What does your ideal map look like?

Who gets what land and whatnot

Been using Azeroth Atlast for this end (support them! they sell maps!)

Image for use (I used 3D Paint and the spray can function, to make my life easier)

My personal map (yes it is messy I am aware thank you):


  • Jinyu go Alliance, so all Jinyu islands and villages are Alliance; Hozen and Yaungol go Horde, so Hozen and Yaungol villages go Horde; rest of Pandaria is Neutral
  • Alliance gets northern Kalimdor, the western passage of Stonetalon feeding into Desolace and Feralas, Horde gets the rest of Kalimdor because Farraki, Goblins, and Tol’vir go Horde, Trolls in Alliance territory relocated to Un’Goro
  • Horde keeps Tirisfal, Ghostlands (Amani join), Eversong, eastern Hinterlands (Troll cities join Horde), and all of southernmost EK (Badlands, Stranglethorn), Scholomance becomes the Overcity (Warlock Dalaran), the rest goes Alliance
  • In Northrend all Vrykul join the Alliance + Blue Dragons side with Alliance because Kalecgos ruling Dalaran + Frost Dwarves and Frost Giants join the Alliance, but Troll resettle Zul’Drak (relocating some Frost Trolls in Dwarf territory), and Taunka and Tuskar go Horde so their villages are Horde; Dragonblight and Ulduar proper are neutral
  • The islands I allocated depending on what they had, e.g. Molten Cay had Troll stuff, Verdant Wilds was Cenarius stuff, Skiterring Hollow was spiders (so Shadra I guess lol), Whispering Reed had Nelf stuff, Havenswood was a Gilneas settlement, etc

Areas of collaboration:

  • Ahn’qiraj in Kalimdor
  • Dark Portal in EK
  • Icecrown in Northrend
  • Dread Wastes in Pandaria
  • Tomb of Sargeras in Broken Isles


I’m dumb I forgot to add a key

  • Red = Horde
  • Blue = Alliance
  • Green = Neutral (Pandaren Empire, Dragonblight’s Wyrmrest Temple and the five Dragonshrines, and Ulduar)
  • Purple = Areas of Collaboration

edit 2:

Specific choke points that serve as borders:

  • Thalassian Pass = dividing Ghostlands and the Plaguelands; conflict between Belves/Amani/Forsaken vs Humans (particularly Silver Hand/Church forces)
  • The Bulwark = dividing Tirisfal Glades and the Plaguelands; conflict between Forsaken/Belves vs Humans (Silver Hand/Church forces)
  • Silverpine Forest’s Battlefront + Lordamere Lake (Fenris Keep in Horde control) = separates Horde (Silverpine/Tirisfal) from Alliance (Alterac/Hillsbrad)
  • Hri’watha and Skulk Rock (Skulk River?) in the Hinterlands = separates Alliance holdings (Aerie Peak & Quel’danil Lodge holding the northern pass, Seradane by the Nelves) from Horde holdings (retaken and fortified Shadra’alor, Jintha’alor, and Zul’alor aka Altar of Zul, Raventusk Village which serves as a major port)
  • Redridge Pass = since it’s the only northern entry point to the Swamp of Sorrows and generally inaccessible from the rest of Redridge, it serves as the division between Burning Steppes and Swamp of Sorrows; Alliance “watch towers” are the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge and Morgan’s Vigil in Burning Steppes, Horde’s watch point is Bogpaddle
  • Deadwind Pass = also an area of collaboration since it’s a hot mess, the Alliance end is watched by Darkshire and the Horde end by Splinterspear Junction
  • The bridge over the canyon dividing Duskwood from Stranglethorn = Alliance side watched over by a fortified Yorgen’s Farmstead with Night Elf assistance (Twilight Grove being there and all), Horde side by a fortified watch post in the current “Rebel Camp” (by Trolls and Goblins)
  • Southern/Middle Nazferiti River = unable to be sailed in the Stranglethorn portion due to beasts and Loa, so all good


  • Northern Southfury River = Natural border between Ashenvale and Azshara
  • Mor’shan Ramparts on the Gold Road & Nightsong Woods = Barrens from Ashenvale
  • Talondeep Pass = separating Horde’s portion of Stonetalon from Ashenvale
  • The line between Cliffwalker Post and Tal’darah Overlook southward (ie all through Battlescar Valley) = serves as the boundary between Alliance territory and Horde territory; Horde “watchposts” are Cliffwalker Post and Sun Rock Retreat, Alliance are Farwatcher’s Glen and Thal’darah Overlook
  • Stonetalon Pass = not really a point of access between Desolace and Mulgore, but Nelves still watch the point from Sargeron while Tauren fortify that path more in Mulgore and also Malaka’jin in Stonetalon
  • New Thalanar vs Westreach Summit = natural water barrier in northern Thousand Needles
  • Valor’s Rest = Silithus is an area of collaboration but Valor’s Rest serves as the border between Neutral and Horde territory of a now Troll-settled Un’Goro (relocated tribes from Alliance territory who didn’t want to go to Zul’Drak)

Broken Isles

  • Irongrove Retreat = Moonguard Stronghold and west is Alliance (Valsharah), Falanaar and east is Suramar, Irongrove is a midpoint
  • Tidal Marsh = south is Horde (Farondis goes with Thalyssra), north is Alliance (Cenarion Circle is Alliance, Gilnean village)
  • Isle of Watchers is Alliance obvious; Eye of Azshara is collaboration
  • Pass of An’she = divides Alliance Valsharah and Horde Highmountain
  • Stonehoof Watch = checkpoint for Horde Highmountain from Alliance Stormheim
  • Kingsfall Pass = divides Alliance Stormheim from Horde Suramar


  • Zul’Drak’s western wall with Crystalsong Forest = divides Horde from the Area of Collaboration (Crystalsong + Icecrown)
  • Jintha’kalar Passage = dividing Horde from the Neutral Dragonblight
  • Black River = separates Horde Grizzly Hills (column from Drak’Tharon Keep to Venture Bay) with Alliance Grizzly Hills (the rest)
  • Zul’Drak’s southeastern wall and two entrances = separates Horde from the northenmost Alliance holdings (Ursoc’s Den and Thor Modan, now retaken by Frost Dwarves and some Wildhammer maybe?)
  • Coast of Howling Fjord vs the rest = Horde holds the coastal islands (Tuskar join Horde) while the rest of the peninsula is Alliance (Vrykul reclaim Utgarde Keep and Gjalesbron)
  • Path of the Titans = separates the minor Alliance (New Hearthglen, now occupied by the Church of Light and Silverhand, and Wintergarde Keep; Forgotten Shore is now a memorial site and a harbor) and Horde (Moa’ki Harbor, Icemist Village) and holdings from each other, the rest is Neutral enforced by the five Dragonflights
  • Geyser Fields = separates Horde holdings (Kaskala, Unu’pe, and Taunka’le Village, including Geyser Fields, En’kilah City) and Alliance holdings (Amber Ledge, Fizzcrank Airstrip, Valiance Keep, and Coldarra as Kalecgos remains a member of the Dalaran Council of Six, and the Blue Dragons with him)
  • Sholozar Basin is an area of collaboration but the teleportation device between Un’Goro and Sholozar is kept active and used by the Trolls, and thus under Horde purview
  • Ulduar and the Temples are Neutral, but the rest of Storm Peaks is Alliance (Frosthold, Valkyrion, Brunnhildar, Dun Niflheim); Snowblind HIlls serves as the southern border between Alliance territory and Neutral/Collaboration territory (Crystalsong); Camp Tunka’lo is evacuated by the Taunka
  • In Icecrown, the Shadow Vault, Fleshwerks, and Aldur’Thar serves as the Horde bases (Forsaken/Ebon Blade) while the Argent Tournament Grounds, Jotunheim/Onslaught Harbor, and Ymirheim serves as the Alliance base (Humans/Vrykul)

Note on Forsaken:

  • Kyalin messaged me on Discord mentioning that some believed I didn’t give Forsaken enough or that I have some bias against the Forsaken (I am wounded)
  • To note, and reiterating/emphasizing, here I’m imagining the Silver Hand is purely Alliance and the Horde/Forsaken thus gains the Ebon Blade. I am also imagining that as Dalaran (Mages + Blue Dragonflight) go Alliance, the Forsaken raise Scholomance into another magic flying city (Warlocks + Wrathion and Black Dragonflight).
  • Thus Forsaken cities are: Undercity in Tirisfal Glades, Deathholme in Ghostlands, Scholomance the Overcity, Archerus the Ebon Hold, En’kilah City in Borean Tundra, Naxxramas (moved to western Dragonblight), Voltarus in Zul’Drak, Shadow Vault, Aldur’thar, and Fleshwerks in Icecrown

This is good, you put a lot of work into this.

While I like the distribution of territories, I’m not sure about the Horde territory on Kalimdor. Some of that used to be Theramore, wouldn’t that risk causing resentment with the Alliance?

Maybe, but with the western corridor of Stonetalon, all of Feralas and Desolace, and the totality of plaguelands that the Silver Hand should’ve magically restored by now, y’all can cope lol


There’s really only one answer.


No, the trolls gave up their claim to a huge piece of land (drowned). Kalimdor belongs to the elves.

Love the map Baal. It looks to be pretty fair and even


This is exceedingly fair. There are really only three things I’d change:

  • Switch the Vashj’ir island from Horde to Alliance. My reasoning being it’s an uninhabitable rock, so its only purpose is as a naval staging point. I feel like the increased tensions it being Horde-occupied would cause isn’t worth the trouble.
  • I’d kick the factions out of Pandaria. The Jinyu and Hozen can still be allies of their respective factions, but officially blue and red are gone and it’s all green (aside from the purple areas).
  • Uldum remains neutral. Losing the nightborne from neutrality to Horde was painful enough, please don’t take my tol’vir friends away too ;_;

Those are all pretty minor though. On the whole that’s one of the best maps I’ve ever seen.


The Kaldorei Empire conquered much Troll land. Trolls have legitamate grievances.


Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Well in this AU, the Gilgoblins go Horde, and there were quite a few in Vashjir.

So technically nobody is on the island per se but underwater the Gilgoblins have used the Night Elf ruins to make a metropolis/capital.

Similarly I’m imagining that off the northeastern coast of Pandaria there’s some ancient troll or Mogu ruins that the Jinyu used to make a city underwater, where the Ankoan come from.

Technically the case, but the use of those areas is more for commercial use and traditional claims.

Any act of war is prohibited on Pandaria, whether between different Pandaren or between the Horde Pandarian Races and Alliance Jinyu.

In this AU, the Panda Wild God that gave birth to Pandaren gave his essence to Emperor Shaohao to become a Wild God himself (like Rezan did with Voljin), and rules Pandaria.

The August Celestials I based on the 8 immortals concept loosely. They should be, imo:

  1. Emperor Shaohao (“Prince” of Pandaren)
  2. Wukong the Hozen King (Hozen Wild God)
  3. Lusshan the Jinyu Sanzang (achieved immortality)
  4. Shenzin Su the Great Turtle
  5. Chiji the Red Crane (sides with the Alliance)
  6. Niuzao the Black Ox (sides with the Horde, because Ancestor of Yaungol and Tauren etc)
  7. Yulon the Jade Serpent
  8. Xuen the White Tiger

Vaguely considered having Chen be one of the immortals, instead of the turtle, because the Drunk Immortal is a favorite motif of mine

You get the Vrykul and the Moonguard!

Part of why I had Tolvir go Horde is because of the Sun Worship.


Ah okay, that makes sense. For some reason I forgot about the actual zones and thought only about the tiny island.

Interesting Pandaria content. I’ve been on a Pandaria kick lately and was thinking about how much I miss those themes and cultures from the game. I’m actually leveling a Pandaren monk right now just so I can do the old MoP content with him.

“All those catfriend moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain…”


I honestly wouldn’t change as much, leaving many contested zones still contested- either faction can claim to rule it, but enforcing that claim is something else all together. I don’t think that actually splitting up almost literally the entire world into Red Vs Blue with just a spattering of Neutrals is a good or even feasible idea given how stretched thin their already depleted resources/population should be by now.

I’d have the Plaguelands become the Forsaken’s new home and Tirisfal becomes contested/neutral due to being overrun by wild abomination experiments created by the RAS unleashed from the destruction of Undercity. Not sure what to do with the Argents though.

Silverpine forest is now contested.

Alterac and the northern half of Hillsbrad are Horde controlled, the south half becomes a Gilneas protectorate.

This doesn’t impact which faction controls the territory but Duskwood is now home to nelf and worgen refugees.

Stranglethorn remains neutral and goblin controlled

Desolace and Feralas remain contested, with druid organizations keeping peace.

Stonetalon remains contested, split fairly even-Eastern Stonetalon goes Horde, western is controlled by nelves (peak and bombed school rebuilt).

Not sure what to do with Dustwallow Marsh- with Theramore gone, there’s really nothing to prevent the horde from rolling in and claiming the whole of it.

1000 Needles nominally tauren/goblin controlled.


I took this into consideration and essentially it comes down to chokepoints

There is only one (1) pass between Tirisfal and Plague lands.

Water barrier serves as the boundary between Horde Thousand needles and Alliance Feralas.

There are only 3 passes separating Alliance Stonetalon from Horde Stonetalon

Alliance is able to hold the Plaguelands because here they control the one (1) pass from Alterac north, the one (1) pass from Hinterlands north, the lake with Fenris Isle serves as a water barrier against the Alterac pass, and Forsaken hold the two chokepoints of Silverpine Forest (Zombie vs Werewolf) and the Bulwark (Zombie vs Paladin) and Blood Elves with Undead with Amani hold the Thalassian pass to the north. Additionally the Silver Hand here is purely Alliance.

As an example.

In every instance the territories are divided by specific singular chokepoints, whether valley passes or water barriers (lakes, rivers)


Lordaeron is Forsaken turf just like northern Kalimdor is Nightelf turf. If you change that around things would be fair. Rest of the map is good.

I wouldn’t be comfortable with giving up so much Horde territory in the northern portion of the Eastern Kingdoms. I can see letting the Alliance have Gilneas, and most of Arathi… but Idk about Hillsbrad or Silverpine or the Plaguelands. The Forsaken look like big losers on your map.

But I do like the idea of a unified Troll Force taking hold of Stranglethorn Vale, and opening a hostile front in the South, to relieve pressure on the Elves and Forsaken in the North.


The map looks great! However, I would personally work on minimizing the factions, not expanding their influence. To me, painting red and blue across most of the map reduces the complexity of the world.

So, I gave it a stab. My “ideal Azeroth”, as it were:

In the wake of the Fourth War, many factions outside of the Horde and Alliance - inspired by virtue, necessity, or opportunity - have moved quickly on territory to claim what they could while the lumbering giants slumber.

New, Major Factions
  • The Steamwheedle Cartel boomed from war profiteering, and now they want more. They’re aggressively expanding their trade empire across all of Azeroth, especially now that their competitors - the Bilgewater - have been weakened by the loss of their leader. The cartel has gone building small ports everywhere for trading purposes.
  • The Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring have become disgusted with the treatment of Azeroth at the hands of the Horde and Alliance. They have banded together as a single coalition, lead by Hamuul Runetotem, Farseer Nobundu, and Speaker Bronzebeard. I’ll refer to this as “The Keepers of Azeroth”.
  • Similar to the Circle and Earthen Ring, the Kirin Tor have also grown increasingly worried about the tension between the factions. They have taken up the role of “guardians of magic” and allied with the remaining Blue Flight through Kalecgos. Their primary goal is to protect highly-magical locations from any parties that would seek to do it wrong.
  • Finally recovered from the scars left by the Horde/Alliance war, the peoples of Pandaria have formed a tentative alliance of their own: the Pandaren, Rajani, Jin’yu, and Hozen. They have no formal governments, but have agreed to help one another when aid is needed. They have built small ports around the globe to help facilitate trade of goods, services, and arts.
  • The Kaldorei have retaken their ancestral homelands, save Azshara, which was yielded to the Bilgewater. They have made a new capital for themselves on Mt Hyjal. Their primary focus is restoring their destroyed forests. However, they are conflicting heavily with the Steamwheedle Cartel in Everlook, who are holding onto Southern Winterspring by force, blocking a critical route into Mt Hyjal and only allowing kaldorei through with a toll road.
  • There is talk among the Kaldorei of separating from the Alliance. Stormwind, Kul Tiran, Silver Covenant, Ren’dorei, Ironforge, and Gnomeragan representatives are permitted to enter, but tensions are high. Draenei, Gilnean, and Pandaren are welcome with expected grace. Sentinels stand watch at the Ashenvale boarders. They will firmly turn away any Horde visitors - save Tauren and Pandaren -, but there is only one request before they attack to capture, then kill if necessary.
  • The Horde has claimed Theramore! If you have to commit attrocities, you may as well get some territory for it. They have demolished the human settlements in Durotar and the Barrens. Tauren and troll envoys to the Cenarion Circle are working to learn the Kaldorei technique to harvest wood without logging, to prevent the dread “need lumber” situation any more. There are those who dislike it. Ratchet has fully ceded from the Steamwheedle Cartel and is now fully-Horde, but Alliance traders are welcome.
  • The Argent Crusade worked alongside the Horde to build a base on the western edge of Duskwallow Marsh. This allows them to oversee any undead threat from the Razorfen and support any Quilboar uprisings.
  • The Pandaria Alliance has built one settlement in Horde and two in the Alliance. The Kaldorei are particularly interested in learning of their Wild Gods - the Celestials. The Steamwheedle wanted to build on Darkshore, but the Kaldorei would not permit the goblins any construction on their lands. The Draenei were more welcoming.
  • Stonetalon and Feralas are weary from years of war. Though they are divided between the Horde and Alliance, the forces are primarily Tauren and Kaldorei. Thus, these two former warzones have become hubs of trade and cultural regrowth.
  • Gadgetzan has exploded into a sprawling hub of Goblin ingenuity and excessive lifestyle, the capital of Steamwheedle. Steamwheedle has claimed Thousand Needles, using it as a jet ski resort, as well as mining a strange mineral rising from the bed. They have also taken Un’Goro crater for lumbering operations. Thus, they are often antagonized by the Keepers for this. They have also built a port on the sheer cliffs of Winterspring, with a massive lift to carry supplies up to Everlook.
  • Zul’Farrak has finally joined with the Horde, much to the Cartel’s chagrin.
  • The Keepers of Azeroth (Cenarion/Earthen coalition) has claimed Desolace and fully grown the Cenarion Wildlands. Though some centaur are still clinging to their old ways, many have joined the Keepers to learn more of shamanism and druidism, the two forces that made their people.
  • Though the corruption of the Old Gods is far too deep to ever be cleansed from Silithus, the Keepers maintain a base there through which they commune with Azeroth.
  • The Uldum Accord shattered once the Old God threat was mostly neutralized. The Ramkahen have taken control of Uldum, but the Wastewanders constantly antagonize them.
  • Kezan is an active battlefield between the Bilgewater and the Steamwheedle, both sides wanting the ancient home of the Goblins.
Eastern Kingdoms
  • At long last! Lordaeron has been fully reclaimed by the Forsaken. The Argent Crusade’s efforts have born fruit, and most of the land is untainted. They have returned it to its rightful people, with an agreement that they will not product Blight. The Forsaken are torn on this, and Banshee loyalists still lurk in the shadows. The Crusade itself still owns and operates Hearthglen and Light’s Hope Chapel. The Silver Hand - having thrown its lot in with the Alliance - has been removed from the Crusade’s ranks. Right now, the Alliance is on unfriendly terms with the Crusade.
  • The fires of Stratholme have been extinguished, and reconstruction is beginning. Meanwhile, Andorhal - due to its position in the center and prior construction efforts - has become their new capital. The Desolate Council 2: Electric Boogaloo has returned, and Lillian Voss is learning how to be a leader instead of a single agent.
  • The Scarlet Crusade has been purged, mostly. The Old Monastery is now the acting grounds of the Conclave, with different wings dedicated to the Light and Shadow. Calia Menethil is largely removed from governing, but acts as the head teacher of the Light, trying to benefit her peoples through charitable works. The Cult of the Forgotten Shadow is based out of here, and it’s led by uh… throws dart at board Aelthalyste? Overall, the Monastery is lead by Alonsus Faol.
  • The Gilneans have returned and started to work on rebuilding Gilneas, but there are still skirmishes on the boarder.
  • The Steamwheedle Cartel has built a new port city in the gouge left between Ironforge and Stormwind. They have tunneled to both cities, and to the nearby Badlands for trade!
  • Stranglethorn is a hotspot. Stormwind is pressuring from the north, and Zul’Gurub has rebuilt - drawn into the Horde by the Zandalari. Much to the troll’s chagrin, the Cartel has seized control of the Gurubashi Arena, which is a thinly-veiled blood sport to act out Alliance/Horde tensions.
  • The Kirin Tor have seized Karazhan, and there is fierce debate amongst them on what to do with the cursed tower: save the knowledge, or burn it down.
  • The Blasted Lands have been abandoned, save a small, Gilnean town that has held out. Demons run rampant and fight for control.
  • Restoration efforts have begun in the Ghostlands! Though they have a long way to go, there’s been a significant improvement!
  • Tension grows in the Horde as the Zandalari attempt to recruit the Amani into their ranks, while the Sin’dorei harbor a great hatred for their ancient enemy.
  • The Pandaren, Mogu, Jin’yu, and Hozen are united now. However, there are still tensions between the Jin’yu and Hozen. The Alliance and Horde interact with the Pandaria Alliance through their respective allies. Many Jin’yu have joined the Alliance, many Hozen the Horde.
  • The Mantid are largely inactive. It would seem the eternal threat overstepped their bounds one too many times and were defeated. Still, the hive runs deep. Can they ever be purged?
  • Otherwise, Pandaria is trying to become the Switzerland of Warcraft: they won’t fight, don’t ask, don’t bring the fighting here, but otherwise, all are welcome.
  • The Steamwheedle Cartel has bought Soggy’s Gambit and are using it to trade with Pandaria.
  • They have reclaimed Snowblossom village and are starting to rebuild.
Broken Isles
  • Though Azsuna (more due to the Wardens than the Court of Farandis) and the Dreamweaver’s have technically allied with the Alliance, and Highmountain and Suramar have technically allied with the Horde, due to the tremendous aid and cooperation both factions provided the Isles, the faction lines are largely a formality. Save the Vault of the Wardens. That is a Horde-no-go zone.
  • The Valajar have decided to remain neutral, and now invite the greatest fighters of the whole world to join them and test their valor!
  • The Kirin Tor have assumed control of the Broken Shore and Eye of Azshara.
Kul Tiras and Zandalar
  • Both are more ingrained in their factions than ever before. There are active hostilities for any of the opposing faction that steps on their lands.
  • The Steamwheedle cartel has bought Anyport and taken the Port of Zem’lan by force.
  • During the Fourth War, Warsong Hold demolished Valliance Keep, securing the Borean Tundra for the Horde. Similarly, with many Forsaken forces drawn to Darkshore, Valgarde took Vengeance Landing, coverting it into a port for the Alliance.
  • The Vrykul of Utgarde are rebuilding. Talks are beginning with the Alliance to see about joining them. Of note, they get along better with the dwarves than the humans. Coldarra and the Nexus belong to the Kirin Tor/Blue Dragonflight alliance.
  • The Drakkari are beginning to rebuild, but it’s slow and painful, and the lands are haunted by the scars of the falling empire. Still, with Zandalari and Horde help, they are making progress!
  • Meanwhile, the dwarves and gnomes have dug their heels into the Storm Peaks, reveling in all they can learn of their Titanic Ancestry. Many humans have left worshiping the Light to start practice Titan worship, whereas others have focused on Tyr. The Earthen have allied with their fleshy cousins!
  • Ulduar has become a bustling hub. Owned by the Titan Keepers - who are fiercely opposed to Odyn’s Valajar - and their constructs, the Kirin Tor, Cenarion Circle, Earthen Ring, and Explorers League roam the halls frequently. Horde are welcome, but just don’t visit as much. The Titan Keepers work
  • The Vault of Archavon and Crystalsong Forest are officially being watched by the Kirin Tor. The Titan Keepers provide much assistance with protecting the Vault, and there is some tension between the groups over who should formally own it.
  • Dragonblight is fully reclaimed by the Wyrmrest Accord. The Kalu’ak keep to the south, and have rebuilt and expanded along the various islands. They work together a lot! The dragons helping the Tuskarr, and the Tuskarr provide fish and food for the dragons.
  • Sholazaar basin is unclaimed by any one group. Instead, Titan Keepers, the Keepers of Azeroth (Cenarion/Earthen), and the Kirin Tor are very interested in protecting and preserving it, each for their own reasons. However, the Horde and Alliance want that technology for themselves. Jinyu have been trying to sway the Oracles to the side of the Alliance, and Hozen have been trying to sway the Frenzyheart to the side of the Horde. Tensions are on the rise.
  • Icecrown is too blighted and desolate. The glacier will always belong to the Scourge, even if there is no king to rule them. The Crusade maintains the Tournament Grounds. Various groups come and go on Hrothgar’s Landing, including Tuskarr, Valajar, and various shadowy figures.
  • The Scarlet Crusade has claimed Onslaught Harbor. They will rebuild, the flame will never die.

Anyways, this took uh…

Three hours, but whatever! It was fun! Good question!

EDIT: The Drogbar have actually joined the Horde. Corrected.


The thing is for Forsaken to hold Plaguelands AND Tirisfal, the Horde would need to control and hold:

  • Silverpine Forest
  • Fenris Isle
  • Alterac pass into Plaguelands
  • Hinterlands pass into Plaguelands (remember the pass is next to a Dalarani High Elf settlement, Aerie Peak, and adjacent to one of the Night Elf trees)
  • Remove every single Silver Hand holding in the Plaguelands

And imo that’s way too many different areas of confrontation at once

Alternatively, the Forsaken could use the mushroom forest as a toxic natural barrier and Stratholme could be a Forsaken settlement.

Reminder also Scholomance is the Overcity (Warlock Dalaran) and can fly around here


Only point of order is that the Drogbar replaced the Bloodtotem in the Highmountain Confederacy and so the Drogbar did in fact join the Horde!

Otherwise beautiful map and cool factional diversity


I am pretty sure the Stonedark tribe is part of the overall Highmountain coaltion so they are indeed already allied to the Horde in that sense.


The Forsaken were big losers in the recent world war. Them even keeping Tirisfal is a generous concession to them in light of that.


… do we have to have Horde and alliance? ¬_¬