What Do You Want From Bolvar in Shadowlands?

Bwon ain’t dying, his own pocket ream “Da Other Side” is a dungeon in Shadowlands. No way he’s not present in his own dungeon.

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I don’t mind drama as it’s important to a story that doesn’t mean I am gonna be happy with no pay off

why are you still defending it then?

We had teldrassil, our revenge was limited to killing 1 recreatable Val’kyr and that’s it. They already said that we got our revenge there, so why do you expect more or expect Sylvanas to die?
Not only can we not get payback or justice, but they also refuse to conclude or make up for Teldrassil without including the Horde. It’s just them ignoring the race.
Same thing can be said about the Horde being forgiven without remorse, not even getting Ashenvale back, not even being featured in the end of expansion book and to top it all off, the writers saying that the faction war has been concluded in BfA.

Whenever someone brings up valid complaints about the atrocious writing, you always defend it.

Valkyr aren’t recreatable at least not by syl, just saying.

revenge for teld is killing sylvanas

They won’t kill Sylvanas though and they already said that the night elves got their revenge. I don’t know where you are getting this absurd idea from that Sylvanas will die to the Night Elves or die at all.

Yeah, you kinda wonder where all the big guns were when Sylvanas showed up.

Makes me wonder if it was a set up.

We never did get confirmation the Jailer was behind killing Vol’jin and promoting Sylvanas to warchief. Sylvanas’ own internal thoughts shows she didn’t want it. Maybe it was the Jailer pushing her forward, but it could just as easily been the Arbiter doing it to throw a wrench in Sylvanas’ scheme with the Jailer.

That could explain a bunch of the decisions Sylvanas has made that people have complained about. Her decision to slaughter the Desolace Council, the weak reasoning to start a war at a weird time, the decision to burn Teldrassil (with civilians still there) as opposed to the stated objective of capturing and holding it hostage, Blighting her own troops. She was pushed out of her comfort zone and forced to accelerate the time table.

Jailer couldn’t have planned random demon boi killing voljin but with new information about syl and jailers partnership it’s heavily implied he was the voice that vol heard.

He couldn’t send a random demon, but he cut ties to Loa Vol’Jin had, and likely clouded his vision so he fell as easy prey.

Some people noticed that during the Broken Shore Investigation where we go with Vol’Jin in one scene we see Vol’Jin and others fight while Sylvanas is behind aiming her arrow - right at Vol’Jin.

Although I think it was just a coincidence, and people read a bit too much in this one.

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Maybe she was aiming for the demon behind him at the time

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There was also the pair of eyes that people pointed out in those memories, watching everything. The popular theory at the time was it was Rezan, but no one knew of the Arbiter and the Jailer then.

I think that theory wasn’t popular since Rezan was dead when that questline was released (patch 8.1). However this sets up Vol’jin to play a big role as the horde guide in defeating the Jailer alongside Bwonsamdi which is a very good outcome compared to just let him eat dirt and forgotten