What do we want? High Elves!

There is a problem though where a lot of people think it is alright to false flag and get away with it without any consequences. I think Blizzard needs to step up there game in that.


There are a good couple thousand quests, in-game, which will refer to the player(s) as variably as their class or as their race – but never as some unique, hybridization of the two. That’s a starting point.

Also, I’ve never hovered over an Elemental Shaman and seen, “Elemental Weredog” in the tooltip.

It doesn’t matter what the form is, it was merely an example, use any form you want to use.

The point is that what you’re essentially asserting here is that every species in the game has a natural form, and that after shifting in and then out of a supernatural form, their species hasn’t changed – excepting High Elves, who, according to you, can shift their species at the drop of a hat.

It’s suspect, to say the least.

Uh, source for the second half?

I’m not sure you’ll find anybody well-read who disagrees with the notion of Priests and Paladins utilizing the Light in a fundamentally different way, and the rest of what I said are objective facts in-universe. I’m not sure which part you think is headcanon, you’ll have to elaborate.

I am, because every other creature in the entirety of the game from Vanilla up to and including BfA that becomes inundated by the Void experiences profound physiological changes – and Alleria hasn’t. This suggests that the Void hasn’t saturated her being, hasn’t attached itself to every fiber of her physical body, and that like Priests or Warlocks she doesn’t allow it to.

I believe, in-game, the word they used specifically was “harnessed” – and the distinction could well be important.

And? All this factoid does is demonstrate how it’s beyond likely that Entropic Embrace (i.e. Void Form for VE’s) isn’t intrinsic to their species, and in fact was taught to them by Alleria (by way of Locus-Walker).

You’ve fundamentally misunderstood something somewhere, then, because I would prefer not to see High Elf-inspired customization options for Void Elves.

I’m exclusively interested in seeing the subtle narrative(s) that Blizzard wove into the background of the Alliance, over the last ~15 years, become available – and we don’t need our own dainty or fabulous textures or color palettes for that to occur. We just need the characters.

The point I’m driving home about Alleria is that her existence, were Blizzard to confirm that merely dousing yourself with the Void justifies being denoted as a Void Elf, sets a precedent for just tacking on said HE-inspired customization options and calling it a day. As someone on the Alliance, this strikes me as the laziest option – and considering it from the Horde’s perspective, this would be unforgivable (because it’s basically the same thing as just releasing High Elves).

I’d much prefer it if Blizzard would put in the extra effort and develop a circumstance wherein it makes sense for the HE’s to be turned completely into either a) Void Elves or b) something else, doesn’t matter what, so long as the characters we’ve grown to enjoy are present.

A simple yes would’ve sufficed – she’s a Void Elf, because she uses the Void. :laughing:

You’re retreading previously discussed content, friend. :man_shrugging:

You’re retreading previously discussed content, friend. :man_shrugging:

I’m reaching to presume that her shapeshifting works like… every other instance of shapeshifting in the entire franchise?

I’d be laughing, if I didn’t know you are dead serious.


I am asserting the direct opposite of that??? I’ve said several times that she is a void elf before and after she shifts into her void form.

Do you see anyone else doing it? It’s a void elf racial ability.

This is.

This is the entire point of a void elf. They are completely doused in the void and yet, remain themselves. This is the point of the entire race.

I’m stopping here. You’re like, using the actual plot of void elves as proof that she might not be a void elf. This kind of mental gymnastics is far above my threshold. You do you, boo.

Well… so far…

Right after you prove 2 things.

  1. That anti-helfers are directly responsible for every time the megathread was locked. Since this was the original point. I was clearly not talking about the spam threads, but the megathread being locked.
  2. You actually have “viking” heritage, and aren’t just butchering their culture

I know what you’re saying, I just can’t track the rationale leading you to say it – apart from, “she’s using Void, she must be a Void Elf”.

  1. You agree that the normal state of an individual is indicative of the species to which they belong.

  2. You agree that the supernatural state of an individual, entered into temporarily, isn’t indicative of the species to which they belong (i.e. Kul Tirans don’t become a new species when they shift into Ghost Wolf or Bear Form).

As we can see, in her normal state Alleria Windrunner presents as a High Elf – and since we’re both agreed that temporary supernatural states aren’t indicative of anything, insofar as determining species is concerned, I’m genuinely unsure how you’ve navigated the mental gymnasium to conclude she is physiologically a Void Elf.

This doesn’t really mean anything, in a discussion about narrative – especially as we just discussed how it may well be something that they’ve all (Void Elves, and Alleria) learned by way of Locus-Walker. :man_shrugging:

They were completely doused in the Void, and subsequently changed into a completely different physiological species – the only way in which they “remain themselves” is via their mental processes. That hasn’t ever been in dispute, and frankly I’m not sure why you brought it up because we’ve been talking about physiology for hours.

If they’d truly “remained themselves”, then Magister Umbric would look like the first image, instead of the second:


In fact, this is what Alleria herself had to say about the Void Elves:

“…they have been changed by the Void – but their hearts and minds are their own.”

Which aligns completely with what I just wrote, above.

I know, crazy right, using the actual game to inform my opinions. Silly me, won’t happen again. :laughing:


You’re amounting absorbing a dark naaru and mastering the void in a way that is unprecedented as “using the void”.

You’re supposing that the only outward appearance a void elf can possess is the purple skinned, tentacle-haired player character.

It does mean something in this regard. Normally, no, gameplay will not and never will trump lore, but you’re suggesting that a creatures who aren’t imbued with the void can use this caliber of void magic. It’s impossible. Literally, impossible. That’s the entire point of void elves.

Clearly, there is a method for elves to retain themselves while mastering the void. Alleria did not undergo the same accident that Umbric’s lot did, it could very well be that some elves don’t suddenly sprout tentacles and turn purple. I’m pretty sure I’ve said…three, maybe four? times, that this would make them no less Void Elves.

This is why it’s an entirely useless distinction to make. Void Elves will remain Void Elves. Blizzard is not going to morph Void Elves as a playable race into “Tentacle Elves and High Elves who use Void Magic”.

You are saying that Alleria has remained herself in some capacity despite historically, the Void has always corrupted, as proof that Alleria might not be a Void Elf.

The Void Elf story is that these elves have remained themselves, despite historically speaking, the Void has corrupted. Physiologically they have changed, there is noooothiiiiing that says that they can’t also look like normal Thalassian elves. Alleria is proof that they can.

You’re amounting all of these things that Alleria now experiences, including touching Turyalon, being around the Sunwell, hearing constant whispers, etc. to “Well maybe she’s just got a Void aura”. All of these things that she shares with Void Elves - you’ve come up with alternative headcanon “perhaps maybe this” third hand conjecture, just to explain how she remains pale. If she were purple, you wouldn’t be arguing this. There is a much simpler, much more reasonable explanation for her not being permanently purple with tentacles in her hair.

A massive void presence didn’t explode in her face.

So for the final time, let’s look at this properly:

I propose that Void Elves, physiologically, do not need to have purple skin and tentacles. My proof is Alleria, who exhibits all aspects of being a Void Elf except purple skin.

You propose that Void Elves, physiologically, must have purple skin and tentacles. Your proof is…the theory that Alleria isn’t a Void Elf, because she doesn’t have those things.

??? My theory takes what we know, and pulls directly from it. Your theory takes what we know, plugs in some hypotheticals, does needlessly complex backflips across interpretations and ultimately doesn’t even make a difference because she’s still identifying as a Void Elf and Blizzard is still identifying her as a Void Elf.

This is akin to an argument that maybe physiologically, Sylvanas and Nathanos aren’t undead because she’s not quite as rotted as the player characters and has extra powers. Maybe they’re spirits haunting bodies and that needs distinction because possibly we could have spirits haunting bodies as a playable race.

The logical conclusion is to say that undead also include spirits haunting bodies (because surprise, they’re undead), and allow us not-rotted models when playing Forsaken.

We at least agree on that point. The megathread should be left open and all of the debate/insults/etc should be kept to it.


…and its closed again.
As usual.
Hello, everybody: I’m BAAAAA–ACK!

Now, about how everyone decide WHY having PAHEs in this game will…

  1. totally ruin WoW forever, driving them into intense therapy.(Because that’s what you sound like)


  1. Hoave such a joyous magical time that we all forget to go outdoors and become That Which Has No Life.
    (…because yeah we sound like that so okay fair is fair)

I really hope blizz fixes the flagging issues. Alternatively they could just give us high elves.



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Ok look, she is not a Void Elf. Let’s just get past that. Void Elves are former Blood Elves who were ambushed by a Nether Prince and narrowly saved - by us and Aleria - from being completely unmade and remade into bodiless ethereal-like beings under his domination. And even though saved from that final transformation, the process was not reversed and left them all altered permanently. You know, tentacles?

She mentors them. She teaches them control. And in some sense she leads them…even though Umbric is the highest ranking actual Void Elf. But she is not one of them. She is something else. Not quite High Elf but most assuredly not Void Elf. She is a unique being, and in gaming terms she’s a unicorn.


They dislike me based on my chosen avatar, without regard to my comments. Just read what they said. That’s prejudism. Change “MHP” to “white male” or something, and reread it, and tell me how it sounds.

Its also commonly refers to Canaanites and Babylonian history.


That’s a non-existent word, amigo.


English is an ever evolving language. You know exactly what I am saying, and absolutely understand its definition. So I can say what I want.

Just a few years ago “twerk” wasn’t an English word, but you knew what it meant. Now it is in the dictionary.

Yes you can, and yes you did.

jawah stop trying to make ‘prejudism’ happen, its not going to happen


I regret that I had but one like to give to this response.

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Actually I remembered something from Legion: Didnt Alleria at the end of the Argus dungeon have the cutscene where she consumed the essence of the corrupted naaru boss from the dungeon?

So since we know this and:

  1. Naarus are basically beings of pure energy.
  2. Nether-Prince Durzaan, a void ethereal, was attempting to transform Umbric and company into ethereals for the void.
  3. Void ethereals arent pure void, but void corrupted.
  4. High elves have a long history of being biologically altered due to high presense of magic.

Wouldnt that make Alleria’s consumption of void magic stronger than the magic cast by an ethereal?