What do we want? High Elves!

Perhaps, but what it does not make her is a Void Elf.


But didnt that consumption cause her to get that form…which is what she was stuck with after we left the dungeon?

That is not a Void Elf form…

This is a Void Elf form

That doesnt matter if its a void elf form, you can literally watch the cutscene where the high energy of the fallen naaru collide with Alleria…which essentially transforms her into that form.

Even if you look at her skin during said cutscene, you can see the magic basically soak into her skin and body as she gets up.

Thats straight biological adaptation from magic. Which is something the void elves, the blood elves, nightborne, and the night elves all have done to become their own races.

Yes, I agree with all of that…just don’t make the leap to Aleria is a Void Elf and it’s all good.

You agree with the fact that she took in a large amount of potent void magic.

You agree with the fact that this void magic affected her on the biological level.

You agree with that fact with that form during said cutscene is biological and from the aftermath of intaking said magic.

You agree that she has become heavily void-infused elf.

Yet, you dont agree that she is a void elf…so what part of what I just said, makes her not a void elf?

Because she isn’t. Her carefully guided, mentored, process of assuming control of void energies and the slight alteration to her physiology is not at all like almost being completely unmade and ending up with a dramatically altered physical form.

Void Elves are what they are, she is what she is. Is a Demon Hunter an actual Demon because they consumed the heart/essence of one? Is a Blood Elf Shadow Priest a Void Elf because they have a shadowform?


You are adding extra words in to mask there is a difference outside of how they became void altered: which doesnt matter in racial standards.

Lets play a game of Guess Who:

A Thalassian elf gets physically altered through potent void magic to where significant color change of their skin and the introduction of void whispers in their mind, but looks to a teacher figure to help them keep their new level of magic under control to be used as a weapon.

Now am I talking about: Alleria or Umbric?

watches Triumverate cutscene again

Yep, that sure is SLIGHT changes.

No, because thats not how that works. You dont suddenly become a demon from siphoning more fel.

No, because Shadowform isnt Void. Voidform is also only TEMPORARY. But this is all gameplay stuff, not actual lore.

There must always be a Lich King…I mean High Elf thread!


Hype must be maintained!

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She absorbed a dark Naaru. She didn’t just skip through a field and discuss the void with Locus Walker. That is a radical thing to do.

She refers to herself in game as a void elf. The burden of proof is on you to prove that means she isn’t a void elf, not on Bourbon to prove she isn’t.


Maybe it is time for the high elves to reclaim the Quel’ithien Lodge as a racial capital.

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Scraggly, limp hair with leeches glued to it, and half of the styles are misaligned and look like awful wigs.

Have you been to the Lodge? It could be home to what, a dozen or so people before it got crowded? There are a couple of tents and a cabin on the grounds, but as a racial capital it would be pretty underwhelming.

This is it, this is all of the Lodge:


Alright, let’s ask Wowpedia then:

Void elves (or ren’dorei , “children of the Void” in Thalassian)[1] are a race of Void-infused elves affiliated with the Alliance. Their origins lie with a group of blood elves led by Magister Umbric who were exiled from Silvermoon City because of their research into the Void. They were transformed by void ethereals but rescued by Alleria Windrunner, who had gained mastery of the Void herself on Argus. Permanently transformed by the process, they pledged their loyalty to her and the Alliance and established themselves as the ren’dorei.

Take note of how Alleria and the Ren’dorei are referred to separately here. Take note of the distinction between permanently transformed and her mastery of the Void as well as the use of they and her. I don’t think she’s Ren’dorei - she lacks the defining physical characteristics, which is why I referenced DHs (since they have a demon form) and Shadow Priests (who have a Shadow form). Alleria has a Void form but that doesn’t make her a Void Elf any more than having a Shadow form makes a Blood Elf SPriest a Shadow Elf or a Human SPriest a Shadow Human.

I also don’t think she’s wholly Thalassian either, though. Which is why I keep characterizing her as a unicorn; as I read this and as I played through those scenarios inclduing the Velf unlock quest chain and the Alleria chain in Legion, my interpretation of the ingame elements and the lore is that she straddles the line between both Void Elf and High Elf. Unicorn’dorei.

Interpretations are just that, on both sides of this one. :slight_smile:

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Quel’danil would be much more friendly zone than being surrounded by Undead and the blood elves. At least they are near a wildhammer stronghold there.

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I agree with that, it’s hard not to. :slight_smile:

Having said that, without a massive building and reno project it couldn’t be home to very many people.

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Wowpedia is a secondary source, a primary source states outright the she is a void elf. It’s no good quoting the summary from a third party website. She is, until anyone can provide any canon sources stating otherwise, a void elf of a unique kind but still a void elf.


Do we have her, herself, referring to herself as Ren’dorei?

This page also creates a distinction between her and them - is it primary enough?

Many have sought to harness the corruptive magic of the Void. Most who tried have fallen into madness. Determined to use this power for the good of Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner is the first mortal to succeed at defying the shadow’s whispers. Coming to the aid of a group of her kin who nearly gave in to the darkness, Alleria has vowed to train these Void Elves to control the shadows within them and pledge their newfound powers to the Alliance. If she was the first Void Elf wouldn’t it make sense to say that here?