What do we want? High Elves!

They changed Politically.

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I’m here to toss in my support though I might not play one it’d be rad if they did end up being an allied race for the alliance.


It’s funny how time and time again supposed High Elf fans prove that they don’t actually care about High Elves and their lore, they just want pale pretty elves on the Alliance.


I disagree, only people that usually bring up what they look like are most people against Playable Alliance Quel’dorei.


Sin’dorei = Quel’dorei!

Having different political views doesn’t make it a different race. That is like saying those who voted for Trump is a different race to those who voted for Clinton, because both groups had different political views.


The problem is that they look the same 99 percent. But they want to have a ton of different customizations that dont make sense. They need a stronger case than just me want new.


Nightborne look the same as Night Elves 99%. In fact, they are just anorexic Night Elves.


As long as this serve as a alternative while the main thread is locked to contain the High Elf talk, good.

Though it’s hard to control people capabilities of being ridiculous to keep bumping and discussing in High Elf troll threads.


The alliance has pale and pretty elves.

What we want is high elves, elves that we’ve worked with. Many of us would like them to have more than just pale skin and in fact a number of antis claim that being pale and blonde is a belf theme, as if that’s all there is to belves.

But please keep saying it’s the helf fans, the ones who’ve suggested numerous changes the appearance, as the ones who care solely about looks when antis reduce belves to pale skin and blonde hair and act as though those qualities ought to be special and exclusive to them.

Maybe blizzard should remove anything but blonde hair and pale skin for belves since apparently that’s such an important piece of their identity.


Fel green hair and fel red skin should do the trick.


Makes them different enough for World Of Warcraft to recognize the difference of the 2


What difference is there?


Several differences politically look em up not going to repost everything again.

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You haven’t even posted 1 difference between them. And yet, you can’t name 1 difference either.


That the trouble with sniping people dont follow whole discussion.

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You want High Elves? You’ve had them. The Blood Elves are the past, present and future of the High Elves. The High Elven lore is being driven by them. If you just want High Elves with changes then you have the Void Elves. It’s funny how you say appearance isn’t important yet so many High Elf “fans” keep asking for High Elf skin and hair coloration for Void Elves.

And I’m not anti-High Elf, I like them and have three of them I play. When the game was being made I thought Alliance should get High Elves instead of Gnomes. But that is not what happened. The High Elves, renamed Blood Elves, joined the Horde. I am very much against giving a core Horde race to the Alliance. It’s no different than asking for Humans on the Horde.

Draenei are my favorite race, my friends mostly play Horde. I didn’t spend years whining and crying to get Draenei put on the Horde, instead I [gasp shock amaze unbelievable] made a Draenei and played it when my friends weren’t around.


I don’t have any high elves. I have blood elves, most of whom would shank people for referring to them as high elves, even the one who holds no anger towards them.


No, it is the problem when you can’t actually list 1 difference between a Blood Elf and a High Elf.

Wanna know what the only difference between the 2 groups? 1 is Allied with the Horde, and most of the others are either netrual with both factions (Kirin’Tor) or is in a small rebel group sided with the Alliance.

Apart from that, there is no difference between them, because Blood Elves are High Elves.


High Elves have different Eye/Skin/Hair colors and have culture that almost directly opposes that of Blood Elves with a completely different approach to magic.

Not to mention Blood Elves have a major focus on Paladins/the Light and dislike Rangers whereas High Elves are mostly Rangers.

All Namable Groups of High Elves are Alliance. (with some being Neutral)

Also Half Elves and Dark Skin are connon possibilities for High Elves that don’t exist in game yet.


Quel’dorei have ties still to this day with the alliance, The Sindore are allied with the Horde there’s one difference i typed this just for you.

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