What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

There weren’t any streamers back in Vanilla and we’re talking thousands of people not a hundred from a toxic guild. They will definitely have a negative effect on the game. In Vanilla, players have all the control over other players. That’s what it’s about for them, control.


Why will streamers impact classic: They will have positive and negative effects but the majority of the community wants to avoid them.

Asmongold and other streamers have actually acknowledged most of these reasons in various videos, so it can’t really be denied. There are some very vehement streamer defenders who will do so.


Blizzard didn’t hand out the beta access with contractual agreements and compensation. They knew some of the people they were giving the beta’s too (i.e. Asmongold & company) didn’t look favorably at the current iteration of the game. They were crossing their fingers that the BFA trash-talking would be minimal, and it has been quite honestly.

I’ve only started watching Streams since beta was being aired on Twitch and while you get the occasional “BFA is garbage” comment, it’s largely a focus on the fun their having with Classic. It’s not nearly as toxic as OP makes it out to be.


But that doesn’t really address what I was saying. Back then the biggest controversy to happen was the funeral crash. Which was done by a guild. It’s no different from the guilds I’ve had to deal with in the past and a streamer isn’t going to make the situation any different in my eyes.

fair enough, elite guilds who are toxic can be similar to streamers, and haha I remember that video, epic allbeit sad for the player.

But overall Agree to disagree Jale :slight_smile: Guilds back then didn’t have the number of people that want to follow these popular streamers. Nor did they cause the servers to crash by hosting events. Nor would they have a report system to abuse.

Also, there will still be those guilds, now you add in one guy that is like 3-4 of those guilds in numbers and suddenly you have toxicity everywhere.

How so?

The great thing about classic is that your reputation matters. If you’re a trash player noone will play with you.


That’s not what Asmongold said. He basically said if you get a group and get a bad player you’re kinda stuck with them because it takes too long to get a replacement lol. Yeah, ninjas and players with no regard for others will be shunned for sure.

To be completely honest I’ve had a guild that actually did all of those things back in MoP and WoD. Constant server crashes from bringing 60-80 in World PvP, mass reporting threads that said anything negative about them on server forums and all of them following one player who was a complete jerk and relished in the toxicity.

Guilds can do just as much damage as a streamer could.

And you know what? That’s okay. If the server is a toxic one and you don’t like it, then that means it’s not for you. The realm I played on for years being Emerald Dream was one of the last realms that had balance on both factions that had tons of guild rivalries going on. To the point where the server forums would turn into a slugfest. And anyone that wanted to come in between the dysfunctional family that was Emerald Drama, the server would turn and revolt against said player or guild. Don’t believe me? Type in “Welcome to Emerald Dream - The Guard Edition” to Youtube.

Some people would say that that’s not the server for them because they don’t like the constant drama. And that’s again okay. Each realm should have their personality like they did in the past. If there’s a streamer server and people don’t want to be a part of the streamer wars, then they can head to a different realm.

From what I understand, most of them are going to be on the same realm. And if so great! That makes things easier and opens up more choices for everyone that don’t want to be a part of it.


And how is that going to negatively affect the game? That’s been happening for years before lfg was a thing?

Back then the community was nice enough to help each other guide.

To hell with what they think. They run a youtube channel…that says most of it, right there. People should think what they think, not to be influenced by b.s. of a youtuber or where ever. Play it for yourself, and form your own conclusion. I played vanilla 15 years ago, and my opinion is my own. I’ll share it, yeah. But not going to try and bash the current game to bring up “vanilla 2.0” with my 5 million subscribers.

IDK, it’s all stupid and petty to me.



I think you’ve actually summed up my thoughts on the matter pretty well OP.
I don’t get why it has to be an either or thing either.
Why can’t people just enjoy both.
The only wow streamer I watch lately is HeelsVs Baby Face and I don’t know why, I just like him, even if I don’t take him too seriously. I don’t watch him stream the game I just watch his youtube videos.

I don’t think the community that Vanilla had will necessarily be replicated in Classic. We’re talking different generations of players now and the internet in general is much more toxic now than it was back then.


Your name made me think of a character from Voyager who used to be a borg Icheb.

That is one BFA “bashing” I do agree with. Classes need out skills and abilities back, and not made so boring and simple.

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You didn’t play vanilla, did you? There’s ways around your “reputation”. And there’s also going to be far more players in vanilla 2.0 than there was 15 years ago. Some of the most toxic player base is going over, so they can all be toxic together, and run over each other’s “rep”.


Most of the ppl playing classic will be the older generation.

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I have played in Vanilla. Spriest human.

Please explain to me how one can go around one’s “reputation”. You all say that it’s possible but provide no examples.

Dead on, 100%

It’s not the older generation that follows toxic streamers.

Edit: just to be clear not all streamers are bad and not all young people are bad.


Source of that, please. Even if so, the player base is a lot worse than it used to be. Gaming was different 10 and esp. 15 years ago.