What do we want? High Elves!

They were attacked by a void prince they unleashed by performing a ritual with a cube they thought would grant them mastery over the Void.

It absolutely was a “Now we will summon the Void into ourselves and master it” thing.

I mean it wasn’t really, but it did happen because of gross incompetence and sounded a lot snappier wording it that way.

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I can’t though. I can play a blood elf and I can play a void elf. I am not asking to only play a thalassian elf. I am asking to play a high elf.


a blood elf is high elf. what you actually want is to make high elves neutral, for the horde to give up some of its identity and the blood elves to lose their uniqueness because a portal keeper and an island team member exist in the alliance

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not at all. High elves are already alliance. I do not wish for them to be made playable on the horde or as a playable neutral faction (how would that even work?)


do you really think denial of lore helps the pro case if development actually read these threads. the portal keeper does not need permanent player representation. the mage trainer in SW does not need permanent player representation. because their race is already playable

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I am not denying lore. I am simply making the observation that the term high elf no longer works as the racial name of the thalassian elves. They should be called thalassian elves as a race now that we have 3 different ideological groups of them. (one of which calls themselves high elves)


Well, yeah, Umbric is a velf. I didn’t think that was ever in question.

Umbric is their racial leader. Alleria is a mentor, but Umbric is the actual leader of the velves. Throughout the War Campaign, when the velves were seen with their racial leader, it was Umbric commanding them. Alleria remained on the ship in Boralus as far as players could see.

Alleria is in the same curious space as Turalyon. Turalyon is, technically, ‘Lightforged,’ but that doesn’t make him a Lightforged Draenei. He’s the leader of the Army of the Light, which is made up of the Lightforged, but when we’ve seen him commanding soldiers, he was commanding the Knights of the Silver Hand, while the Lightforged Draenei thus far have had their own commanders.

Alleria is a key and influential figure for the velves, but she isn’t their leader, and she calls herself a velf more as an honorary than any biological or actual racial connection. She’s still a helf.


alleria is the one who opens a portal summoning umbric to assist in the war campaign. and even says ‘my void elf forces’ not umbric and the void elves :smile:

what did you think she was gonna summon the SC?

Actually what she says is, “My Void Elf Forces,” which doesn’t mean she leads the velves, she leads a force of them, which does line up with everything else we’ve seen all expansion.


what do you think that means ‘my void elf forces’ and proceeds to summon umbric. then continues ‘we will hunt him down and bring you his head…’

shandris even says, ‘thank you alleria…’ not thank you umbric. since you still dont know what that implies ill tell you

alleria is their racial leader

I disagree. From what we’ve seen, Alleria is not the racial leader of the velves. She is a leader among them, the same way Turalyon is among the Lightforged, or Rommath is amongst the belves, but the racial leader for the velves is Umbric.


rommath leads the magisters and is council with hal who leads the farstriders to lorthemar who is the blood elf racial leader

Glad to see the difference isn’t lost on you, in that case. Alleria is to Umbric, what Rommath is to Lor’themar.

ok let me know when umbric starts portal summoning alleria and volunteering her for missions

I despise High Elves with a passion bordering on unhealthy.

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Yes, I can tell. You might want to be careful about that, my friend. It’s only a game.


I care about the Alliance. In order for that to happen, High Elves must be rebuked at every single opportunity.


As do I. In order for that to happen, I must support the core races the Alliance was founded on at every single opportunity, including helves.


What Alliance? Not this Alliance. This Alliance never included fairy-farting ‘speshul’ elves.


Actually, yes. The Alliance of Lordaeron as well as the Grand Alliance have both had helves in them.