What do you guys think of adding Draenai and Blood Elves to classic?

Hell no. Faction specific classes is a great part of vanilla. The amount if uniqueness it brings to the game totally outweighs the imbalance.


That’s a retail feature, not Classic WoW.


If the idea is to go 1-60 and end the server at Naxx then I’d prefer to keep the races out and the classes segregated. However, if the new Season will go MC through SWP then I would be in favor starting with BE’s and Space Goats, both of their zones open, TBC talents (adjusted for 60 to start) and increased itemization.

Not just no, but hell no.

I dont like the Draenai at all. I think they were a mistake.

I like the Horde as a collection of monsters. Elves are not monsters and do not fit into the Horde at all.

That’s a Burning Crusade feature, not Retail


The only thing I want to see in Classic is meme specs brought closer to the DPS pack, and more races with built in +weapon skill talents.

Most memes just need Spirit = Hit, and better MP5.

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The question is what I want; what you want is of no concern to me.

Turtle does it better with high elves and goblins. Draenai should of never been a playable race

Hey, now, I actually like the Space Goats :pleading_face:

how does this stop with


Because changes do promoted / open the way for even more changes.

Its the slippery slope, the thin end of the wedge, lets just not start that downward spiral.

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I always felt that Blizzard strongly goofed…

Should have had Gobblins and Ogres on Horde. They did eventually give us Gobblins but Ogres should have been in too, not all the trash they added outside that.


I mean it’s not opinion. Blizzard after being acquired by Activision they minmax’d profits over sustaining the lore. It started with MoP, but continues today. Playing retail WoW today (despite the fact I enjoy it mostly for PvP and M+) and playing WC2/3 feels like playing two games in completely different universes.


They are both beautiful races, though not as beautiful as myself of course…

A TBC server would be welcome, though human race will still be best for appearance.

Nobody is gonna wait around for blizz to construct 99 other ways to do this or that. Blood elves and draenei already have all the sets, weapons, skill trainers, models done etc. Its already there. :man_shrugging: :cloud_with_rain: Asking blizz for high elves is why we got void elves. If anything u guys naysaying are the copium.

In any case instead of Draeneis and Belves I would add shamans to dwarves and paladins to taurens. But again doing this big changes open the door to people just wanting more and more changes until it becomes something toxic like wotlkc.

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Who cares? Typically alliance is always the absolute extreme majority

no kidding; its why we have Era, why would you want any other game?

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That’s exactly why. Classic era is the only one with a real leveling experience. If anything I would prefer they add it and more to classic plus and build upon it. Maybe even do high elves with sorcereress, moknathal etc. :cloud_with_rain:

Classic Era is the version of Azeroth that has been explicitly exempted from retail’s content.


Exactly and I would prefer they keep it that way however them adding only blood elf and draenei isn’t that big. Just two starting zones and thats it. :cloud_with_rain: