What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

He was referring to the toxic ones. I see you cut it accordingly to make it sound a certain way.

Well they said that was the reasoning. They didn’t want players to feel bad about making wrong decisions even when they have a 2 hour window to refund it and make the correct choice.

I personally have a laundry list of things I really dislike about BFA and even made a MEGA POST about how I felt about the expansion.

No one would watch you just because you’re doing “heroic bod” let’s be entirely honest. The niche for people who’re interested in watching extremely high skilled played is something that Method already covers, and that’s unrealistic for you or most people.

So the second thing going for you is personality.

If you just sit there playing the game, you won’t even break 5 concurrent viewers, let’s be completely honest with ourselves here. Streaming is incredibly difficult, it’s a hustle, you have to network with other people, dedicate a lot of time maintaining a personality, and making sure you stay on Twitch’s good side.

yeah i don’t understand that even when it can be refunded to you. I guess sometime I’ll read your mega post because I’ve had a blast with BFA. What they did with Havoc from Legion is way better lol

linky please. I love hearing other people’s opinions

He literally didn’t even say “toxic” ones, but if you’re a mind-reader that’s pretty cool.

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I do too! I apologize about mine though…it’s a bit uhh…lengthy…

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Idiots, is what he meant for the toxic ones. You just failed to comprehend that. 20 other people got it right.

When you unironically use likes as a metric for being right


Like I said, you’re a mind-reader and I’m not. He doesn’t say toxic ones or clarifies to say he means toxic people. He just says, “Idiots” you can keep trying to look for meaning where things aren’t though. It’s pretty funny.

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But how many facebook likes did it get?

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I’m actually glad he made a rather robust contesting of the crap lore in 8.1, not that the lazy meatsacks at blizz were going to do something about it, but taking things down that way is better than just ‘I h8 this’.

It got

9234 :heart: reacts and 14524 :+1: on Facebook.

I’ll just have to check the retweets now to doubly make sure that the logical correctness of the statement is even truer.


Ooo…using big words, now. Well, if you actually read and comprehended the initial post, you’d get it, too. Sorry you didn’t. :frowning:

BFA is trash, they’re a consumer and have the right to call it trash too.
Classic just looks more appealing to me because I’ve never played it before and I want to raid naxx 40


Yeah me too. Ill admit im not a huge lore guy. But i find myself scratching my head this entire expansion over the story. So its nice to see im not alone on this, that someone who eats and breathes lore also thinks its not in a great state


Guess I’m just wrong then, I’ll get a book on “Logical Inference though Psychic Means and Social Media Engagement” :man_shrugging:


Wait did redshirtguy do like a big megapost or AMA or something talking about the bad lore?

If so, pls link.


He did one on reddit a day ago


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What an absolute chad.

Gonna’ read this later.

btw bypass the TL3 link restriction by putting them in codeblocks with backtick `

makes it look nicer and it stands out sorta like a hyperlink

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