What do we want? High Elves!

Actually i agree with OP. Blizz make HE happen. Please and ty.

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You’re just repeating what I just said.

You do know Blood Elves also has the same Eye/Skin/Hair to also the High Elves.


Ummm ok?? when i say that?

Another thread asking for a Blond haired, blue eyed Elf called Legolas? You already have High elves in the Alliance. They’re called Void Elves.


they actually don’t though. Blood elf skin has a reddish undertone to them while high elves can be described as soft.

Furthermore blood elves can have red hair while high elves can’t. (they could possibly have ginger but that isn’t the same red as blood elves have) High elves on the other hand can have blue hair while blood elves can’t.


No those are Ren’dorei, or exiled Sin’dorei and we didn’t ask for those.


Personally I want a brown haired brown eyed high elf whose name is whatever one I like after hitting random name a bunch.


Little Trivia the Ren’dorei only group to change factions twice.

I have names reserved, and I want red hair and purple eyes for my ranger.

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No they don’t. Go look on a model viewer.

High Elves have lighter/bluer skin and Blood Elves have Reddish skin do to Fel Corruption.

High Elves have Blue and Purple Eyes…

High Elves can have Blue and almost pure White hair.

None of those are available to Blood Elves aside from a DK hair color and one matching pale skin.

And High Elves haven’t even gotten their own none NPC model yet. They will look different once they do.


The difference is Political bro…not looks.

Might not be what you asked for but it’s what Blizz gave you.

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Yup I agree 100% but they are not Quel’dorei.


They do have some physical differences though.

Some exist in lore but not in game yet.

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I would recommend read about all three Quel’dorei, Sin’Dorei, Rendorei allot of good materiel on internet about all 3.

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That is severely grasping at straws.


Last time I checked, this is also a Blood Elf with that “soft” skin you’re taking about

And also, it is an option in the character creation screen.

Yes they do.

Blood Elves can also have very pale-white skin, just the same as High Elves.

There is Blood Elves in game that have Blue Eyes. As for Purple Eyes, I have not seen one of either group that has Purple Eyes.

Blood Elves can have also pure white hair. And for the Blue Hair, they just died it to be a little bit darker.

Blood Elves did not mutate to look different from the High Elves. Changing the High Elves models to look even more completely different will make absolutely no sense.


If you people believe that one blue eyed Blood Elf NPC is a justification for playable Blood Elves with blue eyes, then it’s fair to say that the 100+ Alliance High Elf NPCs should be a reason for playable High Elves in the Alliance.


I do believe there are more Alliance Friendly Quel’dorei in the game the Ren’dorei in Tolegrus Rift. But i do believe game scale affects both populations.

High Elves have skins specially made for them along with Hair Colors that Blood Elves do not have access too.

They share 1 skin tone.

Model bugs or special case characters. You can’t pick them on the character screen so they are not a feature of Blood Elves in anycase.

Fun fact, they relabeled High Elf models so they would not accidentally get Gold Eyes and so Blood Elf NPCs would not randomly get Blue/Purple Eyes in BFA.

Lots of High Elves have purple eyes. Mostly Dalaran ones seemingly.

Vereesa Windrunner is a good example of a White Hair Color unavailable to Blood Elves.

And Blood Elves can not naturally have Blue Hair.

Yes they did. Go read the lore.

Why do you think they have Green Eyes and Redder Skin? lol

Blood Elves and High Elves have been separated for 30 years for some groups and 3000ish thousand years for others. More than enough time to develop differences.

Especially with the Blood Elves rampant abuse of various magics and the fact they had 91% or more of their population removed. Possibly eliminating many traits from their population.