What do you guys think of adding Draenai and Blood Elves to classic?

That is retail’s content.

Taken from the article covering Era’s debut:

" WoW Classic will direct you to the new Classic Era realms which will have the latest phase of WoW Classic content in it and will not progress into any WoW expansion content."

https:/ /worldofwarcraft.blizzard .com/en-us/news/23625676/world-of-warcraft-classic-and-burning-crusade-classic-characters-and-realms


But it is and it is stealing a feature of the TBC expansion.
There are many posting in this forum that would like to see a TBC Era server or servers. Could you perhaps support them and post requesting that Blizzard reconsider making TBC Era a reality?

Tbc was ok at best. Era is the best one. Wotlk is dead. :man_shrugging: :cloud_with_rain:

Had to be better than that if you want to play belfs and spacegoats.

Cmon Blizz!
Give this nice person that loves the Burning Crusade races a TBC Era server to love.

Be silent troll. Actual troll too. Personally I’m ok either way but ur guys “logic” is faulty. :man_shrugging:

Heck no.
I want people to have choices.
I want there to be perma TBC servers and perma Wrath servers for those that love those expacs and their features.
I don’t want to steal races/talents/features from those versions that make them unique and special.

I’m sorry you’ve missed my prior (going back a couple of years now) posts stating exactly this same idea.

TBC is retail :expressionless:


Like I said, Retail is and always has been the most current version of the game.

TBC has not been retail for 14 years.

By your logic, Vanilla is also Retail because at one point it was the current version of the game.


that’s one interpretation
equally valid is that every expansion = retail :expressionless:


Its not an interpretation at all. That’s the definition of the term.

It started with private servers to refer to the current version of the game. That’s how its been, that’s how it is and that’s how it will be.

Only Dragonflight is Retail. Nothing else is Retail.


I played back in Vanilla through WotLK and once Horde got Paladins it was the beginning of the end for the Alliance.

Dev backed fanboi Horde faction + pretty elves = plummeting Alliance. That was a fact. The Horde bandwagon was insane. And to suggest that didn’t/wasn’t/hadn’t happened when you can look at raid logs and see majority horde guilds clearing high end content is to live in another world I’m afraid.

The damage was done and no one bothered migrating back because there was no reason to and most prominent raiders already went Horde.

Yes. We need a TBC Era server.


No thanks. I think they fit the story of TBC well but Vanilla/Classic follows up on WC3


TBC is the expansion after Vanilla, and due to that, the most like Vanilla. Overall, I would say TBC is Vanilla with Blood Elves and Draenei, and a new endgame. The flavor of TBC when leveling is very much like Vanilla because it is basically still Vanilla with a little salt and pepper added. WotLK (which I think is fine) is where the ingredients really start to change and the game makes a leap away from Vanilla.

While I am not sure if this actually is a fact, it is a fair point. Blood Elves are popular. Although I do recall my friends being excited to make Draenei toons. I also recall enjoying the Draenei start-lands when leveling one of them.

Your point is an excellent reason for Blizzard to make a TBC Era server though. The newly added races in TBC are popular and for the players that love the feel of Vanilla, but also want to enjoy playing their favorite Blood Elves and/or Draenei toons, TBC is perfect for them.

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And flying mounts, cross-faction classes, and RPG-killing ‘QoL’ changes to class abilities like rogue poisons. It’s retail garbo, not Classic WoW.

A TBC Era server sure, but not added to Era itself.


Absolutely. We need to keep the Vanilla Era servers, and to have a separate TBC server. At least one. Both of these versions of the game are gems.

To quote the great MadSeason:
“I’ll always be Classic at heart, because that’s my jam personally, but the Burning Crusade is right there. I think that anyone who likes Classic will like BC and vice versa.”

I hope Blizzard puts up a TBC server soon.


It’s what I call it so that’s what it is. You’re welcome to call it what ever suits you too.


Then you’re wrong

I think I’d prefer dwarf shaman and Tauren paladins, and no belves or TBC zones added.

But even then, having different classes available to different factions is part of the Classic flavor that makes it good, in my opinion.