What do you want to see in the next expansion?

Any thoughts?


Engaging and deterministic gearing (would like people to target the items they want).

Longer story sections weekly (3hrs would be nice)


Honestly, a new MMO. Think they’ve done everything they can with this engine. Also, the servers can’t seem to handle it.


A return to the old design that actually worked


an entire new design philosophy. what that should be? im not sure, but whatever it is now sucks.


Un cata the world please let it move on.


Player housing and a move away from temporary systems, invest resources in things that will stay with us, not glorified hamster wheel grinds that may as well be deleted when the expansion’s over.


Bringing the WAR back to Warcraft. Horde and Alliance fracturing and being reformed as an ideology rather than race based segregation.

Horde are libertarians, desiring freedom from government and authoritarian imposition… the only authority is Might. If you can hold land and beat back those that would take it from you, its yours.

The Alliance being a historic caste system where nobility reigns and the common man is persecuted to prop up the higher castes… they are religious, monarchists, pompas and authoritarian.

As a player, you now have agency and choice over which side of a conflict you want to play through, all player races are in the one pool of players that can group and queue for conflicts together, lots of smaller scale conflicts and less “universe at stake” crisis plots. I want emotional grounding in the narrative like classic wow had mankriks wife, warchief rend blackhand, tirion fordring… I want those questlines where they are small but grip the character becuase they are relatable, well written and they keep strumming everything that draws us to the franchise.

Above all I want a Hellscream back in the horde centre stage… cousin, forgotten son, whatever can be a new character… I want an Orc that is free to act as a Orc without being demonised by the narrative or corrupted by some evil. They are who they are and make the choices they make FOR THE HORDE.


ULtra forge gear :sunglasses:



Dragons to fight, as is traditional in this medium.

Dragons to ally with, giving them their narrative due (and maybe updating their models).

Dragons to play as, be it through a class, race, or both.

And embracing flight as an element of gameplay, maybe adding Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves as Allied Races while we’re at it.


Rated BGs reworked into a 6v6 mode as Holinka already talked about.

Dungeons also reworked around 6 players parties to help with the DPS players wait times.

More fun talent rows, take your borrowed power ideas and put them in there, also make talents that feel mandatory for a class to function baseline (example for Resto Shaman Echo of the Element and Cloudburst Totem).

Return to an older style of dailies that offer more fun rewards and a bit of storytelling (example Netherwing in TBC) and less mandatory power grinds.

No half baked tacked on mechanics from an entirely different genre of game

No more trash systems.

Flight at launch.

Player housing, or at least something akin to it like the Pandaria farms.

Quests with a smaller scope but more “heart” to them again.

Lore to care about instead of big grand DB Super-style cosmic battles.


Oooo! I like this thread.

You know when you use Inky Black Potion in Ardenweald? All that dark, glowy blue and darkness to contrast with all the glow? Yeah. More of that, please! ^.^

Same with Revendreth. Seriously, go grab some Inky Black Potions next time you’re at Darkmoon Faire and use it in Ardenweald and Revendreth.

One other thing that accentuates that blue-ish glow mood is setting my computer filter to a dark blue filter (I’m on a Mac but I think Windows also has filters).

So, my suggestion is to play around with in-game colors, glow, contrast, and filters. It adds a beautiful ambience and mood and goes a long way in improving players’ overall moods (blue is generally a calming color and night time has a similar calming effect. The darker the blue, the better.

Actually, I’ll try compile my ideas into a list, so here it is…

  • Colors, darkness, glow, filters, blue

  • Add more Hearth items (not everyone can obtain all the guild ones) / portals to SW?

  • Add a drop-down menu on our side bar to organise all our hearth items (like the Mage portal one)

  • Make hearth items into toys to free up bag space

  • Mount drop down menu side action bar options

  • A second side bar that works like the bottom one where you have arrows to switch between them (to help organise extra abilities and items)

That’s all I can think of for now. : )

:mouse: :cherry_blossom: :herb:


What design was that?

The design of Vanilla/Wrath/TBC, at most maybe MOP since that wasn’t too bad although personally I thought Cata had a better overall gameplay design. Everything since Legion has IMHO been total garbage.

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Did the design actually work though? Growth in WoW stagnated at the tail end of WOTLK and afterwards the population fell expansion over expansion.

WOTLK was good but let’s not pretend that it was perfect and that if you just brought WOTLK back it would be sunshine and daisies.


Less systems, less borrowed power. Improvements to a character should be improvements regardless of what zone they are in. The only thing that persists throughout a persons time in this game is their character. Legendary items become deprecated and at best become mogs.

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A healer/caster hero class. We got two tank/melee ones in a row. Not sure who thought that was a good idea.

A complete retconning of the events of BfA and Shadowlands, or at least the latter.

Shadowlands has put more holes in the plot and lore of WoW than its entire history combined.

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Just be alt friendly. Please.

Blizzard can make as many systems as they want. Just show respect for my time. I don’t want to do a bunch of non accountwide chores to optimize my character.

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