What does your ideal map look like?

Tyrande gave it up, so you can take it up with her.

Probably controlled by the FBI at this point

So how exactly did the Horde get Azshara? Either they lease it, then they gave it to Azshara, then they won it …

The Bilgewater Cartel goblins claimed Azshara, though it was orignally a contested zone. Tyrande decided to let them keep it according to Wowpedia, but I cannot find where she did that.


Tyrande Whisperwind
Varian and I spoke at length about the price of peace before his decision here today. I am willing to allow the Horde the use of Azshara’s lumber if they abandon Ashenvale for good. Knowing the way goblins chew through resources, we will see how long that will sustain them.
I support this peace, but I do not share the High King’s confidence. If the Horde breaks treaty to engage us again… my people will be ready.

I will treat this as a lease.

Contrary to what people seem to think, Sylvanas was not the government structure of the Forsaken. She existed outside of it. The Death Guard are and have always been the backbone of the forsaken. They are the civil and military government, governed by a hierarchy of Executors with a Grand Executor at the top. Sylvanas commanded the Grand Executor (the second in charge and answerable to Sylvanas alone) and he made things happen.

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Implying that humans are high-fantasy is pretty generous.

Also, is the suggestion that Cataclysm is worse than BfA and SL? Because, I played Cata, and it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t actively terrible in terms of the lore and story. So, in so far as I’m concerned, if we could move the needle towards Cata, that’d be a drastic improvement.


I also played Cata. It was absolute trash. It was worse than BfA and SL.

Check my achievements, I’ve got receipts.


Why? Is it because that’s when they added most of the edgy Forsaken quests?

Edit: Maybe that wasn’t when they added most of them, but it was a lot.

Worgen got screwed, Alliance zones were either not updated or “updated” to be literal jokes, Alliance losing on every front, Alliance content kept getting cut, the Thrall storyline sucked, Dragons are boring, Elementals are boring.

I guess it’s not a surprise that Falothorin likes it given his stated preferences.

Everything about that expansion was a disappointment and to date it’s the only expansion I can’t think of any redeeming qualities for narratively. The closest is that the Worgen starting area was cool, but the Worgen questing path was cut so it’s a wash.


That’s understandable. I had to go through Silverpine to see the rest of the Worgen story at the time, which wasn’t much.

It’s true that the Forsaken storyline going from edgelordy but largely under the radar to an all-consuming maw that actively ruined the game for a decade does not help its reputation in my books.

It’s actually mind boggling how much Dave Kosak damaged this universe and to this day it’s astonishing that Blizzard hired the creator of a mediocre comedy webcomic to oversee the refurbishment of their entire game (although maybe not surprising now that we know he was a Cosby Suite Sex Pervert)


Was fun watching Ivar kick the forsakens teeth in though, I think that was the first time the forsaken faced an enemy willing to fight just as dirty as them :wolf:


You jealous that the Forsaken stole your precious Lordaeron from you no? Buckle up Voss will do everything in her power so that the Forsaken can take their territory back and kick out the alliance scum once more just like back in cataclysm.

Voss wasn’t even forsaken back in cata

Well now she is. And in the last novel she made it clear that she is preparing for the Forsaken to return to Lordaeron with the help of Calia.


Which, everyone but certain alliance posters are fine with. I personally have no issue with it. As lordaeron legally belongs to the forsaken anyway


How much of the original Troll Empire was lost when the Sundering occurred? I think you have a good solution for peace (if you RP, you should present this map as an idea for peace between the Horde and the Alliance).

Horde: Kalimdor, Zandalar, Kezan, Broken Isles, Outland

Alliance: Eastern Kingdoms, Kul Tiras, Mechagon, Argus, the moon

Split: Northrend, Pandaria

Northrend and Pandaria should be free of any faction activity.