What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

Personally I see a lot of complaining because they catered to the casual player in live and now with classic they won’t get their way. It’s going to take a lot more time/effort to get things done and acquire gear/achieves. Even the quality of life won’t be there with all of the advancements they made over the years.
Have fun reading your quests to decipher where to go next instead of having a dot on your map. Ok ok there may be an addon for that now but it was just an example.

I was literally watching a streamer look for a quest turn in npc for 45 minutes the other day.

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Promotional streamers are like commercials, 10% meat 90% BS which is why I avoid them.

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I could care less what steamers think. Most post videos for shock value and to generate veiws, and not to rationally review a game.

Some are balanced for sure, but I don’t care at all. Especially since most of the streamers probably never even played classic wow. I have, and if they wanna go back to that dinosaur they can. While I appreciate the past and respect it, future is gonna keep coming, and a lot of the changes since classic have been for the better.

I’ve said this in other posts, but have fun racing back to trainers every time you level up in major cities to upgrade skills. You know, the thing that everyone now complains about with professions now having ranked recipies and levels. Now imagine that on every spell, attack and special ability in the game. Classic wow was more about fiddling over your character and min/maxing than it was about just getting out there and having some fun.

But hey, that’s me. Everyone else have fun, enjoy! There’s a lot of good things about classic as well.

that’s probably the most accurate description

haha yup. It’s funny because how many people claimed they played classic wow. But then when classic was out you didn’t have the 65 add-ons you use now and when you couldn’t fly everywhere and have all the quests auto handed to you.

I think the classic appeal is to the more audience of people with more time, and I’m not saying that makes you a bad person, but yeah me taking 3 hours to do 2 quests i would go insane

It really is a lot different in that respect. I was in the stress tests, and I know some of the chat was trolling, but a lot of people were surprised that we didn’t have this, or we had to do that lol.
I started in B.C. so I knew what it would be like, but I had forgotten some things, for me it was fun remembering, but I don’t think it will be like that for everyone.

I personally don’t care what streamers say about the state of the game. I will make my own conclusions about it. I will also try Classic without the influence of any streamers as I didn’t play it myself and want to see what it is like. But again, I don’t care what someone like Asmongold’s opinions are.

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Dark souls is always a must. But even Fromsoft is kind of starting to cut corners

Yeah I haven’t really paid a whole lot of attention to the gaming market because it’s been in a downward slope for so long tbh at least for the games I’ve kept my eye on.

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Lol I don’t if I’m just more aware of these things than before or if the gaming market really is starting to tip a bit. It could be that there is too much emphasis on graphics than quality content. As from my own experiences, it’s hard to find a game that is both visually breathtaking and full of good content as well. Also too many games have tried to become open world when it isn’t always a good thing. I actually like games that are a bit more linear if it contains a good story.

Also games being released unfinished and DLC kind of finishing them. BfA kind of feels that way where it was released in beta and it won’t be finished until like 8.3 lol

Streamers have been a net loss for gaming in general.

Yeah I just wished whom ever made cod mw4-2-3 would go back to that. I hate all of the black ops, I have the new one but haven’t even launched it yet. I liked battlefield but it was more so a camping game than cod, at least in cod you didn’t have to run a thousand miles to kill a camper.

I tried some of the new fps but they were either too cartoon like “fortnite etc.”. I’ve always liked strategy/fast paced but not futuristic fps games, and strategy games like age of empires/mythology etc. A buddy of mine from swedan gifted me a game, maybe I’ll take a break and try to get my sleep cycle close to theirs to play that. Was like monster hunter or something else.

I have nothing against streamers but it’s gone a bit too far tbh with their cults etc. I’ve watched many over the years but I seem to like summit1gs laid back attitude at least the majority of the time, dr disrespect was funny to watch for the first few streams then his act got old.
But I don’t really much care for these big streamers like asmongold, sodapoppin or any of the others. Just begging for attention.

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I don’t watch any of the streamers, so I guess I don’t really care. However, if I did watch them (and I wasn’t already playing BfA), I would probably immediately sign up for BfA because I always hate it when someone tries to tell me what I’m supposed to like.

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I actually kind of feel bad for the generations growing up on mobile games. You can only get so much immersion on a phone tbh. I grew up with some amazing video games that they are frankly missing out on.

Yeah I agree but to be honest I miss how I felt about wow back when it first started. I loved experiencing wow for the first time.

A game that comes to mind is Ni No Kuni 2 where at release I probably would say it wasn’t a very good game but after 2 rounds of DLC and multiple patches I’d recommend it tbh. Too bad I already played it when it was subpar so I already know the story. I need to just start buying games when the complete editions are released.

I’ll put my money on it that BfA actually turns out to be a decent expansion by the end but it’ll have left such a bad taste in people’s mouths it won’t matter

I don’t even remember what the content from WOD was. The only thing I remember doing is doing challenge modes for the weapons which were barely worth the time/effort.

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WoD was bad lol. I remember I bought the expansion and I was super hyped and I quit after a month. I actually quit during Legion too though for like almost a year. I quit legion fir different reasons though (mostly to focus on schoolwork)

WoD PvP was imho the worst this game has ever seen. Legion was bad too though tbh.

MoP battlegrounds/arenas/duels were the best, no comparison which is what usually keeps me playing

I loved legion mainly for the m+ dungeons and some of the raids I liked but after they changed something after the first 6 months or w/e I don’t much care for m+ anymore.

I also don’t much care for the raiderio system. It’s a pretty poor system to judge someone especially like me since I haven’t bothered nor care to push in bfa for a 3rd parties website scoring system.
I only do dungeons that actually have worth whether it’s gear or mounts etc. But raiderio doesn’t take that into account, you just have to run them all for this idiotic score.

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