What do we want? High Elves!

The high elf community does not like it when the megathread gets shut down and knows that mass flagging will result in an automatic shutdown which suppresses the debate.

The anti community knows that mass flagging gets the megathread shut down which is what a lot of them want to see happen. So there is way more incentive for antis to mass flag than for pro-helfers to do so.

This is not rocket surgery, folks.
Edit: yes, i said rocket surgery.


The process might not be the same, but the result would have to be – otherwise, as noted above, you’ll have justified the next generation of Void Elves looking exactly like Alleria (which should be setting off alarms in the heads of those against playable High Elves).

These are all the options that have been presented by one side or the other, in no particular order:

  • All of the HE’s remain unchanged, and unplayable.
  • All of the HE’s remain unchanged, and playable.
  • All of the HE’s choose to become Void Elves, and playable.
  • All of the HE’s are forced to become Void Elves, and playable.
  • Some of the HE’s choose to become Void Elves, and playable.

Now, which option(s) are or aren’t likely are entirely dependent upon what it actually means to be a Void Elf – if it means you must have your physical body broken down, atom by atom, and inundated by the Void then it becomes less likely that the HE’s would willingly participate.

If it means that you, like Alleria, have stumbled into vast stores of the Void and can “be a Void Elf” without having to change your physical body at all then it becomes more likely that High Elves would willingly participate.


  • If the HE’s willingly subjecting themselves to a transformation that leads to them becoming identical to the playable Void Elves doesn’t make sense, narratively.


  • If the HE’s being able to “become Void Elves” in the style of Alleria doesn’t jive well with the Horde playerbase (and many of the Alliance).


  • The best solution is either a) High Elves are forcibly concerted into Void Elves or b) High Elves are willingly or forcibly subjected to some other calamitous event that changes their physiology away from Blood Elves.

Then play Blood Elfs. We already have High Elves in the game.

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Makes it odd when they boast about flag bombing people that post in the thread.

And “suppresses the debate”? The megathread being shut down gives the high elf community the idea that it means they can start 50 more threads.

And lets be real. Most of the “debate” by the helf community is just dismissing anyone that disagrees.

Lets not pretend that either side is acting with the high horse. Especially not the side that if I merely list the things we know active members of their community has done…I will be forum suspended again.


What actual proof do you have that it is the Anti-Helfers that mass flag a thread? Once again, just pointing the finger without any evidence.

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This was once revealed to me in a dream.


In all fairness, I have word from one of the antis that they have agreed to not flag our threads. Now, I don’t know how unified the antis are as a movement, but I imagine most of them are interested in having a conversations as much as we do.

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I would say most people want the thread itself to remain open. While I consider myself against the implementation of High Elves, I fully support the megathread existing. I’d prefer to have one thread for the issue than someone spamming 50 different ones. Going back and bumping every helf thread they can, etc.

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She isn’t shifting into a different race or species, she’s shifting into a different stance, for lack of a better word. Your problem is that you’re incorrectly asserting that she can only be a void elf when she’s purple.

It isn’t a shapeshift. Do priests become void creatures when they shift into void form? No. Void Elves are Void Elves even when they aren’t shifted into Void Elf Void Form. Likewise, so is Alleria. The fact that they can do that at all is what makes them a void elf. The fact that whispers are constantly, constantly bombarding them and they are still sane is what makes them a Void Elf. Maybe you don’t realize that Void Elves have a form similar to Alleria’s that they aren’t constantly in.

Further, Alleria herself is the one that nearly destroyed the Sunwell by simply existing in its near vicinity. She wasn’t in her void form, she was just Alleria.

It’s why I don’t give this theory much credence. It’s based entirely on a demand for specific, unnecessary and redundant clarification of a single detail instead of looking at everything else we’ve been given and extrapolating from that.

Oh hey, you’re not being dismissive here :stuck_out_tongue:

But why them being transformed by other means would result on them looking like Alleria? We can only guess that the reason she looks different is because she not only go through a long training, but also she absorbed a void naaru, because it has not been specified.
But the new ones could look the same regardless.

I like the one of them becoming Void Elves, no matter how.

If it involved coping with lack of magic in the event of being cut off from the Sunwell, I can see them goign through that.

It makes as much sense as them suddenly getting along with Night elves after Suramar despite the fact that they have a history of animosity.

This doesn’t need to happen, after all, it would defeat the purpose of making them look different in the first place.

Sounds good to me.

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So let me see if I’ve got this thinking straight.

  • We know the natural state of Blood Elves.
  • We know the natural state of High Elves.
  • We know the natural state of Void Elves.

With these in mind, let’s see if I follow your thought process here.

  • If a BE shifts from Shadowform, back into the natural state, it’s still a BE.
  • If a VE shifts from Shadowform, back into the natural state, it’s still a VE.
  • If a HE shifts from Shadowform, back into the natural state, it’s no longer a HE?

Seems suspect.

What makes them Void Elves is that their physiology was inundated by the Void, rendering them completely distinct from other varieties of Thalassian – we have absolutely zero confirmation that Alleria has been physiologically, altered in any way.

And, if you go watch their unlock scenario again, you’ll realize that none of them actually utilize Entropic Embrace ever – which means, narratively, it’s entirely possible that Alleria is the one who taught them to do it and that it may very well not even be intrinsically connected to Void Elves.

And? You realize that virtually everyone that utilizes any power, is constantly surrounded by that power, no? It’s why powerful individuals can walk by other powerful individuals and proclaim, “whoa, I sense great power with you, brother!”.

In any case, there is a difference between being suffused with an energy, and being enveloped by it – the former causes physiological changes, big and small, and the latter almost never does.

As Demon Hunter to Warlock.
As Paladin to Priest.
As Death Knight to Necromancer.

  1. It’s quite an important detail, despite your own feelings on the issue – an enormous number of people would be quite interested in Blizzard clarifying whether or not Alleria Windrunner is a High Elf or Void Elf, anatomically-speaking.
  2. When you say, “everything else we’ve been given and extrapolating from that”, what you’re suggesting is “Alleria is a Void Elf because she uses Void”, correct?

Seems… SUSS.

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I read this paragraph three times, still can’t grasp what it is you’re trying to convey.

I, as well, am alright with that – but it basically has to be forced, because willingly doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Not really. If the primary concern is that they don’t have a readily available source of magic, the Void Elves could simply provide that to them without asking them to subject their bodies to physiological alteration – which is why the only way for HE’s to become VE’s, believably, is for them to be forced by an external power.

This is like saying it’s just as reasonable to let the U.S. Army’s medical researchers experiment on you with a drug that will 100% give you schizophrenia, as it is to behave cordially towards the British despite our rocky history.

Not sure I buy it.

Which is why Alleria must be categorically outed as a High Elf, by Blizzard, otherwise there will always exist precedent for Void Elves that are indistinguishable from High Elves.


Do you have a source that says shaman aren’t elemental weredogs?

Her form isn’t Shadowform. This is comparing apples and oranges. Otherwise shadow priest blood elves would be void elves. They aren’t.

It could entirely be that she’s taught them to do it, but it’s also not something you can teach someone who isn’t a void elf.

This is not only your headcanon WoW science, but you’re presupposing that Alleria is not absorbed fully into void magics. Which she is. She absorbed an entire dark naaru. Also, shadow priests would be barred from the Silvermoon and literally nothing says that they are. This, along with a long list of other reasons, points to void elves being far more imbued with the void than a shadow priest.

The only reason Alleria can swap freely between being white and being a glow ball is because she had the instruction of Locus Walker to guide her.

I read another of your responses and your insistence on this seems to stem from a hope that high elves might appear as customization options for void elves one day. You don’t need to jump through these wild hoops of “Well she might have the DNA of a high elf still because she’s not always purple”.

I’m suggesting she’s a void elf because she absorbed a dark naaru and mastered the power of the void to the point of being exiled by her own people, and has unique powers because of it. Also, she calls herself a void elf. Also, Blizzard calls her a void elf.

Like, you’re reaching hard with suggesting that her void form is akin to a spirit wolf form and could be a shapeshift into an entirely different entity.

No, because she literally consumed as in ate raw a Void Naaru.


I mean there is nothing to counter because theres no substance behind “it may mess with player population”. Its not a good reason to keep players from playing something they want.


This is the quality of the ‘anti’ 'arguments; make enough reportable posts and blizzard’s broken auto-mod system will do the rest.

We will not be silenced.

does that mean they HAVE to do everything the same way?
Dress the same?
Act the same?
join the same faction?
Be on the same side in a war?
Race = hivemind, in other words?


yeah because we flagged the OPs into oblivion right.
Prove your accusations: records and links please.

I fail to see the depth in your arguments, you mostly yelling and using the beer emote randomly.

If you don’t have anything to add to the debate, might aswell not make threats about flags.

Anyway, High Elves are not even a race and no matter how much head canon the helfers like to put in their narrative.


Allot of False flagging goes on I usually get hit 1 to 2 times day, mods always take care of them, One mod said they would start watching it so, Dont know how accurate they are on the watching part haven’t been hit with a false flag since.