, w/e, but the rest of the world continued on.)

Azeroth has regrown, Undead and Demons are no longer the biggest threat, but some still remain, its more about the growth of LIFE and that somewhat not being kept in check. So much of the universe had been killed by Undeath and Demons, now its time to see what the world would be like once Life has become abundant.




  • The Druid Order Hall has expanded their reach into Moonglade and require assitance cleansing Felwood. Half the zone is starting to regrow and most demons have been taken care of, but some remain.


  • The Night Elves have reclaimed Ashenvale and Darkshore. They now patrol the area with great hostility to any and all who venture into the woods. With the expanded growth of the forest, a large tree spanning city is what the Night Elves now call home.


  • Neutral zone. Basic everyday problems.


  • Goblins have destroyed Azshara and poisoned the shores. Tar monsters, sea creatures, sludge and death fill the zone. The Night Elves attack from the West with the Naga from the East.


  • The destruction and smog from Azshara has caused an increase in the Elemental fighting. The Firelands burns bright once more, as they again begin their siege of Hyjal.


  • Without their Warchief, the orc clans have split once more, fighting for dominance. The Iron Clan have taken over RFD and RFK. The Frostwolves have moved into the Mountains between Barrens and Mulgore, while others have claimed the tropics to the south.

  • The Trolls have since moved back to Pandaria and Zuldazar.

Duskwallow Marsh:

  • The Humans and Kul 'Tiran have fortified their naval base along their shores, with goals of controlling all exports/imports across the Great Sea.

Stonetalon Mountains:

  • A majority of the Stonetalon Mountains have regrown, giving a new place for the Vulperan to call their home.


  • After the events of Shadowlands, losing both Cairne and Baine, the Tauren have seal themselves away from the world. Returning to their more peaceful life, they see no benefit in joining the horde while the Earth Mother dies…


  • Followers of Cho’gal had made it through the Dark Portal along with some Mag’thar. Their numbers have grown and they have joined forces with the Naga in attempts to summon in a familiar God…


  • The sword of Sargeras had lost it’s power, but the wound still persists. The titanic constructs research how to remove all corruption from the planet, with little to no regard for the other inhabitants.


  • Ahoy maties! It’s just pirates!


  • Kezan has been turned into a new Brawler’s Guild battleground. (PvP hub)

Azuremyst Isle:

  • After the portal to Argus closed, the Draenei pounder what is the next step in their journey, do they belong to this world or another?

Wrote out all the borders + comments on the Forsaken as I’m imagining their holdings given the impression they don’t have as much “land”

Pandaria should be self explanatory:

  • Hozen/Yaungol stuff = Horde
  • Jinyu stuff = Alliance
  • Rest is Neutral (under leadership of New Pandaren Empire + August Celestials) or Collaboration (Mantid)
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Don’t ruin your idea by giving the Forsaken so much, especially not for Kyalin’s sake, who only “likes” the Forsaken because they spit in humanity’s porridge.

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I’d like to see Alterac as its own independent nation. Frostwolves/Alterac humans/Ogres.


It is so satisfying to see you rage when the Forsaken are actually taking their lands back. Humans will never return to Lordaeron. Accept that and move on.


Aihn just wants his precious little humans to dominate anything and everything horde and will continue to be aggravated when everyone tells him that’s not going to happen. (Though is opposite is true too. Both factions arent going anywhere while WoW is still a thing)


Being vociferously anti-human of all things in World of Warcraft is so weird. It’s like people never stopped being teenage edgelords or something.

Although I suppose not a surprise now that we know just how much of WoW is the product of stunted manchildren at Blizz who thought that writing a giant holocaust zone was a funny joke because humans were its target.

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It’s just weird to me, of all the races, people pick stormwind humans to stan for, like they are the blandest of all the human cultures. At least the gilneans and kul Tirans have something unique going on


Well as a human paladin i couldnt agree more. I’ve did Gilneas quests several times, and honestly it makes me a little embarrassed to know that I play as a human when those 50+ quests are infinitely superior to all Stormwind’s lore.

Stormwind’s problem is the old story of you trying to be too many things at once. In the end you end up being none. And that’s the SW lore a lot of mimics of all the other kingdoms with a more defined identity, and in the end this parody of Lordaeron emerges mixed with elements of Dalaran and some elements of ancient Stromgarde.

All this because, in the end, Stormwind has always been with Alterac the least interesting kingdoms of humanity. And for me, it’s not about crying over having Lordaeron again, as I play as a human paladin. It’s more that I’m tired of seeing the lore of my favorite Alliance race being a poorly made copy of a kingdom that had fantastic lore.

And Stormwind is basically that.


Personally my ideal map would look a lot like the original TBC map, ofc with added additions and holdings from prior expansions.

Two major changes would be as followed:

  1. Advancement for the Horde territories, particularly Durotar. The desert setting of Durotar isn’t natural, and so it makes no sense for it to remain as such when the Horde has both Druids and Shamans that could go out and restore it. This, coupled with adding the holdings both factions canonically have with allied races would help address the zone disparity of the original map.

  2. Northrend colonies shown. Of all the expansions, Wrath is one of the only ones that showed concerted efforts at settlement from both factions. I think that would be a really interesting idea and would also help with zone disparity. Plus it’s a chance to see Orcs versus werewolves and who doesn’t want that??


Amusingly I used the same key almost two years ago:

In regards to your map, I would have the Court of Farondis join the Darnassian Night Elves rather than the Nightborne and have Azsuna associated with Val’sharah like you have the Moonguard.

Though that could be out of the camaraderie I feel with the Court after spending years trapped in Azsuna until I finally got the Cloudwing Hippogryph.

Joking aside, the Court is already associated with Darnassus through the Nar’thalas Mages.


The Horde presence in the Eastern Kingdoms got annihilated in the Fourth War but they somehow end up with 3 more zones under their control?

Damn, Anduin should just let the Horde win in the next war, it’ll somehow telephone its way into the Alliance getting Lordaeron and Quel’thalas back.