What do you guys think of adding Draenai and Blood Elves to classic?

You know, just so that horde can have pallies, and alliance can have shamen, no other changes.


I want Guild Banks, first. Then, we’ll talk about the other changes.


The word you’re looking for is “Burning Crusade”


Uh, no, the dark portal would remain closed, and the gear and the talants would remain the same as classic era.

The only thing i’d like to be added is the Draenai and bloodelf zones, and the races themselves.

That’s it.

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just give us tbc better than era anywaise

No it’s not, classic is much better than TBC!


I’m opposed to it. Mostly due to the necessity to add other areas that correspond to them.

The other part is that Belves caused a major decline on alliance in BC so Era with Belves is just a recipe for disaster.


Absolutely not. Keep that retail trash out of Classic.


It’s not retail trash but I too strongly oppose it. After this we’ll ask for tbc changes then the slippery slope will go in full swing

I’m all for Classic receiving changes, so long as they stay true to Classic WoW. Cross-Faction classes is not Classic. That means no blood elves, no space goats, no death knight, no fluing mounts, etc.


I would be ok with it, but for classic plus and a pre-tbc plus server aka a server which would be fresh and progress and stay in tbc after I think to capture the feel maybe have tbc talents. As without changes there might not be much more to try as opening up debuff slots mainly buffs spriests, and aff locks.

I mean the buff of paladins and shamans without the changes to tbc would mean 5 spots to paladins and maybe 4-5 spots to shamans. Without tbc talents or changes to talent trees it would just be vanilla but easier. People would still stack wars and mages and there is somewhat of a not enough changes, people do not like ranking so they might change that with debuff caps, but getting a plus might not require new stuff but maybe specs becoming viable like they did during the 2week tbc prepatch.

The draenei hit racial would be OP given how much emphasis is put towards hit in classic. But I bet the warriors and rogues in my classic guild would drool over the opportunity to have kings/might AND wf.

It would be unfair to strip such iconic races from their respective expansion. If you would like to play these races there are two other versions of the game where you can play a blood elf or draenei:
Wrath Classic and Dragonflight.

You could also join your voice with others asking for TBC Era servers. But I cannot support porting those races to Classic Era. They just don’t belong.


If it means I can play horde paladin, I’m cool with it lol

I’d play era if my rogue could be a blood elf.

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If they do classic plus I think adding more races and class combos is a good thing.
But as others have said I would much prefer things like a guild bank as the first thing they add as that’s something classic really needs more than anything. and functionally speaking it should be very easy to add guild banks to the game


+1 from me. Classic has the best leveling experience tbh. More races in classic = more fun tbh. Also horde pally would be fresh and fun in era :slight_smile: :cloud_with_rain:

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Blood Elves and Draenei were not introduced in Retail

Retail is, always has been and always will be the curent version of the game.

I’m sorry to tell you that an expansion released 15 years ago stopped being retail 14 years ago


Adding in Belfs allows both factions to have all classes.
Adding in Belfs and Spacegoats adds (4) zones for early-game questing.

Using Level 70 talent trees (but players still have only 51 talent points) would likely make raiding more fun (more bear-tanks and pro-paladins as MT), but would likely require extensive adjustments to raid bosses because TBC talent trees would like make the raids ‘too easy’.

I’d be more interested in a perma-60 server if I could have my Hunter/Druid/Paladin character core (on both factions).


^— lemme know when there’s a perma-70 server, leredditguy

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Its strong but its not the end of the world op. Weapon specialization racial passives exist. :man_shrugging: