What do we want? High Elves!

She actually never cheated. Magic is not forbidden, this is a misconception.

JUst looked it up and you are right.
I’d be willing to bet she didn’t win any new adherents or impress…anyone else, for that matter, with her use of it.
Her sniveling when Saurfang just barely got her was no prize either.
If the idea was to totally discredit the lil’ banshee, it worked.

Kul Tirans are bloody half giants with a radically different culture.

Gilneans are bloody werewolves.

Forsaken are moldering corpses that hate life and have renounced all humanity.

The Horde shouldn’t get pure humans, just as the Alliance shouldn’t get High Elves with blue eyes. We already have Quel’dorei: The Ren’Dorei and Shen’dralar.


I’m just bloody.

That’s far from proven, as evidenced by this very discussion – it’s entirely possible that, as a matter of anatomical fact, Alleria Windrunner isn’t a Void Elf at all.

There are only two possibilities.

  • It is possible to be a Void Elf without actually undergoing physiological alteration. In which case, “Void Elf” must be understood to simultaneously refer to either a) physiologically altered Blood Elves or High Elves (i.e. Umbric) and b) physiologically unaltered Blood Elves or High Elves (i.e. Alleria).

    This would, in turn, mean that any “Void Elves” that fall into the second category would in a strict biological sense actually be High Elves or Blood Elves – who culturally and politically identify with the Void Elves.


  • It isn’t possible to be a Void Elf without actually undergoing physiological alteration. In which case, “Void Elf” must be understood to exclusively refer to physiologically altered Blood Elves and High Elves.

The second option is entirely possible, but it requires that Blizzard openly cite that Alleria Windrunner has experienced some physiological alteration (albeit, through different circumstances than Umbric) and that she is no longer, in fact, biologically a High Elf – until then, the first option is quite a bit more likely.

Just so we’re clear on where I stand, I find the Void Elves aesthetic to be infinitely more appealing than either High Elves or Blood Elves – but sometimes, as in this case, semantics are important. :smiley:


You’re right you shouldn’t. Cause a few, non-reoccurring off shoots of support from a race does not for a “staunch ally” make.

Where as, with High elves, you’ve not only seen reoccurring staunch support for the alliance in multiple expansions, you’ve even seen clarification on their difference as a race by Blizzard themselves in the Suramar scenario.

Find me a Horde ally that is unplayable with just as much spotlight as High elves have had in game and I’ll be the first in line to support that allied race for the Horde.

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I mean, I can count on one hand the amount of times they were relevant.

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If relevancy is what matters, are you going to delete that character when we move on from Kul Tiras and never hear from a thiccboy or thiccgirl again?


Without any source, this is kind of just wishful thinking. And the last thing we saw about the opinions on High Elves and Blood Elves was through the ‘Three Sisters’ comic; “Blood Elves can be redeemed.”- Vereesa

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They are only Human, they were supposed to be part Drust at one point, but ended being just human.

From all we know before BfA their culture was largely similar to all other human kingdoms. Things change when given development.

Edit: I wanted to refrain from posting in this HE thread, we have too many.


I wanted to also. But, needs must when the devil drives as they say. :grinning:

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I’m sorry Guzzle - but did you play through, or bother to read/watch, the Void Elf inception quest chain? They weren’t trying to control the Void at that time, they were attacked by a Nether Prince who tried to convert them into ethereal-like bodiless entities. We - and Aleria - saved them from that but it was too late to stop a partial transformation into what they are now. It wasn’t a “Now we will summon the Void into ourselves and master it” thing, at all. Was finding a way to harness Void energy their goal? Yes. was it that process run amuck that changed them? No.


You mean someday might grow. They are not growing because they have no way to currently.

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We’ll hear from them well into the future.

Unlike a certain elf faction that is only involved with Dalaran.


Well I guess the difference is that my speculation is recent while yours goes all the way back to BC.

I think its a shame that you look down on your faction and fellow players over there enough to think they are all up and gonna leave in droves if high elves become playable.


Number of Helves at the Siege of Orgrimmar: 2+
Number of Big Boy Humans at the Siege of Orgrimmar: 0

Scoreboard isn’t in your favor, my friend.


Congratulations! You’ve had them since Burning Crusade, go play one.


this is incorrect. the void elf racial leader counts as void elf, not alliance high elf.
her presence counts as void elf presence because she is their mentor and racial leader. she is the first mortal to succeed at defying the voids whispers and as such is considered the first void elf. i dont know of any high/blood elves with void powers, or any that can hear void whispers, or can be used as conduits for the void to manifest themselves into our world like agent smith from the matrix. she even refers to herself as a void elf when you talk to her in telogrus saying ‘we void elves.’ if she counts as ‘high’ elf then so do the other void elves

the only alliance high elves who could have a presence in BFA is frostfencer seraphi and ofc veressa. but any plot veressa would have will almost certainly be in her usual role of supporting someone else, in the most recent case alleria arm candy

It’s clear, from the onset, that you didn’t actually read anything I wrote – I’m sorry, but it’s not my job to ELI5 for everyone that pops in and thinks quoting half of a sentence from a 2-hour discussion is high-brow… :man_shrugging:

you believe alleria isnt a void elf what else do i need to know