What Do You Want From Bolvar in Shadowlands?

Where would you like to see Blizzard take the character next?

Killing sylvanas


Honestly? Nothing.
For years he didn’t give me reason to care for him as a LK, I don’t know what he could do and what he could not. His ascension was off and made many people laugh at the WotLK ending. I was not terribly impressed with his antics in Legion. And overall I have exact same attitude toward him as I have toward Wrathion - I could live without him.


When we kill Sylvanas and the Jailer he says “There must always be a Jailer of the Damned” and puts on the jailers helmet.


Tirion’s ghost barges in: "Hey, wait a minute, that’s not at all necessary in this situation!*
Bolvar: “Yeah, but Sylvanas wrecked my last cool hat. This one’ll do.”

On topic: I want to see Bolvar do something really cool to balance out getting punked in the intro cinematic.

I also want to either see him surreptitiously/“coincidentally” always leaving the room/whatever right before Taelia shows up, or actually have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Or first one, then the other. (And Anduin can talk with Bolvar at other times, but Bolvar and Taelia should get some quality family time without other major characters stealing the spotlight.)

And I want him to be spooky and grim but definitely supportive of the player character and their quest in the Shadowlands.


I want bolvar to slam sylvanas with a big rock, and then he grabs her head and rips it off, and then he says “I must set us all free.” Then he rips her head in half like she did to his helm.





Silence would be nice. Yet another Alliance character I’m supposed to care about.


“I can sense anima nearby…and those who would seek to abuse it for their own ends. You’ve got to stop them!”


The problem with Bolvar is that much of his content is restricted to the Death Knight players. He’s only made a Cameo in the Vol’jin questline. Nobody really matters. What should my priest, rogue, or warrior care about?

Long as he’s not a problem for me. There’s nothing to care about. I expect him to act as the Magni of the expansion pretty much. I’d love for him to not call me his champion unless I’m a DK.

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What do I want from Bolvar? An apology, for starters. I will have nothing but contempt for him, otherwise. I would like it to go thusly:

Cursewords arrived at Icecrown to complete a quest. He approached the kneeling, weeping form of Bolvar. Unsure of how to move past this dialogue sequence, the Warlock used his weapon to push around shards of the shattered crown like hockey pucks. He waited for the simpering king to pause his lamentations.

Cursewords: “Hey, that’s funny. I remember the last time I was here. You said something about… go now, or stay for ever? You treat your guests rather rudely. Small wonder one deigned to put you in your place.”

Bolvar: “All too true. I see that now. When you and your compatriots asked me a simple question, I got all edgelord on you.”

Cursewords: “You realize, now, that maybe helping people and sharing information might have eased both of our… situations? I know kicking people out of your house with snark can be satisfying… but look at you now.”

Bolvar: “Indeed. My arrogance has doomed us all!”

Cursewords: “Well, enough loot will get me to help you fix your mess.”

Bolvar really got on my bad side in that Voljin quest.

Kadghar and Magni are not so disgusting. I did not mind spending whole expacs with them. But Bolvar is a contemptuous blowhard and I am not looking forward to the incoming Alliance Overdose involving saccharine reunions with his daughter and Anduin. Feh.

I am used to Alliance leaders and characters unapologetically dominating the story while committing insult upon insult on the Horde Player. So I am not holding my breath. Other than that:

In so many words.


That he dies early in the expansion for shock value because we don’t need another human taking the spotlight in SL(Yes we have enough with Uther and wait for the 9.2 where Arthas take the lead)


THIS. I realize only Tyrande can get the kill, because Sylvanas has literally only harmed night elves and literally no one else only the night elves have suffered under her and no one else has at all in any way, shape, or form, but good lord do I want Bolvar to do it.

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Preferably right were we left him…on top of ICC kneeling to a true warrior as he should : )


That might be a bit much for the game’s “mature” rating.

There was one thing I was thinking about after they fought what happened to the new four horsemen?

They saw the Sylvanas Vrs Malfurion fight and was like “nawl, we good yo” :rofl: :rofl:

Id rather have a current Alliance aligned character do that, not someone neutral. I wouldnt mind seeing him beat her until she is forced to retreat however.

Calia and Bolvar getting married and becoming the queen and king of the Forsaken after they give the final death to Sylvanas and curse her to damnation. The wedding can take place in Stormwind and it can be the joining ceremony of Lightforged Undead into the Alliance.

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I want Shadowlands to make me care about Bolvar.

Rn I couldn’t care if he died.