What do we want? High Elves!

Out of likes, this will have to do. :slight_smile:


It was popular in different age groups and different places. My uncle got it added to his High School’s reading list way long ago. Must’ve been the 60s or 70s. I know it didn’t really become a household term until the movies, but I doubt you’d ever met anyone who’d played D&D who had never heard of it.

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I can go on with this for hours About how it would be unfair if the Horde got a fifth Elven race instead of the Alliance, How People continue to be blind who never played the Alliance Faction at all, just etc. But I think can I already have said enough.

That being said. Just please come up with something new to add to the Conversation or on going support/debate of High Elves. Just please. That’s all I’m asking Antis or Horde/Alliance Players who don’t care about the Quel’dorei. I mean talk about the idea of any Thalassian Elves on the Alliance that hasn’t had Paladins, Shamans or Druids yet or Talk about the Quel’thalas Warfront or invasion about the great ideas of High Elves with Void Elves vs Blood Elves and Nightborne of High Elf Void Elf Ranger Joe/Rick Armor outfit or Cool Assassin Armor that makes Valeera feel salty and jealous… I mean come up with something new plz. Ok thank you.

el the books were written and popular well beofre wc2. wc2 wasnt even a good game. wc3 was amazing and thats why its getting remastered. breaking away from generic fantasy tropes is what makes wow unique


Made. Cata, MoP, and BfA have more or less undone WC3’s work.


Anyways I’ll be back atleast right around at the middle of the month or right around Blizzcon. Pro High Elf Fans and Folks from the Legacy Discord Server. I hope you get your Megathread back again and also High Elves one way or another. Keep the Discussion and Conversation alive. Please, Please, Please, Antis. Come up with good facts and add to the Discussion instead of the same pointless arguments that is invalid. That’s all I’m asking.

Anyways. You folks have a wonderful, Great, Good Day and Take Care. I already said my peace and everything about the sad honest truth in reality. Laters.

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Speak for yourself, right now it feels pretty bad for a game but back in the day, amazing.

My point is that it wasn’t a mainstream pop culture icon that all people could physically see before wc2 and its inception.

Wow doesn’t need to break every fantasy trope, otherwise we would have humans buddying up with orcs, dwarves wouldn’t have a faux-Scottish accent and we wouldn’t have dragons and so on.


I thought WCIII was amazing cause it spawned DOTA?

WCII has its fans

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Please don’t. I think we all get that you’re seriously invested in playable High Elves and you think those of us who are opposed should stop debating the subject. While that’s not going to happen, I don’t dislike you - or all but one or two who used to frequent these threads - but I’m not opposed in order to deprive you of something. I’m opposed because I think it would be a bad decision. That’s all.


You’re not going to convince him, he literally said that he wants high elves in order to lift him out of a mid life crisis. I think we need to re-instate the don’t reply to Runick rule.


When you create a player character in an RPG they are, in theory, drawn from a given society as a person whose story is yet to be told. The adventures that the player has are the story of this person. This is why something like a death knight is considered a “hero class”, because they are a character that deviates from the blank slate and assumes a heroic backstory proceeding the adventuring life of the character.
That being said, there is no High Elf society other than the Blood Elves. Yes, there is the silver covenant- they’re a military group with very defined stories in place. Think of it this way, if the humans were all killed except for a shipload of 7th legion soldiers, would you consider that remnant a society? Probably not.

Oh, but there are only a handful of void elves !!!
Yes, but the character fantasy of the void elves is that they are defectors from the Blood Elf society, which is why they make sense as player characters.

Blizzard could always invent some island of High Elves out of whole cloth, and if they did then player characters would make sense. This is a work of fiction, of course. But as it stands the only High Elf society that exists is in the horde.

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Actually taking a break from the High elf threads is best… I was focusing on something much more important to me, Night Elves and making them better, than high elves. I still personally want to see them but, I’d be much happier if they made the core races more interesting and customizable! Where are our hairdos and race specific class aesthetics darn it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :sweat_smile:

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The amount of mental gymnastics that we just witnessed in this post, was honestly quite impressive. Keep it up, crazy. :stuck_out_tongue:


You have yet to embrace your inner Night Warrior though. Still, I have faith. :wink:

I know right? Whenever I take a break my chronic biting of people on the street is severely reduced.

I think you meant to reply to her more like this:


Yeah, that’s much better. :laughing:

One skin tone for black eyes? Meh. Lol plus I am not real thrilled with the night warrior, Tyrande was powerful enough to get the job done in the first place, now they are written into a corner.

Hey, thanks. I take your ad hominem devoid of any tethering to what i said as a vote of confidence! <3 Truly, I am refuted.