What do we want? High Elves!

And this is proudly posted by a typical Male Human Paladin.


And hey look, your typical troll poster. Claiming that High Elves and Blood Elves are the same, when it’s been proven that they are not.

Mag’har and Orcs are different and unique enough to be considered seperare entities. So High Elves and Blood Elves are too.

They even share the same fel corruption, lol.

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Where is the proof that Blood Elves and the High Elves are different.

Mag’har Orcs and Orcs are the same Orcs from 2 different timelines. Mag’har Orcs are before the Orcs drank Man’s Blood.

Blood Elves were only effected by the fel radiation.

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Why are you arguing with a human male paladin?

Don’t waste the time.

And if you think that there are people who don’t care either way about High Elves but flag the posts because they’re sick of seeing them then YOU’RE the one that’s obtuse.


Um… Actually, that is a very good question.

Exercise in futility. It’s like trying to explain physics to a dead tree. Zero comprehension ability in that lot.


its just denial of lore and everybody knows it. theres a reason it says high elves are now blood elves in their racial description in character creator


Hey man, that is a bit too harsh. Atleast the Dead Tree understands Physics.

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Why waste time arguing with a male Blood elf player?

From my expirience just as bad or worse than Male human Paladin.

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The fel corruption of Blood Elves.

Void Elves and Blood Elves are different, yes? Mhm.

Not every Orc drank Mannoroth’s blood. And your point? They are still considered seperate races.

Just like the Orcs. Look to the Frostwolf clan as proof. As Durotan made sure nobody in his clan drank Mannoroth’s blood.

Once again, the Blood Elves were only effected by the Fel Radiation. And not every Blood Elf was effected by the radiation. But they changed there name. Not there race! And they didn’t change there name because of the Fel.

My point still stands: The Mag’har Orcs and Orcs are the same race from 2 different timelines.

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Also, actual prejudism on a videogame forum thread, based on the player’s chosen avatar? Lol.

On this topic? Probably.

Speaking as a male blood elf main, I don’t want to see a pointless carbon copy of my preferred race offered on the alternate faction. Especially when making that race playable undermines the lore of my main’s race and the lore of the game. Even more especially when said race, regardless of the population issue, abandoned their people when they needed them most.


At worst they abandoned them. At best they merely ignored the plight of their kin.

Fair. Still makes them a dishonorable people in my eyes. Not worth adding to the game.

Fortunately, there’s not enough of them to stoke my hatefires. Shadow of a race, not a race at all, etc etc.

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There’s not enough of them that aren’t horde affiliated now.

Those that remain reek of the…neutrality… that Dalaran emits…

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Any “Blood Elf” that wasn’t effected renamed themselves High Elves because those that were using the term “Blood Elf” were traitors and fel corrupted.

Think of how those that are called the Draenei started calling themselves “Draenei”, because those that were calling themselves “Eredar” were fel corrupted and traitors.

Draenei and Eredar are different enough to be their own independent races now. So High Elves and Blood Elves are the same way.

GG again.

Your race is a race of traitors and cowards. High Elves are the true successors to Anastarian and Quel’thalas. Maybe next time don’t follow the traitor Lor’themar’s orders to assassinate your Prince.

Also, if Void Elves are populated enough to be their own race, High Elves are easily populated enough.

Aw. A human male paladin thinks I’m going to engage in a debate with a human male paladin.

“Aw look, it’s like a puppy. You wanna go into space, puppy? I’ll take you into space!”

No matter how its twisted, there are two separate factions, Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei both on separate paths in lore in game and in story, We know its not looks, but the difference is there, they are recognized 2 different factions. People can put as much spin on it as they want its written and is continued into BFA.