What do we want? High Elves!

What lore is there for the High Elves in the Alliance after the Third War?


The Silver Covenant Doctrine Hasnt changed, They surely wasn’t there at the last battle fighting with the horde. I didnt see any special directive from the Kin tor for them to be there,

“Lore”. Do you not know the meaning of the word “Lore”?


Please, play nice, just stating facts, & yes I do.

And you are a morc mage. So what?

And i assure you that IRL i am not in fact a male human paladin.

I asked you a question, and you have not answered it. So, I’ll ask again:

What lore is there for the High Elves in Alliance after the Third War?

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Just explained to you up top go check again. Before the great intellectual lore question.

what lore is there for orcs after the third war? Your question is illogical. Lore and story is created by them merely existing

This is not true. There were some examples of blue eyed blood elves and word from a dev that there is more to Laneshs story.

Existing is not the same as having a story or lore.


It is. The story is they are alive at the simplest level.

Edit: oh you meant alliance high elves. :thinking:

tbf they went with jaina on a boat and later died when theramore was bombed. theres just a couple portal keeper NPCs now


Dude, seriously, “The Silver Covenant Doctrine Hasnt changed, They surely wasn’t there at the last battle fighting with the horde. I didnt see any special directive from the Kin tor for them to be there,” is not explaining what lore is there.

This isn’t talking about Orcs. And where is the lore of the Alliance High Elves after the third war?

FTFY :smile:

but they didn’t? Quel’thelas became a nation of blood elves.

We all know you are trolling and playing ignorant at this point. I don’t see what you find hilarious about it. It is sad really. Guess your guild name fits.

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A Fact is now trolling and being ignorant. Lol, great logic.

Quel’Thalas always has been the nation to all Thalassian Elves. Both Blood and High.


this is what you are all doing.

Us: apples are a fruit.

Antis: Oh yeah well bananas are yellow!

Some people only here to say no and disagree, nothing we can do.

apply verb

  1. make a formal application or request.
  2. be applicable or relevant.

When did Applies become a fruit?

And second of all, that is a very bad statement to make against as an example.

Us Anti’s have came up with all the facts, and “some” of you Pro’s have gone to calling our facts nothing but trolling and being ignorant. And when I say “some”, not pointing at anyone specifically.

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I will admit many of the things your side uses are facts. The issue is that your facts don’t contradict ours though.

Like my example above. apples are fruits and bananas are yellow. they are different topics but both factually true.

If you want a real example of what the High Elves threads are like…

“Those who voted for Clinton are a different race to those who voted for Trump”.

And this is all it comes to by the pro’s considering they claim that the only difference enough for them to be playable is the political side of it all.