What do we want? High Elves!

They’re. In. The. Game. Already.

Play a Void Elf

or a Blood Elf. Nothing different between a Blood Elf and a High Elf is eye color and faction, nothing else.


The Alliance of Loraderon had a small volunteer force while the majority of them hid behind their walls.

The Surviving of Arthas were then sent on suicide missions and almost executed.

There are no High Elves in the Grand Alliance. There’s the Silver Covenant but those snooty pigheaded twig-people never bother to help with anything unless it’s Dalaran related. They have never shown up in TBC beyond a few stragglers of Alleria. They never showed up in Cataclysm. They never showed up in WoD, and they never showed up in BFA outside of three NPCs and Vereesa.

I think I can speak for the majority of the Alliance Playerbase that we are sick to our stomachs of more blase human races. This includes dreadfully uninspired Allied Races like Wildhammers and High Elves. The Alliance needs unique and cool things if it is to survive.

High Elves are nothing more than a single eye-color made an allied race. They have no unique lore to their own, no unique theme, no distinct culture, and no distinct capital. The Void Elves might be a buttpull, but atleast Blizzard is TRYING to give them a new direction.


Sure, that’s Quel’Thalas. Then you also had all the helves living in Dalaran.

Those were the belves. They don’t account for Dalaran helves, or helves with Jaina, or the myriad other helves scattered here and there throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, as well as those with the Sons of Lothar in Outland.


Well, now we’ve got them bringing siege weapons and performing scouting for the Siege of Orgrimmar 2.

No. You can’t. None of us can speak for anyone other than ourselves.

And now we are mortal enemies, sir.

Yeah, look where that’s gotten us so far.

And Kul Tirans, until set up to be an AR, had nothing at all that set them apart from other humans.

I disagree on this and I’ll leave it at that.


Are they though? They were clearly moving towards Alleria being all void-y in WoD.


Seems a bit of a stretch. A helf arrow was found at the Shadowmoon Clan dungeon, when Shandris was looking for her. Didn’t really seem to suggest anything void related, other than, perhaps, her fighting the void.

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But Alleria has nothing to do with the Void Elves. She has a completely different origin story and lore. She just decided to lead them, which is not the same thing as being one of them.


“But, I didn’t get my blue-eyed blood elves. So they’re a complete pull.”

thats a good catch i never recalled that teaser back in wod

They’re a pull for several reasons. First and foremost, there was absolutely nothing to suggest there was ever any belves anywhere studying the void in secrecy, who had been banished from Silvermoon for doing so. To suggest the mere idea would’ve been laughable, as it brings into question the very existence of belf shadow priests.

The closest we had to foreshadowing this was Aethas on the Vindicaar saying he was feeling overwhelmed at the primordial forces clashing on Argus, which by the Chronicles, would mean the Light and Void. Had Aethas and his Sunreavers fallen to corruption on Argus, and had that been a story we’d seen on Argus, the velves would have been less of a buttpull. I say less, because it’s still a pretty out-of-nowhere narrative. We’ve never had Thalassian Elves of any faction ever showing any interest in the Void before. It’d be like bringing in a race of Dwarves made of wood and plants who had broken off from the Wildhammer a few years back and settled near Seradane in the Hinterlands, and got transformed by Aessina because she thought it’d be neat.

Even discounting that, the whole background of the velves flies in the face of the united Silvermoon we’ve been presented with since the ending of BC. The fact there are still splinter factions within Quel’Thalas who would rather be Alliance is just spitting in the face of belf fans.

The most logical course, one which players even asked for, would have been the Silver Covenant being transformed against their will on some mission, and Alleria taking them under her wing and training them to wield the void. Unfortunately, we’re not allowed nice things.



Throughout Argus it seemed apparent to me that Blizzard was setting the stage for Alleria to return to Azeroth and commit herself, and her newfound skills, to the Alliance – which might’ve led to the exact same Void Elves we know today, but whose backstory would be that they were former members of the 7th Legion or the Silver Covenant who’d taken up use of the Void.

To those informed of the story, it isn’t the fact that some Thalassians utilize the Void that is the issue – but, rather, that the specific Thalassians who are using the Void were quite literally created out of thin air.

I’m sure there are people who legitimately just want their blonde-haired, blue-eyed High Elves and they can’t be reasoned with, but there are many players who quite simply find it hard to feel an attachment to the Void Elves in the same way they’ve become attached to the High Elves – and the worst part about it, is that it’s an issue that could be solved with a penstroke.


They didn’t have the guts to make the existing high elf groups in to void elves. Instead they pulled them outta the horde, from blood elves. If they didn’t serve a purpose any longer, would you think blizz would have done that?

Or they could have used a group of the former sons of Lothar elves that traveled with Alleria during the span of the dark portal and legion… much more believable.


Seriously folks. Can you Antis atleast actually have a actual debate or conversation than saying the same thing over and over again of High Elves are already playable they’re called Blood Elves, or I want High Elves on horde because I don’t have blue eyes, or saying they were never part of the alliance, or saying they don’t exist, or they didn’t show up in any expansions, just etc, etc, etc.

I mean I’m getting very tried of this pointless back and forth argument. Over and over again. Its getting annoying and dull. Its not the Legacy of the Quel’dorei High Elf Fans from their Discord’s fault that the Megathread is locked/blocked for so called censoring people due to folks like yourselves who false flagging posts and threads about High Elves because Spam instead of allowing people to show their love and support for the playable race. Its not the rest of the Alliance Players or Pros fault that their ideas and concepts of playable High Elves gets shutdown because of few people like selfish and entitled about the Alliance not having a Original Color Skin Good Elven Race that isn’t the same Dark Elf Theme One within the Faction which 2 Dark Elf Theme races of Night Elves and Void Elves is already done to death and they don’t offer anything new or unique to the Alliance Lore or Faction Identity. Also its not rest of the other Alliance Fans fault that they love High Elves more than Void Elves or Night Elves or Blood Elves or Nightborne or whatever kind of elf there is in WoW.

I may have been banned forever from the Discord and its Community and it may have been one of the most worst hardest moments of my life. But does that stop me from talking about my love and wishes for a Iconic Warcraft Race that should have been made playable in the beginning of WoW since the RTS Games? No. I’m not going to stop until High Elves gets playable. One way or a another. That’s ether Half Elves because Blood Elves don’t have Half Children which look up Half Elves in the Warcraft Lore in the Current Lore same with Void Elves, Pure High Elves on some random island with San’layn or Northern Lordaeron or Alfternate timeline High Elves that join the Alliance when Alliance Players save them or saving the lost rangers from broken Outland islands, Snow Elves if Snow Elves were a thing which I highly doubt but who knows and of course if we are going to be talking about Void Elf Customization because everyone who doesn’t care about the Alliance Identity being broken and still has lost its identity since Warcraft 2 and 3. Not only give them not just White/Light Skin Tunes but also Colorful Tattoos that isn’t same like Dark Irons like Green, Red, Yellow, Light Blue, White, and Dark Blue, with Blonde, Black, Ginger, and Brown Hair Colors as well as Scars, More Beard options, Quel’dorei Feather Jewelry, and even Remake the Void Elf Heritage Armor into Warcraft 2 Ranger High Elves.

I don’t understand this mindset about not allowing people to have a original color skin race on the Alliance that is Iconic and hasn’t made playable but can’t “because I want Blue Eyes for Blood Elves because I don’t care about the Lore or Elven Culture of the Sin’dorei” or “Too many Elves! But I can accept San’layn or Highborne Night Elves because who cares about the Quel’dorei” or about this that “If you want to play a light skin fair hair elven race? Horde is waiting for ya” just etc of the same stupid pointless arguments, comebacks, countering opinions and getting entitled about the Alliance actually having something iconic and nice for once for 2 to 3 bloodly years now. Its getting old!

Besides High Elves or Half Elves within the Quel’dorei. Not Sin’dorei, Not Ren’dorei or Manuahlo’dorei or whatever kind of dorei legacy name. High Elves will be a money maker. Blizzard knows this and they still haven’t realize the potential of bringing back alot of people that left the alliance or the game in general. You can bet my 4 cents of quarters that High Elves will be playable one way or a another. Blizzcon is only 4 weeks away and I hope to the lord himself, his son, Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Jaina Proudmoore, or just whatever god there is in this world that when High Elves do become playable. My Mid Life Crisis and depression will be over and the Nightmare of rejection of a Broken Alliance Fantasy of High Elf Fantasy will end very soon.

Anyways Rant over and High Elf Folks and Pros don’t stop the fight. Keep the Dream Alive and High. Thank you. Have a Good Day.


Look, after BFA, I don’t think even Sigmund Freud would want to try and fathom what is going through the minds at Irvine.


The people with creative ideas were nudged out of Blizzard a long time ago – what we have now is businessmen cracking the whip across the backs of artists, in an attempt to meet a bottom line.

The only thing going through their minds, at all hours, is the dollar sign. :man_shrugging:


Jesus man, take a break.


metzen deliberately broke away from all of the wc2 lotr tropes. what you want is a retcon to wc3


No doubt, the story started off with Sylvanas being paranoid in a good war, and wanted to conquer and bargain with each of the alliance races one by one, until she got to Stormwind to destroy it.

Then you can’t kill hope, and comiting genocide.

Then we went into recruiting naval city states, and trying to heal the Azeroth wounds.

Then off to accidentally falling into Aszharas trap, only to unite to confront Sylvanas.

Somewhere in there Sylvanas made a deal with Aszhara? (Thought she tried to deal with Helya??)

Now we have forgotten about healing Azeroth and now we are old god hunters… so Sylvanas can control an old god in undeath… plot twist galore.


Eh, not really. When WoW was made, Helves were still Alliance, they just weren’t a playable race.

Really, all he broke away from was Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, etc… being evil monsters. Sad to see where we’ve gone since then.


I think it is forgotten that Ltr was not made popular until after WC2 was made.