What do we want? High Elves!

The mega is open please post there

We don’t need too many of these out there

The threads die out because they get automatically locked from being flagged and stay locked for weeks on end until Blizz finally clears the flag because. And yes it is the antis that flag. Stop being obtuse.

Somewhere along the way some people realized that while they can certainly debate a topic or viewpoint that they disagree with, they dont have to actively try to get it shut down. The antis have created this monster, they bear the responsibility for the poor state of the discourse.

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And when the megathread is closed we will be back. Don’t pretend that it’s going to stay open for any period of time and that these threads are no longer necessary.


This right here is why I think bliz made a big mistake in introducing Void Elves to the Alliance. The High Elves have always existed in lore since day one and could’ve been a great addition as an AR, but instead they whip up some crazy void elf thing and missed the opportunity to add Helves instead.

I’m not for or against High Elves. If people want them, then I hope they’re added, but I still believe they shouldn’t take up an AR spot because we have 2 other elven races that would look exactly the same. I mean, I’d be just as annoyed if they decide to add a third Dwarven AR honestly.

If so many people want them as you say, then fingers crossed you get them.


I know that for sure, be nice if it wasn’t flagged to oblivion. That poor OP

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Ouch… here I am hoping for Wildhammer Dwarves as an AR race down the line…


No, it doesn’t. The High Elves at the time might of renamed themselves to Blood Elves to honor there fallen, but they have not changed there race.

Blood Elves are both High Elves and Thalassian Elves.

What lore is there for the High Elves after the Third War? Hmmm?

Yes, you should.

Like, how you have no reason to why they should be made playable to the Alliance?

They’re already in the game, and there on Horde. What is there to be afraid off?

And they are. See once again, same thing is still being said.

This is a participation issue, not a faction inbalance.

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For completeness sake i would like to see them added as well. Horde can get Amani or Gurubashi trolls as a similar small add.


Everyone knows it’s the helfers who flag the thread shut.

Well according to the wow encyclopedia belfs and helfs are the same race.

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By that same logic, antis would secretly want to see playable Alliance High Elves with Alliance-specific dragonhawk mounts.

Im sure that a handful helfers flag but not enough to be constantly shutting down the megathread. And im sure that a few antis have come around to the idea of playable high elves. But it is not the vast majority.

Now stop posting in here, we have a megathread for this right now.


Personally, I think that Dwarves should get the Druid class and receive Wildhammer customization so that we could get a more unique allied race in Frostborn. But I do understand that people want Wildhammer a lot.

Well, I also think Wildhammer Dwarves could look a bit different. Like, think of Ironforge Dwarves as Mario. Wildhammers would be Luigi. Taller, slimmer, but still pure pure awesome!

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Not going to happen. We’ve presented the facts and the game history. You want to ignore those facts as invalid because they don’t go with your narrative. You kick and scream because game history went in the direction you don’t want, which doesn’t go with your narrative either.

  • High elves were the last to join the grand alliance (Alliance of lordaeron) in its first incarnation and the first to leave. They never wanted to join and did so largely due to an owed debt. When that debt was repaid they left and never looked back. This burned the bridges with humanity and they were never trusted by them again to any level that mattered.

  • They never rejoined the alliance when it was reformed in its second incarnation under Stormwind’s leadership - Neither formally or with any significant numbers.

  • They got slaughtered by Arthas and the scourge and changed their name to honor their poor brethren that did not make it. The majority of the surviving thalassian “high elves” accepted this name change. All blood elves are high elves because a change of name doesn’t mean a change of race, culture, history, or lineage.

  • Having been beaten down to well below 10% of their former population they needed allies for survival. Humanity and the alliance at large was immensely distrustful due to previous acts and shunned them. They requested membership in the horde and were accepted.

  • The remaining thalassian “high elves” that did not choose to join the rest of their kin in the horde are immensely small in number. This small number is nearly entirely affiliated with the now neutral Dalaran as part of the silver covenant.

We go in this circle because unless we say we agree we’re wrong no matter what we present. No, what you want is a retcon of game history to justify what you want. For a lot of us that is not going to be acceptable - Not now. Not ever.

You’re hoping for them to become playable via an announcement at blizzcon. I wouldn’t hold my breath and think you are going be sorely disappointed. They already tossed out the compromise via the void elves. They aren’t going to undo all the work they put into them. I think the best you can hope for is better customization for them.

Start making suggestions, but you’ll have to do better than pale skin and blue eyes. That’s not going to be enough of a difference from a race that affiliated itself with the horde a long time ago.


Fair enough, I think that if an allied race, they would have to be different from Bronzebeards and Dark Irons.

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What do we want? High Elves!

When do we want it? Now!

Well that’s simply not true. Flagging happens on both sides so, idk, stop being obtuse?

Exactly this.


Here you go!

All ready in game!

I find it very ironic that you’re straight up to point the finger without having any actual evidence on who does flag the threads, and yet, your here telling me that I am being obtuse.

The Pro’s are the one who has created all the threads, not the Anti’s.


I went to the character select screen. Nope. No High Elves there. :confused:
Just Night Elves, Void Elves, and two shades of traitor Elves.