What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

I don’t think " trashing " would be the correct word.

Harsh criticism would be a better fit, You have to think and take into account that someone like asmon has spent nearly most of their life playing retail world of Warcraft. As bad as his words do sound it is because he loves the game and wants it to be good. We can judge him from his harsh words and then spin that into something against him or we can take a step back and think why is he being so harsh about it.

I personally don’t really care if someone has an opinion or not.

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Couldn’t care less.

I can’t imagine what is going on in someone’s life that they would spend even a second watching someone they don’t know play WoW over a livestream. I don’t judge you, except for acknowledging that it is shockingly pathetic.


I’m the odd man out that I actually like to form my own opinion on things.
Streamers/youtubers are not just a step down from movie/food critics, they’ve fallen off of the ladder and have rolled several miles away from the ladder.
9 times out of 10 their “reactions” have such a cringe inducing, over-the-top response in order to beg for more views.


My gaming decisions are influenced exactly 0% on the opinions of streamers

Especially Asmomold


They, like every other player, can state their opinion. It doesn’t hold any weight on my personal opinion.

I think It’s great. Blizzard retail devs need a kick up the ol’arrrse for being so apathetic towards retail.

I think streamers pander to the masses to make money and the FOTM is called play classic and trash BFA. Whatever gets more subs.


Some of the streamers I’ve seen and heard trashing current Wow and praising Classic WoW are the same people that still play it every single day regardless of how much they, “hate” it.

I take opinions like that with a small grain of salt.

In other words, I don’t really pay attention to negativity. I play what’s fun for me and Classic WoW is the furthest thing from fun to me. Tediousness, boring, plodding and inconvenient comes to mind.


I don’t really care.

There are only a couple of streamers I care to watch. The ones I do are usually lore and/or speculation(Acolonn. Nobbel and Pyromancer) or just game update ones with some interesting ideas(T&E). They don’t influence my opinion one way or the other.

Hell, most of the streamers probably weren’t around in Vanilla anyways…I can still smell the milk on their breath.


My opinion is the same as always when it comes to streamers:

They are a bunch of opinionated idiots who have inflated egos thanks their frothing at the mouth fanbois. The developers shouldn’t give them nearly as much attention and access as they do.


Since I most streamers are, um, I’m too polite to use that word I will say that I do not watch them. I also know that part of the job of game streamers is to get their number of views up and a lot of them use profanity and negativity to do it.



I think Streamers in general, are looking out for A#1, themselves.

Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, excepting that they don’t iterate or even reiterate that reality when it comes to speaking to their viewers.

I used to watch this one streamer for The Division. He would post vids on strats, builds and on various gameplay items, vendor resets, etc. That game had a rough go of it in the beginning and actually had a ‘summit’ of Developers and Gamers/Streamers go out to Sweden to talk with Ubisoft about their game.

This streamer was one of those folks and I believe he was even invited back a second time for some discussion on ongoing issues. Turns out in the end, this guy just gravitated to another game. No problem really, his prerogative, but, the investment that the COMPANY put into him, forget the viewers of his channel, that UBISOFT invested into him to help make their product better, and he just left it. Now, I have no issue with his personal decision there, but as to his viewers and the relationship towards the Game and the company itself, that was left high and dry.

So, unless this guy picks up a game that I enjoy or whatever, I have no reason to watch his channel anymore. That’s the point. Streamers can go where the winds of their whims blow them, but their viewers typically came to them via a specific product, and when that is gone, the streamer has some considerations to be made.

Now, I’m old, I’m not like you young cats who are all into the streaming aspect of gaming. It serves a very limited purpose to me and beyond that limited purpose, streamers don’t have any place of value in my life. They’re not my friend. If I stop viewing their channel they’re not going to come looking for me and trying to find out why I specifically don’t care to watch… So, recognize the purpose they serve and that their loyalties aren’t to YOU and down the road maybe they too can start being more than mouthpieces yay or nay for a given product.


May i ask, Why is that any good?

So practically in order to avoid streamers, don’t play Classic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I watched one Youtube video of this dude who is hugely popular apparently. The dude looked like the poster boy for the Undead in game IRL. He looked like he had picked his nose excessively as a kid and …well nvm. I couldn’t get past that to even hear the message which was something about Classic v BfA and how both pretty much suck. I assume that’s because he probably gets equal upvotes and money for being an hate inclusive streamer . It didn’t help that his points were utterly lost in tirades of ‘oh sh—!’ and ‘oh bruhhhh’ and typical manjibberish that grates my last nerve.

The guy he was playing with actually sounded reasonable and pragmatic in his views. Unfortunately, the living dead hateful creature clearly led the video.

Idgac about what anyone thinks of how I play any game I pay for. I honestly don’t understand why people listen to this guy. It’s f’n creepy weird that one skin crawling (undead) person can have to much power over people watching his stream and videos.


Classic isn’t “free” you still need to run your sub.

I think they’ll do what gets them the most money. Talking trash about bfa is popular right now, as is promoting classic.

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If someone knows how to play their class, and does it well, they’ll probably get into groups no matter how toxic they are.

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Personally Blizzard is doing more harm then good by even giving these people BETA access. All they are doing is dumping on retail almost constantly.

Once the charm of Classic wears off then the negative impression has been given that Retail is literally hell and the worst mmo design so those people will not stay around.

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