What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

If I had to give WoD credit, i liked the perks you gained leveling to 100. Like different classes gained abilities every level or two.

As compared to BfA where you get nothing

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Classic to retail, so many more options in classic than there are now. There are counters to each class and each class bring something to the table in classic. Retail story and PvP are at its worst. It has been in a steady decline for a long time but it is just trash now. I’ve played off and on for the past 15 years and i can’t wait for classic and having option and a community again with class balance. Retail everybody has crazy self heals stuns and CC’s its just not fun.

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I agree with most of that but the community part, not gonna be anywhere near how it was in vanilla and the mentality of players has changed quite a lot. I mean maybe if it’s friends/guildies, but I think it’s going to be more of a forced cooperation situation than anything.

Streamers can go foo foo themselves.

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Quick question on the topic of WoW streamers. Is there ANY WoW streamer with a large following that hasn’t been banned on WoW, or Twitch, or YouTube?

I don’t follow others I lead. Don’t be a sheeple.

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Pathethic gear --> Gear that actually matters, not lfr titanforged gear.

Low level progression --> Actual class progression. Aka compare your bars from Vanilla lvl 60 to BFA lvl 120. Omegalul.


Eh no.

I rather have WoD PvP over BFA or Legion. Back then we actually had vendors.

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Oh please you start with nothing of course everything single point on any item is an upgrade.

And yeah my ilevel is lol OP compared to you what you will ever achieve.

While your wiping and the guild is falling apart in naxramas im going in and one shottign everything.

Lol first of all im barely gonna PVE.

Second, just make sure you dont see me out in the open world or prepared to be kited for eternity.

I’m actually happy they’re allowed to do it. It’s nice to know Blizzard isn’t controlling what they say.

I wont see you ill be on retail servers. The only time Im exposed to classic is on these forums.

Is like a war or the words on the forums but the reality will be that players will be enjoying the content of which ever version they decide to play.

Okay, thats mad facts.

Ill be on retail too, but only to arena.

Imagine thinking WoW streamers are the reason people think BFA sucks. :rofl:

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Yeah bfa is garbage as it sits. I would prefer go back to wod or legion, I remember having slightly more fun then.

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White knights and blizzboi fangirls have to justify it some way

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I think Vanilla had some good points in it, namely for me it is things such as Talent trees and the wide range of abilities. What I see that I dislike is the low resource generation, low resource regeneration (mana), very high usage of potions (not that I hate potions, just many many MANY consumables).

Frankly, the reason I am playing in BFA at all is the people. Perhaps the only reason I really play WoW is the people I have come to know. BFA could have a lot of things better but when it comes down to it many of us likely stay because of friends. This is what I think streamers bring, a way to unite people.

I have no doubt Vanilla would still have its hype up, but if it was not for content creators/streamers I also have no doubt it would be far less hype. I remember several streamers doing BFA events with 100+ people trying to attend the events for either side (such as raiding capitols. I saw similar things on Vanilla streams.

So do I think Classic is really that good? No. Do I think BFA is really that good? Hell no. However, its the people and streamers do a good job in spreading their opinions to like minded viewers which then spread further, etc etc. I believe streamers enjoy Vanilla because there are more things that force them together for the moment. There are no raids, no arena, and until recently there were no BGs.

All the streamers were forced together because of the limitations, and I sincerely believe if they had all the 60 level content and PvP BGs we would see a slightly different story. I am sure the Beta would be good still, but it would be different and the attitudes would likely change. This is at least my view of the situation.

That they know what they are talking about.

BFA is trash, Classic is good.

So, promoting Classic and trashing BFA is perfectly okay in my book.

MoP had my favorite iteration of class design, and obviously there’s a lot of features I like in modern WoW, but BFA ain’t where those features originate from, and Classic has a lot of really, really good RPG aspects to it that make the game overall better.

Honestly, can anyone name me a feature that originated from BFA that wasn’t a dumpster fire? I can really only think of Fury’s redesign. Allied races? Azerite? I can’t even think of a way to describe them in a forum-friendly way! At least WoD had the excuse of being literally unfinished and chopped into pieces.

I think It’s wrong. They should be trashing Blizzard / Activision as a whole for such poor management of the company.

Everything’s being turned to money > quality