I am an Alliance player, 8x level 40 Druids Benediction-PVP, and I kill every Horde I can find. Doesn’t matter if you are level 1, or level 60, my Moonfires will find you and bonk you on the head.
OP - “Hey guys whats your opinion on (insert behavior that is generally seen as anti social, poor form and cowardly)”
Til they go and put your brain into wisp mode
then you are 7 free kills
IMO it reveals a serious character flaw and a strong possibility of a need for mental health care.
The point is that it’s fun. That’s all I need. I don’t need honor gear when I’ve got raid epics.
Horde - Check
Undead - Check
Rogue - Check
Congrats, you are the stereotype.
I don’t kill lowbies because its a literal waste of my time.
To be fair, every single aspect of this game is technically a waste of time.
What’s your opinion on it?
I thought it was really lame until I saw this post and your video. Thank you for sharing, and thanks for presenting it in a way that makes it look fun, interesting and cool!
Swolebenji, good on you!
I roll on a pvp server. I know this means many things, such as opposition when leveling, greater pvp opportunities at end game, and world conflicts happen more frequently, which is something I personally enjoy.
I have one rule for pvp. If its red, it’s dead. If I was horde the same rules apply. If I’m in the gurubashi arena, the same rules apply. If I arena on retail, do bgs on classic or out in the world, if its red, it’s dead.
I do this for a couple of reasons.
I choose a server that “caters” to the war part in warcraft.
It is at the very least entertaining.
The people who do cross paths with me also knowingly signed up for the same server with the same universal rules.
Because of number 3, I feel no obligation to feel remorse, empathy or forgiving. Nor do I find it a waste of time to kill people who are significantly lower level than I am.
PvP problems have PvP solutions. If you dont like getting camped, roll PvE. You are no less, or no better than I am. Regardless of server. We just play different rules to the same game. The game made the rules, not the players.
If people get mad, think it’s sad or a waste of time, that’s on them, not me.
But set aside other people’s feelings. If someone’s first experience with a game is hours of a ganker at their body and a ganker at the GY, people eventually quit the game. So, when subs fall and they combine servers, or stop supporting a game, if you have chased people away from playing, actively, you are an idiot.
It’s a Blizzard problem that servers became imbalanced on retail until PvP servers were no longer viable. New players disproportionately quit when they couldn’t play the game. It was Blizzard’s problem because they permitted players to act in ways that were bad for the game.
Think how fun an old PVP realm would be if at any time you could be attacked out in the world, but if the higher ranked person initiated, it autoscales the opponent to within 5 levels of them, so there is always a fighting chance. You still need to ‘get gud or get killed’, but it’s at least possible to survive.
For true PvP, there should always be risk. The risk is one sided when a ganker kills a player who is incapable of fighting back. The game catered to gankers at the expense of future paying customers.
Imagine if you could not tell what level that player is or what health they have. Should you attack? What if they are your level but a much better player and better geared?
I’m the 2nd most geared horde rogue in the world.
For a rogue that’s supposedly the 2nd most geared (edit: horde) rogue in the world, your parses are pretty crappy. I wouldn’t brag about that.
I guess that’s probably why you feel the need to kill lowbies. Must suck to have such good gear and still be a terrible rogue.
In the end, there’s a perfectly viable way to avoid getting ganked: rolling on a PvE server. Your choice if you decide to roll on a PvP server.
He’s not breaking any rules.
He’s just lame.
i dont engage in any ingame activity that doesnt lead to a reward. no honor? no point. No loot? no point. Just feels like a waste of time.
Thank you for sharing, and thanks for presenting it in a way that makes it look fun, interesting and cool!
would you find an 80+ man level 60 geared deathball killing everything killable in a level 20 zone and camping the graveyard and corpses as well as keeping every npc dead for nearly 8 hours fun and interesting?
Can give ya video of that to watch
Hi 4chan, and why do I care about parses when I don’t care about pve? All a parse is, is when someone 'tistically gets every single world buff and consumable, gets put in the same group to get battleshout, trueshot aura, windfury, and leader of the pack. Who cares? I literally made a video about how much I hate the meta.
Also ironforge pro aggregates item level, so things like venomous totem, ring of reckoning, and the dragon gun have a way higher ilvl than most PvE’er “bis” stuff hence it boosts my gearscore. Here’s the screenshot:
i (DOT) imgur (DOT) com/LUSLTgG (DOT) png
I think it’s REALLY cool to be the 2nd most geared horde rogue in the world, as my time in vanilla, TBC, WotLK, and Cata I had to work 12+ hour days and could only play this game 2-3 hours a day. Also back then I was massively anti-social and didn’t learn how to hide who I am and act in “accordance” with the hivemind of others.
wahhh you kill lowbies therefore you’re terrible.
I have nothing to prove. I did all the skill pro-gamer crap back in the day. I don’t care at all to show “skill” in video games anymore. It’s actually anti-fun.
You are a sociopath.
“I find it fun”, that fun is you sucking the joy out of the game for another person, but since you are a sociopath and can’t empathize you call it fun.
Considering there are millions of other ways to have fun and you pick the one that directly affects others time and enjoyment says a lot about your personality and integrity.
Yeah, it’s another person that chose to oppose the horde, so I have no empathy towards them.
There literally isn’t much else to do in the game, what are you on about? I’m a neet no life no job having gamer who plays just one character. Once you’re fully geared, fully farmed, fully rep’d. Then what? Lowbie ganks, of course. That’s really the only reason I even began to play WoW back in vanilla. I came from Diablo 2 where I’d join public games and just wipe everyone out. It was fun times.
Isn’t this how all undead rogues play WoW?
Just a stereotype.
I never attack anything that’s not level 60, unless they attack my first. I will sap them and run off though.