What Do You Want From Bolvar in Shadowlands?

Sylvanas already killed Saurfang. They didn’t have to worry about anyone throwing an axe in their back while Sylvanas was on her knee.

Though, given Sylvanas was going through ICC as a transmog run, she probably cleared them to unlock the teleporter up to Bolvar.

Personally, I’d rather let Bolvar get the Sylvanas kill and instead let the night elves drive out Sylvanas loyalist remnants from Ashenvale instead. I don’t feel like Sylvanas is the night elves’ nemesis, and letting the night elves slay her would feel hollow to me because it would mean more to other characters.

And, after reading how many Horde players don’t want to deal with Bolvar, it makes me sad for the unrealized dream where Bolvar would guide the Alliance through the Shadowlands while Bwonsamdi guided the Horde.

This game needs more Bwonsamedi snark.


That’s Tyrande.

Will end up being nobody though.

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What do I want from Bolvar?

I want him to be the primary guide through the Shadowlands for the Alliance while the Horde party up with Vol’jin.

I know I won’t get that, of course. I am going to be expected to once again forsake my faction affiliations and party up with a guy that I’ve never really interacted with before or care about. Someone who is very important to the Alliance but is nothing but a name to me.

Because that is how Blizzard rolls. Horde players only get to be heroic when we’re following an Alliance hero.


Preach, homie.


I dont care who does it, as long as it happens

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bolvar should be the magni/khadgar of SL

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You’re signing up for disappointment then.

Even though I know you and I can already see you defend the Sylvanas redemption.

Do you just live in your own little world? How could you possibly think Katiera of all people would be fine with sylvanas’s redemption? Threads very often go like this:

No one:
Katiera: Sylvanas is evil.

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because she defends literally anything blizz does and paints it as the pinnacle of good writing. From Teldrassil and the destruction of a playable race to killing 1 recreatable Val’kyr as suitable revenge to ignoring the race later. All is good writing, and so will the Sylvanas redemption be.


we should start a counter for how many times Ele says these words

Can we see him free Arthas just so he can kill Syl? Like imagine how funny that would be, getting all high and mighty on her death power only to have the man who killed her before kill her again. Be a real kick in the teeth for her. But in all honesty I want him to do something grandiose instead of being a not so well thought out background note.

Why would he ever do that?

No reason merely making a joke.

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what the heck i thought yall were the same person

We are one! lich king eyes open

I’ll be honest, so did I at first until I noticed their names were different.

Same transmog? Such a social travesty! One of them just has to change!

Or fight to the death for the honor of wearing it.

Either or.

I’ll win.

He’ll probably win, I just don’t want to change or change characters in commenting on due to the notifications on all the posts I’ve already commented on.

Wait is it an real life fight to the death though?

His head on a pike.

He built up the scourge when he should’ve dismantled it. His stupidity and greed for power is why they’ll ravage Azeroth in the pre patch. We should’ve torn up the Lich King’s helm long ago.

I don’t give two damns what happens to Sylvanas, but Bolvar has to suffer for the choices he made.