What do we want? High Elves!

Hey now, I’m an elf, and I’m usually high.

I’m a high elf.

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Wowpedia says shes a void elf on her page.

Also if you go down to the Notable section of the page you refer to, can you tell me whose listed as notable void elves?


Que the lady elf taking a hit-gif below… :smirk:

Ahem… someone with magical gif powers please :pray:


Since you asked so nicely…and it’s one of my faves…


Classic :rofl:

New racial ability? Ignore 5% damage and increase resource regen by 2% after a hit. 2min cd


With the Nelf plot line disasters lately, it wouldn’t hurt. :wink:

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See above :point_up_2: racial for High elves.

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Easily upgraded, Blizz eats retcons like that for breakfast. Would also be a good opportunity to put in a small instanced area show that the Eastern Plaguelands are less affected now by the Scourge.

Not saying that this is the only option for an AR high elf headquarters but it does make a good option. Of course you could put an outpost somewhere in Eversong Woods or the Ghostlands as well i suppose. Or maybe even the Allerian stronghold if you wanted to play up the high elf exile angle.

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I see…only reskins, before me!

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That aint that good, especially if its cooldown based. You are also missing the timers of both effects.

If they threw an outpost in horde territory it would more than likely be a horde quest chain to go kill “x” amount of high elf rogues.

They have been fine without the quelthalas zones tbh. If they consolidated in hinterlands that would be fine, we would probably see more of them spread to other ally outposts.

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How about always lit? Relieves arthritic pains 5% less resource consumption from basic spells/abilities.

Pops in to see if Alliance peeps are still whining about High Elves

Welp, nothing has changed here.

Goes off to happily play his Blood Elf

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Too strong. 5% damage reduction is stupidly overpowered for an always passive.

Wouldnt this break rogue?

You know iam not being serious right?? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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If they did put a phased high elf settlement somewhere in Quel’thalas if would likely be a 120-only area and invisible during levelling. Since the addition of playable high elves would be post-fourth-war it stands to reason that the Horde would not be blatantly attacking an Alliance settlement. Now if this was set in the time period between CATA and BFA then absolutely, that settlement would be in grave peril.

Who knows honestly about how serious anyone is at this point

It was just a goofy bounce off the “High” elf gif.

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You realize that the originator of the high elf megathread is a Horde blood elf, haha.
(Edited from my original naming of the originator as a Horde night elf by mistake.)

Just dropping in briefly today to voice my continuing support for playable Alliance High Elves.