What do you guys think of adding Draenai and Blood Elves to classic?

Make sure to show this to despitebeing so he will shut up

You arenā€™t playing Classic WoW with flying mounts and a WoW Token. Itā€™s a retail progression server. Themā€™s the brakes

No I am most certainly not. I do not know how to fly in Classic :wink:
And Iā€™m not sure I understand this remark at all ā€¦ which brakes?
If you ask for my Retail it is still BfA. I havenā€™t updated since, but I know from friends that their indexses still looks the same.

None of that matters to me. Mr. Avalon will just need to un-see what I post.
Enjoy your day.

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You talk to a flight master or wait for the goblin zepplin.

Thatā€™s because I havenā€™t come back to classic yet and started my campaign to retail up classic.

Oh, and Iā€™m going to this time around!!

Gonna be here on the classic forums, everyday, asking for LFR, Transmog, the works.

Weā€™ll see how much traction I get.

No, thanks. This is Era, classic vanilla. No changes, slippery slope.


No. Vanilla happened in the early 2000s

That died before the 2019 launch. Weā€™ve had plenty changes since then. Most of them good.

No, 2004 was vanilla. This is classic vanilla. No ā€œfurtherā€ changes, if that is the language you need.

No, itā€™s Classic WoW. There are many similar qualities between it and Vanilla, but they are two different games. Classic WoW is not a time capsule, museum , or #NoChanges safety bunker.

It is free to develop itā€™s own novel content with the sole exemption of anything in retailā€™s expansions.

That means no flying mounts, cross-faction classes, ā€˜heroā€™ classes (at least not how they have been currently implemented), dark portal, or WoW Tokens.

That actually would be a great idea to lunch TBC era servers.

Pre patch for a month or two then go into Dark Portal openingā€¦. Would be pretty fun.


I donā€™t operate these realms, nor do you. My desire is a no changes philosophy, and that is what has largely been the case for Era. Your desire is new content. All signs for Era, up to this point, suggest more of a no changes approach by Blizzard, which I believe is correct and in alignment with any expectations set for or perceived by players. Only the future will tell beyond that.


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Yes, though I thought a 2-4 month pre-patch for tbc at level 60 with tbc talents and earnable r14 gear would be fun. They laughed and said a 2month long pre-patch would be too much, and we got 2weeks.

Yeah but for fresh TBC era servers I could see doing more a pre patch than what they did with classic progression.


Classic+ should have Tauren Paladins and Dwarf Shamans. This maintains Classic races while better balancing the factions, particularly in terms of raiding. Keep the TBC races out.

A cursory list:
Chronoboon Displacer
Interaction between Ranged Attack certain +Attack Power buffs
1.13 talents/itemization, which then became 1.14 with SoM, and let us not forget:

are all signs contrary to your #NoChanges

No thanks, keep the Red/Blue exclusives!

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What changed with mailing?

Only 1 mail item per letter changed to 12

I see but at that point you may as well complain about the UI changes as well.

Wouldā€™ve loved for a 1:1 recreation with talent changes and all but I donā€™t think the community would have received it as well. Some would no doubt but I think itā€™d be few and far between.

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