What do we want? High Elves!

Oh come on! I’m fabulous! In an admittedly I’m about to scythe your head off and force grow a tree through what’s left of you. kind of way…but still. :wink:

I see Malfurion embraced the Spirit of the Bear. He truely was ripping heads off and takin names.

I find this notion interesting.

High elves are the least creative race possible in fantasy. Yet we are saddened that the alleged “creative people”. The very ones that went against the generic fantasy culture of elves and placed them on the Horde are no longer there.

We are saddened that the “creative ideas” people are gone, yet high elves would be the least creative race possible to add as an AR.

Pretty sure I have seen references to Metzen not liking WoW elves being compared to LotR elves, as if they were the same.


Just because you say its invalid doesn’t make it invalid.

I could just as easily do the reverse.


Pop culture had not embraced lord of the rings until the movies…

WC2 was created before the movie, pretty simple.

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We won’t know he’s fully in the Tyrande Zone of angry until he Pack Forms again. If they brought that into the game it would be genuinely insane…in a good way.

So the movies made LOTR popular? Because I am seeing a heavy dose of “Warcraft made LOTR popular” going on.

I strongly feel that LoTR was still popular before the movies. Or else there would have been no movies. The movies may have exploded its popularity…but it was still popular.

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Don’t put words in my mouth Akston.


Ok. if I misinterpreted, I apologize. But my over all point stands. LotR was very popular before the movies.

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I would say there are or was plenty of examples Of Queldorei in the Alliance Circle other then Silver Covenant, Theramore, Allerian Stronghold , HighVale which is hinted more then one settlement, The High Elf Wayfarer who has shown up in BFA, who knows where they are going with it. All still listed as active in game except for Theramore we know what happened there. People will say thats 30 Quel’dorei, I would say to that is game scale.

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Is this a joke?

LotR is the basis of most, if not all, modern fantasy settings.

Yes, it was of course lol

I actually think the lotr movie elves tend to be more similar to Night elves than High elves. The architecture and heavy defense of the woods type parallels. But it’s kind of a rabbit hole and definitely not why I picked my Night elf :stuck_out_tongue:

The Lord of the Rings was considered the highest rated series of the 20th century according to amazon in 1999, which was before the movies.

I still watch all the movies at least once a year,:slight_smile:


Although you are correct, my point, for me anyway is that lotr and the elves there in are not my personal reason for wanting to play a night or high elf.

I very much enjoy the movie, but am very capable of discerning between Wow and Lotr.


I can see that. Because I strongly feel with Blood/High Elves they tried to change the generic perception of Elves. Not all elves are good/perfect beings just because they are light skinned.

Generally, it was seen that light skinned elves = good, dark skinned elves = bad.

I think WoW intentionally tried to put a twist on that common generic fantasy aspect when they came down to playable elves.

The Allerian Stronghold is an even smaller military group than the silver covenant. If they do install settlements, it will make sense for characters to be drawn from them. But, as stated previously, those settlements don exist. Maybe they will. Wanting something in game simply because you want it isn’t inherently flawed by any means, but the current game world doesn’t support the idea of Alliance High Elf player characters. It could in the future- but not currently.

I would disagree, but its all good. Everyone has their own opinion.

Having a discussion about Alleria possibly not being a Void Elf doesn’t prove she might not be a Void Elf.

She is a Void Elf. She’s also different from the PC, who are also Void Elves. Ergo, they both fall under the definition of Void Elf.

Frankly we’re going in circles. I think the “amount” of High Elf that remains in Alleria is an unnecessary distinction to make, but I’ve already said my bit on that.

Tldr, I agree with you but I disagree that it’s important. She’s different. She’s still a Void Elf.

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Saying high elves are LotR elves isn’t saying people want them literally because of LotR, it’s saying that they’re the same as the elves that started in Tolkien, then went to DnD, then Warhammer Fantasy, then WoW. They are generic fantasy elves.

The Warcraft team has made it part of their vision for Warcraft for typical fantasy races to differ quite a lot from the norm. Orcs, trolls and tauren are all capable of great acts of heroism and self sacrifice, dark skinned elves (even though night elves are clearly just wood elves from WHFB) are deeply connected to nature, goblins are geniuses. Blood elves on the other hand clearly fit the mould for the idea of high elves, but they’re not endlessly good, infallible martyrs in Warcraft.


Which is fine, I actually thought for a while that the thrall horde was going to maintain its path and were actually looking like the good guys for a while, a definite fantasy paradigm shift. But then they butchered that notion and made the humans completely infallible and good with Anduin. Having thrall back (even in an advisory roll) gives me hope that horde won’t be the typical bad guys again.