What do you want to see in the next expansion?

I want to see a Ny’alotha and an Old Gods expansion! :smiley:

Oh wait… Bummer…


I want to see a WoW 2. A completely new game with a newer graphics engine that is as good as WoW 1 was. but I’ll probably play whatever is there, so it doesn’t matter that much.

how about some sober devs and some real, NEW designing/programming?

do away with factions, and they better retrieve anduin intact…seriously

I suspect the currency was put in to ensure that the “correct” content was being run. It wasn’t enough to run some content - they needed a way to make sure we would participate in the right content. It’s just horrible and one of the reasons I spend more time in older expansions.


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All of Azeroth involved. I’m tired of only using a tiny sliver of this great big universe.

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[Blue text] CRZ has been removed [/Blue text]

Oh and … let me find the thread

This :point_down:

I’d really like to fix things around Azeroth :+1:
I don’t really care about fighting Thanos, I’d be happy to just repair the dam at Loch Modan or even better fix up and use Gilneas City :smiley:

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More fun. Fun characters, a bit more fun story. (but not way out there like a certain expansion) More positive vibes and atmosphere. Would be nice to get iconic tier sets back.

I kinda been rooting for the original DND feel of the game. (Classic Vanilla was pretty successful) A previous poster on this thread mentioned how to possibly get that vibe back. Whatever the theme, hoping for something more fun.

Oh and I like the idea of having flying again.

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Bring back Need or Greed rolls on loot - but keep the vault. Now that there’s a vault to back it up it will add some spice and drama but people won’t rage-quit over it.

Only thing that would work for me is for Ion to step down and go back to raiding where he belongs. Anything other than that is just going to be some twisted bs that Ion and Co. thinks is good.

MOAR timed content! That’s what the game needs.

A good assortment of new dungeons, with some random elements in them, sorta how Destiny changed Strikes with The Taken. No obscure systems to determine character power, better gear equals better stats which equal stronger characters. PvP options with a dedicated reward system, battlegrounds, Arenas, and world PvP objectives. Have PvP reward honor and conquest like it does now, with gearing through PvP being a realistic avenue if it’s what the player enjoys.
A overall story that makes me excited to turn in a quest and see what happens next. FF14 barrowed it’s entire concept from WoW, is it really that bad to barrow some elements from it to make WoW better??

As far as raiding goes, as a lfr all star, I am fine with how they have been doing raids, maybe add cosmetic drops for repeat clears in the same week, so that people have a reason to help other people through them after their own lockout.
Ohhh, still standing strong on switching blood elves and dwarves to the opposing factions. I like dwarves and blood elves do not belong with us. Little pink things!!

Somebody who works for Blizzard on the forums having conversations with people about changes players want to the game.


Blizzard taking the suggestions and improving the game, so Gallywix can keep having a new yacht every year.

2 new classes

  • Artificer
  • Void Sovereign

4 new races at launch, 4 others added as the xpac continues
More race customizations
Heritage Armors & Weapons

Expanding talent trees, adding 2 new rows.
Many class abilities return.
Many class buffs return.
PVP talent trees return.
Tier Sets are back.
Timewalking is always available
Timewalking M+
Timewalking Heroic Raids with old tier set bonuses

Torghast style endless dungeons are available for solo or group content. Dungeon formats ranging from Emerald Dream nature, Blackrock mountain halls, endless twisting void corridors, bronze dragonflight twisting time dilation, and more. Including class style extended talent trees to pre-set some abilities for classes and specs. Players can also choose certain blessings along with torments. The challenges award unique class transmogs, mounts, currencies, toys, pets, and titles.

Guild Halls
Player Housing
New secondary professions Carpentry & Artisan
New Guild Perks
New Follower system
New Guild Follower system

Island Exploration, Expanding upon the positives from Island Expeditions. Customize your own followers to aid you on adventures on the Azerothian seas. Customize your boat to your race or army aesthetic. Unique transmogs, pets, mounts, and other rare mysteries await you on the seas. Lost recipes previously removed from the game can be found on the isles. Many ancient recipes for carpentry and Artisans can also be found on the isles. Join with friends or use your own followers to accompany you on your voyages. Beware of pirate attacks and be prepared to defend your vessel and your booty with your crew. Upgrading your vessel or choosing a certain type of ship offers different perks. Gnomish/Goblin submarines allow access to the depths and exploration of Nazjatar, Vash’jir, and other under water civilizations.


Emphasis on Professions/Crafting.
New Professions: Woodworker and Forester
Crafted gear that doesn’t suck after a month into the new xpac.
A new continent with a dozen zones.
Forests. Lots of forests.

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“Ion Hazzikostas and Steve Danuser fired as lead developers of World of Warcraft [expansion name here]”


Something chill and fun. You know end of game stuff.

The entire team bar music/raid design team fired and replaced with people who are passionate and engaged with the community.

A new lasting casual progression system. Housing or something of similar vibes.
An expansion on relevancy outside of small areas like Korthia.
A wider selection of cosmetic rewards to collect.
Rewarding solo queue content.

Mostly, a game that doesn’t feel like it revolves around getting me into a raid as fast as possible.

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Player frelling Housing…

Pretty much this.

I think people are WAY too burnt out on the Legion+ design philosophy to take a 4th expansion of it.

I also think the people asking for a return to the simplicity of old are expecting that to magically make them love the game again, and I truly do not believe it would do that. It’s not 2010 anymore, going back won’t make the game better.

We just need a new direction. Whatever that may be. Maybe it gets received well. Maybe it doesn’t. But it’s the proper time for it.

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