What do we want? High Elves!

Yet the darkspear have something the High elves never had: Unity.

I agree that the argument of population it’s a weak one, but the fact that you have the SC that works under Dalaran, then the Highvale that are doing their own thing for the most part and only seem to have a beef with the Witherbark (not even Revantusk, that are allied with the Horde), and who knows how many neutral and still visiting the Sunwell.

At least the Void elves are all in the same boat.


That is a much more fair argument. I believe it’s an obstacle that could be overcome, but it’s still an obstacle

Its probably the largest obstacle sonce Blizzard only has focused on one group since Wrath, with degrees of “who knows” for the others.

It’s something that could be tied together in their recruitment scenario, whatever it could be

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I think their number will multiply by people joining them, As for crack elite troops, super duper warriors, that was just MR. Ego trying to sell em to everyone knowing they were pulling a BS move. Just my humble opinion.

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Blizz has implied both in and out of the game that the numbers of the Void Elves are growing, but that could be all we ever hear of it. It’s probably so there can be just enough Void Elves for whatever Blizz wants to do with them

One day Blizzard will listen to reason and give us high elves.


This is why I am a fan of all of the splintered high elf groups coming together as one. I think it would make for an interesting story for them to do so. I think the various groups having leaders that form a council would be nice, though I’d love to see them do more with Vereesa so her reuniting them and leading them would also be fine with me.


psst. Hey. Keep it in the OP form. The alliance needs all it helps on the raiding scene. We need people to come back.

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that gives me an idea…

In nationalist silvermoon light suck you!


yes. You are playable. I want to play a high elf though.

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I want to play a High Elf who never left the Alliance.

Not a High Elf who abandoned the Alliance, turned into a snobby blood elf, and then turned into a Void Elf…

Just a High Elf. That’s all we want. The real High Elves. Not these imitation High Elves no no no.


They are playable.

Oh look, and it is a core race as well.


I don’t see the word high anyone here except in my comment that you quoted.

For nearly 7,000 years, high elven society centered on the sacred Sunwell, a magical fount that was created using a vial of pure arcane energy from the first Well of Eternity. Nourished and strengthened by the Sunwell’s potent energies, the high elves’ enchanted kingdom of Quel’Thalas prospered within the verdant forests north of Lordaeron.

Oh look, I did. Oh look, there is more.

During the Third War, however, the high elves were nearly scoured from Azeroth. Led by the death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population. Arthas then used the mystical Sunwell to resurrect the fallen necromancer Kel’Thuzad, irrevocably tainting the fount in the process.

Fearing that the befouled well would obliterate his dwindling race, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider gathered a group of Quel’Thalas’s defenders and destroyed the fount to avert catastrophe. Although the high elves were spared from continued exposure to the Sunwell’s dark energies, in the fount’s absence they suffered terribly from withdrawal. As a result, Kael’thas desperately searched for a means to help his people, whom he had renamed the blood elves

Now, where in there does it say that they changed there race all together as well?


They changed their name. They are allied with the horde. There is a group that still goes by high elves and is alliance. That’s what we mean when we ask for high elves, and that is why blood elves do not count.


At this point they are knowingly being obtuse because if they stop doing so they realize they have already lost.


Lost what? That you say that you don’t see any High Elves in the Blood Elven History? Or that you think they just because the High Elves renamed themselves to Blood Elf = they became a completely new race.

And then on top of that, now you claim that we’re being obtuse.


No one said they became a new race. They no longer consider themselves high elves and have new allegiances, which means when we ask for high elves, it’s not the blood elves we are talking about. It’s pretty simple.


Sorry that’s a Sin’dorei