What do we want? High Elves!

Just gonna repost my thing about racials here:

If you want to do something for racials, I feel like there has to be some racial flavor in it outside of the small typical things:

Divergent Histories

  • Ability Type: Passive

  • Cooldown: Selection upon Level 1 and again at level cap

  • Veteran of Outland - Increase Strength by X%. Every time you cast a damaging ability, gain Y% of armor for Z seconds (stack of 4-5)

  • Highvale Training - Increase Agility by X%. Every time you cast an ability, gain X% movement speed for Z seconds (stack of 4-5)

  • Kirin Tor Scholar - Increase Intellect by X%. Every time you cast a damaging ability, gain Y% of two random secondary stats for Z seconds (stack of 4-5)

  • Welcomed of Telogrus - You have a chance on each ability cast to deal Shadow damage in an AoE around you, also granting you X% of your primary stat for Z amount of seconds.

  • Pilgrim of the Sunwell - Upon taking damage, you are granted a shield absorbing X damage for Z seconds. When the shield is broken or duration runs out, deal Y amount of holy damage to your target ( y second cooldown)

  • Pledge of the Silver Covenant - Your damaging abilities and attacks have a chance to deal bonus Arcane damage. When an enemy is killed, gain X% of bonus damage for the next Y amount of seconds (Z second cooldown).

Personal Meditation

  • Ability Type: Channeled
  • Cooldown: 2.5 minutes
  • Regenerate up to 100% of your maximum resource (only 10% if you are a Healer spec) over five seconds., you are allowed to change talents for the next 20 seconds or put into combat.

Exile’s Agility (thanks Tamz)

  • Ability Type: Passive

  • Dismounted outdoor Movement Speed increased by 10%

Experienced Mind

  • Ability Type: Passive

  • Inscription skill increased by 5. Item (including equipment usages) cooldowns are reduced by 5%

Thalassian Heritage

  • Ability Type: Passive

  • Reduces all magical damage by 1%

Enjoy the overpowered-ness of all of this


…you realize there is no such thing as a “Horde Night Elf,” haha.

I mean…technically nightborne were night elves.

LOL blood elf I meant to say. But yeah check it out. The pro and anti helfers are not split along faction lines.

Were, not are. That was 10,000 years ago. They’re genetically a different race, just like Blood Elves are a different race than Night Elves.

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So an idea I had for Divergent Histories was that to select and/or change the passive:

You have to speak with an NPC at your starting zone. There will be mention of it in a quest to introduce the mechanic before leaving.

Fun fact. IRL humans and gorillas are 98% genetically similar despite our last common ancestor being roughly 10 million years ago (all according to National Geographic). So 10,000 years, even under evolutionary duress, will not produce a huge genetic difference. Really, the Nightborne just have different …dietary preferences.

Then again this is a game that involves magic, haha.

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Exactly. Magic. The devs have said that the magic from the Sunwell, combined with the demonic magic the Blood Elves used after it was destroyed, have made the Blood Elves not only distinct from Night Elves but also distinct from High Elves.

You were doing great until you hit this point. Blood elves never used fel besides powering up structures, and this is canon lore.

There’s really nothing separating blood and high elves besides the fact that the latter decided to take it easy while the rest of their people were dying left and right at the hands of the Scourge and that they don’t honor those they abandoned.

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That makes no sense - if you’re going Retcon, then go Full Retcon. Make it so that it has always been a major alternative Thalassian Elf enclave, back to Day One (when it was a Night Elf hunting Lodge subsequently retconned to a High Elf hunting lodge).

Make it an Alliance Hub, if you like, and if we’re going Full Retcon why not establish it as the real home of the Silver Covenant - a group which can be further retconned to have never been about a countervailing force to the Sunreavers but to have always been in the Lodge region, training and awaiting the day they were needed.

Hell, while we’re retconning - let’s retcon the scourge to have avoided the area due to the presence of the heroically unstoppable Silver Covenant…such epic bad-asses that even Arthas gave them a wide berth.

I mean…you know…as long as we’re retconning.

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Hey there’s that half of Silvermoon that’s not being used…

So basically, on top of a Horde race, you also want a Horde city… while not playing Horde.



Make sure you put a sarcasm detector on your christmas list.

Do I need it though? You were saying their hub should be right in blood elven territory despite the fact that they have absolutely no right to be there, but ok.


You could argue that having a gigantic source of purple radiation in your city, drinking it constantly and being under a dome of eternal night might accelerate the changes of an unstable genome like Elves/Trolls.

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These are awfully designed. Why not just add “Press button to kill Horde instantly” as a Racial?

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Just showing my support for High Elves for Alliance. Keep it up!


That was for my Lightforged Undead racial idea.

And realistically, outside of the first one…none of them are close to OP. The first one is designed to be strong while the rest are situational at best.

Locking a strong yet flexible passive behind a choice upon max level means you are stuck woth what you choose.

Yes. She calls herself Ren’dorei in the intro quest for void elves.

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How did they ‘take it easy’?
I don’t remember that being in the game; please point it out.

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