What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

Name changes, realm changes, appearance changes, and some do a bit of hacking. When I was first starting out in late 2004, there was a few guys in a guild (can’t remember guild name) that were just a$$holes, ninjas. They were reported over and over, and they managed to fool quite a few people. Blizz eventually caught them messing with code via mods or something…and perma banned them.

It can be done, and will be.

Do you prefer gasoline or kerosene when trying to start these fires? :confused:


I don’t really watch streamers in general, so I don’t have much of an opinion on this. Regarding Blizzard’s stance on this, Classic and BfA both require an active subscription. They still come out ahead regardless of which game people actually play.

An important thing to remember about the streamer hype is it’s them comparing Classic leveling to BfA endgame. It’s an inherently flawed comparison, and I can’t help but think some details are going to be smoothed over or skipped. As an example, I can’t imagine anyone presenting an Uldaman run in a legitimately positive light. The big thing though is they’re doing content that a person will only do once or twice and comparing it to content intended to be done repeatedly. I doubt anyone’s going to stream farming Scholo runs for their tier hat for the nth time.


Is it hard to believe some streamers just dont like BFA? Im going to be trying classic because BFA hasnt been a good experience, and i personally feel its one of their bottom 2 expansions.

I fail to connect with streamers, so i couldnt care less if they hate classic or hate BFA - they have opinions and are pandering to a crowd in hopes people will donate/subscribe to them.

Bottom line, its freedom of speech.

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There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

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Streamers are allowed to have their own opinions. I don’t watch most of them anyway.

I’m more fatigued by the fact that classic spam exists in the GD forum. I am really, really tired of being told that classic will be “disastrous” for retail or that WoW will kill itself.

Although, I am having fun in BFA so I guess I’m some kind of alien.


it will be a new beginning to not have a ragnaros stigma on my forehead :smiley:

Lol let them them have their buzz from their pathetic gear and low level progression.

I only know a couple of the streamers names that have been brought up in GD… If I saw them out in the game world I’d probably /spit on them… that being said I haven’t ever followed any of them, and have only watched maybe less than 30 minutes in total of all of their vids.

I’m not part of the youtube generation, I don’t care what they think, I don’t care what they say.

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Just an FYI to people, this guy almost exlusively makes threads and posts about streamers on the classic forums trying to whip up a mob against them.

I guess after the 7th thread he was running out of new people to see his posts so tried his luck dragging people outside the discussion into it.

Starting to worry about his well being at this point.


I think it’s terrible, but I never watch those people anyway.

I’ve never been one for false adulation of another, let alone someone whose ideologies and ethics do not align with mine.

TBH, I couldn’t really care any less about the opinions of most streamers, I find most of them to be obnoxious and insufferable.


eh, people should hate the streamers.

twitch cancer belongs on its containment site, and they bring it into the game. the servers they pick will be entirely unplayable with the little zoomers spitting their crap everywhere.

want a chance at being a scarab lord? you have none on a streamer server, their zoomer army will give it to them.


Ive been streaming BfA and trashing Classic for its backwards systems I dont understand.

But I’ll give Classic a fair chance when it comes out its just something I know I wont enjoy for the 95% of the things I enjoy Retail for.

Not a streamer but bfa really is trash


I think you should keep these threads in classic. A whole lot of people in this section aren’t following the ‘classic’ streamer issue so asking them what they think is rather pointless.

I think it proves that this whole “streamers are getting beta invite for advertising purposes” theory is nonsense. Why would Blizzard support someone who praises one aspect of their work in one breath and tears down another with the next? The only logical explanation is that Blizzard must want retail to fail so they don’t have to bother trying to create something new for a fickle childish fanbase. Am I doing it right?

I played TBC on a private server for a little bit since I had never played it before. I joined a guild there that was created by a YT content creator/streamer. The guy was such an insufferable a** and thought that guild members were basically peons.


I’m having fun in BFA but I can see why people don’t. There’s a lot of issues with it. Especially people who enjoy PVP this has been a rough one, with all the pruning and removal of vendors.

I feel someone like Asmongold wants these issues fixed in retail too. His attitude doesn’t offend me at all because I haven’t been playing as long as he has and know a lot less about the game than he does.

Not sure what general thinks but I think streamer’s are full of themselves. I don’t buy their hype or disgust.

I can form my own opinion (good or bad) about the game.

While BFA has its issues, Classic had it’s fair share too.

Part of me thinks later in the expansion, those same people praising Classic and bashing BFA will be bashing Classic and praising BFA.