What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

I’ve only encountered a few in BFA, and minor ones like getting stuck in the dirt, or portals not working right away.

yeah i remember the escapist kind of. Was it a British guy? I used to watch a comedy reviewer and sounds very familiar to who you’re referring to.

But yeah i think overall he does have good lyrics, but i guess over time it got dull to me because most of the themes and rhymes seemed pretty repetitive

Who cares about streamers??? If i like the game im going to play it. I played in Vanilla. Im not going through that crap again. I could play in BC or Wrath though


and for me not even. I dunno man i just don’t get this like overall bashing of bfa and if someone has legit criticisms or concerns i will agree with them. But like whining about leveling and rng for gear. That seems very subjective.

How often in how many expansions someone is like well the game is too easy. I got my full tier set in 5 weeks and now I’m bored! This game sucks! So they add WQ and Pvp gear to help in pve and more campaign missions and still like I don’t know wtf people want lol

Yeah. But tell me how many players complained about getting their full Conquest set in PvP.

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Yup. With a Tie, Red Glasses, Black suit, and…well… big.

He also says “Thank god for me” on the end of every Jimquistion.

Fully agree. And when I challenged a few of them on the BFA bashing and vanilla glorification, they couldn’t stick to topic or give a proper argument. It just turns into “yah but u sed dis and dat” crap. I like BFA, I’m having a blast. :cow:


I love his intro :slight_smile:

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well i mean last season i just got the hippo mount which i loved. But the pvp gear i mean i just maxed it out at 375 and got rid of it slowly with heroic bod and mythic plus gear.

But i never was super hardcore with pvp in previous expansions. Overall it seemed to take longer, then when it did how many complained it was TOO long lol and they couldn’t get certain pvp tiers?

omg i used to watch that A LOT ! lol i just lost track of him. Ok crap when i get done with bod does he have a new channel? I’ll check it out. My only issue is sometimes i couldn’t understand wtf he was saying lol. thank god for captions

It just tells you how bad retail must be for big name streamers to ditch it to play a 15 year old version of the game.

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well i can’t say you’re wrong lol. I would like to read legit concerns, game issues. But it seems the majority is well the game is bad. Ok how? Why? Well it is! Yeah umm sounds legit

His channel name is called “Jim Sterling” :slight_smile:

The Escapist YouTube channel does have his old videos from 2009 to 2014.

Almost never. The only complaint that was made that they fixed in WoD was the weekly lockouts. Which again they fixed in WoD by increasing the cap each week. But never did anyone complain that they were maxed out in Conquest gear once they completed their sets.

thank you barid. I’ll start tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow posting what i think to you lol

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Np :slight_smile:


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ok i missed out on WOD for personal reasons. but i did hear about they would cap out on points per week. But that’s similar to conquest points now right? Like once i play enough bgs for the week I don’t get any more pieces of gear. That’s why i try to win just one bg a day

The problem with the system is that player choice is removed. I don’t get to choose which piece I want to get each week. The game does that for me. They made the choice because they didn’t want new players making the wrong decisions. Which in my opinion is really dumb.

ok and thanks. That’s a legit criticism. I can only guess is to why they did that for? I mean making a wrong decision is still player choice