What do we want? High Elves!

High Elves need the Suramar treatment. Give them a huge city somewhere that we just now discover and half an expansion dedicated to them!

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They have one, it’s called Silvermoon.

How about we actually give Silvermoon it’s much-needed update, and include the High elves in it? It’s already suppose to be a “thriving” city once again, so it really needs to be dragged out of it’s time-locked state and brought up to the present. Plus not being able to fly there is pretty annoying.


this was literally planned and implemented back in WoW TBC expansion in 2007


You cant update silver moon without the Word Exodar in it

This is a way of thinking about it that never crossed my mind and really, it is very fitting.

It’s funny how many seem to be proud that High elves kept the blue glow (which I still maintain that in many cases makes no sense, specially with high elves that spent time in areas with demonic influence like Alleria), but if anything, it should be a badge of shame.

This is another thing I never thought about either. I figured Lanesh was simply the product of the Sunwell being cleansed, but I do like the idea that he reintegrated.
After all, they haven’t retconned the pilgrimages of the High elves to the Sunwell, so who knows if Lanesh used to be one of those?
I can’t expect development from a single NPC, but it does present an interesting concept.

Oh I know, I will be the one that keeps pointing out that the NPCs that appear on the field often do nothing but things that any other race could do just fine, but that was about the times during the massacre in Quel’thalas. The fact that they stayed there at the time of the destruction of the Sunwell and not even that (which Alleria said she felt happening even worlds apart) was enough to get them out of the city… perhaps because they didn’t really need to.


Sorry, but you’re talking about Blood Elves.

Maybe your cliche has gotten a little tired at this point, eh? Almost like doing the “in Soviet Russia…” jokes still.


Well who knows, in the end the fact that a tweet about Lanesh caught Danuser’s eye enough for him to respond, and even go as far as to hint at the idea of filling in his backstory sometime in-game makes me hopeful that we’ll see it sometime in future content. Perhaps when he’s thinking of content to add for quests, he’ll recall Lanesh and give him a nice quest line to clarify some of this confusion.


I’m one of those that has no faith in them but yes, I would love if they did that. Whether he reintegrated or he somehow felt the effects of the cleanse more, it would be interesting to explore that.


I mean, the way he responded gave me the impression that Lanesh already has a preexisting story, and background. Something that relates, and explains why he has blue eyes as a Blood elf.

Personally I’m of the mind that he’s a repatriated High elf, likely from Allerian Stronghold. That he, like many other Blood elves experienced a great loss when Quel’thalas was sacked by Arthas, and related with the Blood elves cause towards restoring their kingdom and nation. We have to remember that the elves of Allerian Stronghold were not present when the original splintering of the elves occurred, and didn’t get the opportunity to choose which side they wanted to belong to. It’s not too crazy to think that once the Dark portal reopened, that many of them would want to see first-hand what became of their homeland.

Either that or he was a High elf in Dalaran that did not agree with the way Jaina mercilessly slaughtered countless Blood elves during the purge, as quite a few blue eyed blood elves seemed to emerge out of no where during that event.

But of course these are all theories.


personally, i think hes just a blue eyed blood elf who spent most of his time in dalaran. one of the sunreaver citizens who have been productive members of dalaran for over 2000 years just as jaina says. i like to think he is just one of many who were displaced because of the purge and joined the sunreaver onslaught on isle of thunder to do what he can, disgusted by what jaina has done


Yes please. We have been asking for them since Vanilla WoW, they are long overdue. There really isn’t any reason to not add them to the Alliance and Ogre for Horde. Then all the races that should be represented are playable.


But we’re already playable :frowning:


High elves for the alliance!

I wish the megathread would quit getting locked.


I’m back!

Just thought I’d add that whether or not Alleria is a Void or High Elf, it really doesn’t matter. She passes as either in my book. It would have little effect on the possibility of playable High Elves either way


I feel like the Ren’dorei don’t even warrant mention like the other two though. We all know there are only a handful of them, a “crack elite group” where as the other 2 are actual RACES with numbers that can reproduce. I mean unless Ren’dorei begin acting like bunnies and devote their existence to trying to boost their numbers… Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei have the numbers to keep their people alive.


Actually Vareesa herself said that High Elves rarely have children.

Oh, and High Elves don’t have “numbers.” Lore-established. Non-race. Moving on.


Can you post the source of what you said?


…But does that really matter though? Really, the argument that population doesn’t matter has some merit to it when we ask how many Death Knights there are left. How many playable Death Knights were risen as Arthas’ champion? Every single one of them

Every playable paladin becomes the one and only Highlord that wields the one and only Ashbringer

Every Demon Hunter is a member the Illidari, which aren’t exactly populous, and every player character becomes the leader of it

Other already playable races are already few in number as well, so the excuse that there simply aren’t enough High Elves doesn’t sit well with me


It was in the “Well of Eternity” book. According to her, high elves seldom give birth and very rarely give birth to twins.

Also population DOES matter … at least it does to the devs and all the lore sites which clearly state that High Elves are NOT populous and are not considered a race. Just a shadow of a former race.

You can use Death Knights and Void Elves to your hearts content but neither has had a clear statement made about their population like High Elves have.

Non-race. No population. Moving on.


That doesn’t address those concerns though. The Darkspear tribe has been driven to near extinction twice, yet they were made a core race

And while High Elves aren’t their own unique race biologically speaking, picking your “race” in WoW is more akin to picking your background. When you choose to play as a classic Troll, you are specifically choosing to play as a member of the Darkspear Tribe as a member of the Horde. When you choose Blood Elf, you specifically choose to play as one of the Sin’dorei who siphoned magic from living beings and joined the Horde

Theoretically if someone could choose to play as a High Elf, they’d specifically be choosing to play as one of the Quel’dorei who never left the Alliance

There are legitimate concerns with High Elves as an allied race, but population isn’t one of them