What Do You Want From Bolvar in Shadowlands?

And get overrun by scourge before the cataclysm hit? Smart play

It was weaker then than it is now, so yeah.

It was actually at its peak and only at the start of its decline at the end of wrath. Donā€™t know how you can say it was weaker then than currently

Bolvarā€™s been recruiting relentlessly throughout Legion and BfA, and slightly before then as we see in the fire mage questline. He even managed to retake Stratholme from the Argent Crusade after Cata.

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Heā€™s been recruiting deathknights and not as many as Arthas was sending out, plus Arthas had way more territory under the scourge then Bolvar and where is this stratholme but coming from?

The Paladin order hall campaign. To get our pony we have to go in there and itā€™s overrun with Scourge.

Stratholme always has been overrun with scourge and itā€™s still burning, it was the biggest population center of lordaeron so of course there is still scourge in there but to say Bolvar retook it is nonsensical

The Crusade took it in Cata. Then in Legion (And again in BfA) if was lost to Bolvarā€™s forces.


They established footholds in it, no one has ever cleared out all the undead in that city.

Also balnazaar has undead crusaders in there but he didnā€™t take over the whole place

And the footholds they took are completely gone by Legion/BfA. As of BfA they have a total of one dude standing guard outside. The rest has been lost.

The scarlets?

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Argents. Weā€™ve not gone into the Scarlet side since. As far as Iā€™m aware.

Acknowledgement that the attack on the Knights of the Silver Hand was completely unnecessary and a poor tactical decision.

The argents lost ground like I said to the many undead that where still in that city, also if I remember correctly Bolvar is only really controlling scourge in icecrown, also Raeman the soul taker was leading the undead in strath.

Reunion with his daughter would be nice to see.

Ultimately thoughā€¦ I would not mind seeing Sylvanas die in a cinematic just like Garrosh died in WoD. And I would love to watch Bolvar and Saurfang team up against her and bringing her down.


To get some actual armour because he looks ridiculous without a helmet on.


Iā€™m betting heā€™ll get a new plate of domination ā€“ and Frostmourne ā€“ from the Forge of Domination.

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Well we did MoP 2, why not have WoTLK 2

I could see him as this expansionā€™s Khadgar / Magni equivalent. Unless Windy killed him which seems unlikely since he narrates the gameplay trailer I think heā€™d be a good fit for that.

That would work pretty well. Bolvar was a grand champion of the Alliance who has to know a thing or two about the afterlife- and Bwom is the grim reaper so I assume heā€™s got our back.

Unless they kill him in that book. Which, well I wouldā€™ve said ā€œBut thatā€™s so stupid they wouldnā€™t do thatā€ but these days, /shrug.

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Ion confirmed heā€™s alive. Thereā€™s art of him leading the Ebon Blade to Revendrethā€™s raid.