What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

I never said anything about classic being free. I said that streamers advertise classic for Blizzard for free.

The streamers coverage has turned me off even more than I was to begin with.

Idc what they have to say

I personally find this whole twitch fad dumb as rocks. And wouldnt mind if it would just die off. Though i doubt it ever will

Cringy twitch chat and stupid meme talk comes from it. Throwing money at a greasy dude playing a game



Can’t blame them anyway, BfA does suck.

I think Streamers will say and do whatever gets them likes and follows. It’s quite pathetic really. People are free to watch these attention seeking scumbags all they want for entertainment purposes but one should always do so with an open mind and their own opinions.

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I think they are going to be very bored 3 years into Classic if it lasts that long.

I concluded that streamers are out for clicks and not having to get a real job or have any responsibilities in the real world. They depend on free money from people who actually have jobs, families and accomplishments in life. I don’t give them money or watch them stream.

There are worthwhile videos out there on youtube but they’re usually made by people who don’t have a vested interest in drama. Hirumaredx and Madseasonshow are my gotos for info about vanilla and classic. They love the game and aren’t dependent on handouts.


I don’t see what the problem is.

If they had an ulterior motive (ie they wanted BfA/retail to fail), then I could understand the angst. But they don’t. Most of the streamers just want BfA/retail to be better than it is, and believe that SOME aspects of Classic could be reincorporated into retail, to the betterment of the game. Now, you may not agree with them on this point. That’s fine. You’re allowed. But it doesn’t make it a ‘war’.

I don’t care one iota of what Streamers say, or do about anything, let alone their stance on Classic or BFA. Their opinions are as meaningful to me as Kardashian’s view on World Events. Completely meaningless.

When it comes to games, if I don’t like something, I won’t go out of my way to find other people that share my outlook or do the popular (change my mind) garbage but will just not play it.

Games are to be enjoyed, if you don’t enjoy it, play something else… no need for the constant fuel to flame a war.


I also enjoy McConnell.

I feel everyone is entitled to their opinions streamer or otherwise, I myself share the sentiment that bfa is trash. You should be old enough to form your own opinion and play however you like to play.

I personally don’t understand all the hype about classic…no I did not play ‘vanilla’ when it was current, but, what I DID do, was start this game 3 yrs ago with ZERO knowledge of it. Seriously…my warrior walked EVERY-where. Did not know there was such a thing as heirlooms to help with XP, or the heirloom mount thing…I knew nothing, just decided to try it out, on my spouses suggestion. Heck until 3 yrs ago I never even knew WoW existed…lol…was too busy raising kids & working to worry about gaming.
I love the game. I did not however enjoy the slow slog that was leveling. and the walking/running everywhere was really frustrating for me. I guess I can see the nostalgia part of it for people who played when it was current…but even that is bound to wear off after a while.
trashing 1 product while promoting another…well…to each their own I suppose, but I personally wont listen to someone who does that. Does it matter? not to anyone who is actually enjoying the game as is, even with all of it’s frustrations.

Zero flux given. Nothing against them, but I could honestly care less.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

If yours isn’t being represented loud enough start streaming yourself and say what you want to say.

Just dont be a sheep. Think for yourself. That’s all I ask.

I can’t bring myself to care about streamers. They don’t really care about the game. They care about followers and making money.


Streamers are no more authoritative on this game than anyone else posting in this thread.

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They need to focus more on praising what they love instead of trashing what they hate.

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Sounds like most of them, but the name “markplier” or markipleir…w/e comes to mind. 35 year old “man” acting like a 14 year old. Ugh…insufferable cringe. Also the fact he has bright red mohawk/emo hair.


Dead on. This is why I don’t take youtubers seriously, of the few I do watch, it’s just podcasts, mainly. I had an urbex (urban exploration) channel back 8-10 years ago, but don’t anymore. I said the very same thing about most channels, and got a parade of tweens harassing the hell out of me for saying that youtube is not a real job. It isn’t.

It’s not because I’ve been in the military, worked in factories and networking business for 60 hours/week for all my life. People that sit on a stupid channel, and beg money from patreon or w/e and don’t work, have no respect from me, as far as having a job/career. I take it for what it is…a youtube channel.


To be fair, I think we can all agree retail deserves some tearing down. I respect the devs’ work, especially the art team. But it’s undeniable the systems and story kinda suck since ~Cata.