What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

My guildies are lazy and the exact opposite of elitist. I think the only reason we ever clear content anymore is because of the leadership we have. But seriously trying to get people to get to a certain artifact level or even bother doing their weekly mythic + when it mattered for progression was like pulling teeth.

Time affects a lot of things. For me with MHW the game is different, but they didn’t change the core ideology of why people picked it up and farmed those bosses to begin with. I eagerly await for them to release Iceborne because I know it will be a continuation of that while at the same time updating pretty much everything.

Right now there’s a massive difference between Classic and BFA. And like I said there’s a laundry list of things that would just be way too much to compare. But the ideology of Classic is to create a world that people would want not only be a part of, but to find allies and interact with one another to ensure a much easier time for success.

BFA is more about the single player experience. Most of the game you can do while on your own and without having to communicate with anyone. And to make matters even worse with changes like CRZ/Phasing/Warmode most of the people that you do run into, you’ll more than likely never see again.

Hence why I say that BFA is more fixated on you getting to the destination with the least amount of resistance possible. While Classic wants you to go on a journey that has ups and downs but it’s the community that bands together to take down difficult tasks. All the while having RPG elements. Like for me I have ammo, the dead zone and I had to feed my pet to keep him happy. Which I personally enjoy.

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yeah at the end of legion my now gm quit and asked me to come with him because he was leading every run in legion and got all content except mythic done and the former gm became an issue so he decided to make his own guild.

Considering we’re a little over a year old what we have done is amazing. We have good people, but you can tell some need a lot of umm training lol. I may even go get aotc with a pug to be honest

I have to fully disagree with you here. Before I had the opportunity to play in the last two stress tests, I will admit that I myself was wondering if community would be the same as it was in Vanilla since it’s been 15 years. So much has changed and it is something I was thinking about.

But, the last two stress tests showed me that the way the game is designed in a way that it encourages player grouping and cooperation, that community interaction I remember from Vanilla was there in the stress tests. I absolutely loved it. People were grouping to get quests done, interacting more, being kinder. Of course you had some trolls and toxic people in chat on occasion, primarily the world channel.

But I had more interaction with people in those two stress tests than I have had in this game in a very long time. There were so many people you kind of needed to group up to do quests, there isn’t shared tagging. People would group, get what they needed and more times than not, stay in the group until everyone was done.

It was truly a breath of fresh air. The game as it was back then was much different than retail. It really did encourage player interaction, and because of that, there is a difference in how the community is.

I’ve been in a few top 50 guilds over the years and it’s no fun, makes the game feel like a chore/work. I’m not saying they need to spend all day farming for ap/gear or anything but put in the minimal amount of effort to better themselves so it makes the rest of your groups jobs easier.

im glad to see you have that type of experience, but i’ve had that a lot in bfa. I think overall many gamers have become some jaded, even myself after years of toxic people. This applies to not just wow but people who play overwatch or halo or call of duty.

Remember when a community is smaller i feel like people stick together and help each other. But when a player base goes from 1 million to 10, you have a chance at meeting 9 million more awful people.

Anything we do online has a chance of becoming toxic, but that’s human nature. Hell i have friends who won’t see movies anymore in theaters lol

Tbh I don’t think it’s going to be much of a community and more forced cooperation. It won’t be anywhere near how it was in vanilla but you may have more of a community with friends/guildies you already know than with others.
Only reason I say that is cause people that were there for vanilla, their mentality has changed quite a bit over the years and the new generation of players is quite different also.

this guy in our guild is a mistweaver and he took the summer off for work. Man the stories he has from being in a streaming guild. yeah no for me lol. He flat out admitted he hated it and it took all the joy from the game. He felt 1000 times better opening a restaurant and stopping streaming.

He mentioned guilds like method and others and i forgot what he was in but he wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. I raid because i enjoy it, not because i feel like it’s going to work

Yeah, I’ve gotten a bit burned out due to some players in guild that are lacking that have hung around for quite some time but unless you have another option you can’t exactly replace them either.
Been recovering from a few tanks quitting and some not so good ones. But I’m sure we’ll get jaina at some point.

well yeah. I mean god i hate to sound this way but look at the age gap. Sorry but at 22 i wasn’t entitled lol. Someone now at 18 playing wow is WAY different then someone playing wow when i was 18.

Hell i didn’t have youtube or twitch to beg for money lol. I had to work and pay for my subscription and hope on my days off i could get some raiding in

i honestly wish you luck. we got 2 great new tanks. a core 4 healers and honestly lmao we need quality dps, like wtf when does THAT happen?

Yeah I was 14 when wow came out, I’ve probably taken off a year of gametime from it. But I would say my mentality especially when interacting with people online has changed quite a lot. I’ve gotten more blunt/straight forward and kind of a butt. But mostly towards inconsiderate people.
I know it’s a game but if people like your self only has an hour to play it’s pretty inconsiderate at least to me to wipe a group over and over for example.

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i dealt with that yesterday. Like we were doing heroic mekka. By now EVERYONE knows you NEED a mic. You HAVE to call stuff out. So our main tank and 1 dps didn’t have a mic or wouldn’t talk. Now I’m getting aggervated. Like look we’re all in this guild, most of us are friends, don’t sit there and expect 12 other people to cater to you because you want to be anti social.

Then dps was an issue. Like I’m a Dh. Check any wow parse. We are NOT top damage. If i am top damage every pull, there is an issue. Some people doing 7 or 8 k dps. Like look if you’re not pulling 10k, then gtfo. I’m sorry i shouldn’t need to spend 35 minutes carrying you because you don’t know your character.

I join a pug. If you don’t know the effing mechanics then don’t join a heroic! You don’t know Grong or Jadefire then get out.

Yeah I’ve found pugging somtimes better than my core raid. But if they’re raiding mythic I would get bored of running heroic.

I have had those types of interactions in live as well, but it’s much more rare and not something that happens very often. The best you can hope for is to find a guild with nice people to interact with.

But out in the world, and in dungeons, those interactions are very rare. Whenever I enter a dungeon or LFR for example, I always say hi when entering. Always. Most times some do say hello back, but that’s the end of any conversation. Everyone is in a rush and we complete the dungeon without anyone saying a word unless it’s someone raging because things aren’t going perfectly.

It’s just different, but the way the game is made these days doesn’t really encourage player interaction or cooperation as it once did. It’s all about the rush and just to get things done as quickly as possible.

Another huge thing is when sharding, phasing and CRZ aren’t involved. Those things truly ruined server communities in my opinion. It was nice seeing the same people out in the world and in chat every day on your realm. It helped foster community. I don’t know how many players BfA has, but I highly doubt it’s as many as Vanilla had before BC launched. There were 8 million people playing before BC launched and there was ten times more of a server community than we have today.

Unfortunately, Blizzard has decided to use a new tech in Classic for the launch period called layering. They have promised it would be removed in a few weeks. I could go on a long rant about that and my experience with layering in the stress test right now, but I will spare you lol. I will just say I hate it and leave it at that.

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Yeah I do miss that about vanilla, although it was aids to level and everything was slower paced it was great especially experiencing it the first time.
Getting things done actually mattered. Now it’s just the spoiled/entitled people expecting end game rewards for doing 30 minutes of world quests.
As far as the community goes I don’t think it’ll change at all, like I said it’ll be more of a forced cooperation to get things done.

They’ve been trashing BFA long before they were streaming the Classic beta. The current state of the game is why they are all excited for Classic in the first place. This is nothing new, other than the Classic beta.

It’s a change of pace and it’s something newish, it’s also nostalgia. Would you want to watch the same movie over and over or would you kill to have another option after a decade of the same.

i can’t say i disagree with you, but i feel like that just has become gaming. I mean i have an xbox and headsets literally come with every xbox, why don’t you have a mic?

I do say hi in every mythic i join or raid or pvp bg i join. But those same people in the world aren’t playing anymore so it’s nice to join a guild at least.

Yeah i don’t even know what layering means. I mean i understand the concept of what you’re saying with an mmo and the experience, but i think that’s gaming now and not just Wow to be honest.

With all fo this said there is a lot of little things they can bring back to this game to make life easy for a lot of people, or rather greatly improve the quality of the game.

Reforge system
More enchants
Able to upgrade an item to a warforged, then to titan forged via dust or some other currency
Make sockets on items a fixed thing like it was in BC and wrath, none of this lol you got 2 sockets on all of your gear crap.

That right there would make gearing in this game far more enjoyable as well.