What do we want? High Elves!

we are not saying they are a different race though? The only time we do is in terms of how the game system classifies races. Game wise void elves and blood elves are seen as two different races but lore wise they are not.

Quel’Thelas has always been a nation of high elves - What they choose to be called matters little to none.

As far as it is known all thalassian elves are welcome at Silvermoon and the sunwell. The only exception is the void elves, because apparently the sunwell gets real angry when they are in its vicinity.


What facts have been presented by the pro side though?

“They’re in the game.” Yes, as background NPC’s in numbers that equate to their population (ie: not populous).

“Population doesn’t matter.” Except it’s been stated by the devs and any site that you can read lore on that, in this case, it DOES.

Those are the two most frequent argument “for” High Elves and neither of those are actual fact. Believe me, I would love to see a piece of factual information that would explain how a race without population, culture, community, or a leader that is also a carbon copy of a Horde race could be made playable but there’s been nothing factual presented on the pro-side.


Really? Maybe you didn’t look at your own post in the past:

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Why does population only matter for high elves? Why doesn’t it matter for gnomes, draenei, trolls, blood elves, void elves, orcs, and so on?

All those races are low in population canonically and in some cases they are or are highly likely to be lower than the population of remaining high elves.

also you want to know how it could be made playable? Blizzard makes them a playable race. Done. Your question is answered.


aye. The race should be referred to as thalassian elves as high elves are no longer the sole type of thalassian elf.

Technically, Thalassian is the language of both Blood and High Elves.

Blood Elves or Sin’dorei (Children of Blood in Thalassian) and High Elves or Quel’dorei (Childrean of Noble Birth in Thalassian) are of the same race.

Or if you want me to put it in simpler terms: Blood Elves are High Elves.

Except, your wrong on that. High Elves are still Thalassian Elves, as well.

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yes. that is exactly what I am saying. High elves are a group/type of thalassian elves just as blood elves and void elves are thalassian elves.

We all know this already, they just bring it to sidetrack

I know this was said several hours ago but I stumbled upon it while catching up and…

Are we forgetting that high elves have been shown, in many occasions, to completely disregard how suspicious a source of magic is if it means getting their fix?

Ah, I see you’re still trying to pass your speculations as more valid based on your own personal (double) standard.

And then you try to guilt trip me, nice. I guess that’s a way of handling it when you have no actual counter.

But like kids say nowadays… this ain’t it, chief.


That is not what you said. Your words exactly:


Why don’t you get on your knees and ask him to marry you, since you can’t make any good claims yourself.


WOW, that is a little inappropriate to say to someone. Just because you disagree with them. Really?


Welcome to the internet please enjoy your stay…if you can.

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A group, maybe. But they’re physically the same race as blood elves.


I wouldn’t expect this to be the case, no.

The modern Blizzard sees the same hurdles we do (i.e. High Elves are too visually indistinct, relative to Blood Elves) but lacks the wherewithal to overcome the issue in a generally tolerable fashion – which is what I’m talking about insofar as them lacking in creativity.

Also, as a friendly reminder of my position, I’m not at all concerned with the appearance of the High Elves. I would simply like to see their narrative, which has been consistently developing in the background of the more central Alliance-side stories, become accessible to players – Blood Elves can keep a complete monopoly on being pretty and fabulous, doesn’t bother me.

The word lore is synonymous with history – precisely nobody is asking for Blizzard to change their history, only their future. :man_shrugging:

This type of comment makes it seem like, as I suggested before, you’re consistently having a discussion with nobody – a phantom, entirely dreamed up by yourself.

The core physiology, that being the physical form when not utilizing any magical abilities, is entirely unaffected by the Void – in every other instance wherein someone is temporarily shifted into a supernatural state, and then shifts back into a natural state, we almost universally identify them as belonging to the species we associate with their natural state. with seemingly no affect, we refer to them as the species that we observe.

When an Elemental Shaman turns into an Ascendant, and then back, nobody says, “that’s not even a Highmountain Tauren, that’s an Ascendent Tauren.”

When an Balance Druid turns into an Owlkin, and then back, nobody says, “that’s not a Night Elf, that’s a Chickendorei.”

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The Megathread is back up. Please keep your activities to that thread for as long as it’s open.


The issue isn’t whether or not High Elves would dabble in the Void, they probably would – the issue is would they be willing to let themselves be torn apart in some sort of recreation of the events that created Void Elves in the first place, when it’s entirely unnecessary to do so.

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You would be surprised how active the helfers want to quiet anyone that dares disagree with them, and the extreme actions the helf community has already taken and condoned.

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We are talking about people that openly boasts about mass flagging dissenters.

And why would it be the same process?
Their research it’s still ongoing.

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and that means something because…?

We play certain factions of races not races in their entirety. We can have multiple factions of the same race and we do. Having said different factions of the same race being political opposites to the point they join opposing world powers actually enhances the story to both making the story more grounded and realistic rather than (everyone of this race believe the exact same things)

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