What do we want? High Elves!

All of which is still not as bad as void elves going around claiming to be better at shadow stuff than shadow priests and that they were never broken when they became void elves after they were utterly consumed by their failure to control the void.

Absolute cretins.

In case you need any convincing, I want you to research the High Elf Kingdom, language, culture, geographical location, appearance, and holy relics (specifically anything regarding a well of some kind.)

Then roll a Blood Elf toon, play it to level 20, and report back to me with your comparisons.


I’ve not balked against this idea – because Ren’dorei is, as I stated earlier, used interchangeably as a term to denote biological species and as a term to denote cultural or political tradition.

What I’m arguing is that, as a matter of semantics, Alleria is most likely to be a biological High Elf; but a biological High Elf who self-identifies as a Void Elf, by way of cultural or political tradition.

Edit: I’m not entirely sure why it’s the anti-High Elf crowd who is so adamant about this point, if I’m honest, because if it was true then it 100% justifies Blizzard doing what you all fear the most and copy/pasting Blood Elves color palette onto the Void Elves as an option. :man_shrugging:

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 I’m already a high elf.

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[citation needed]

If there is void corruption in her voice and her whole physiology transforms
there has to be some latent void biological changes.

You gave a good example with a death knight, it required a magical difference to get that echo in their voice (since the Forsaken do not have it in comparison to SW humans).

No, because thats a spell. You dont become a bear as a race by being in bear form

Yet WoW racial logic seems to change every so often.

Worgens are a different race in WoW, yet are simply humans suffering from a magical curse.

Kultirans are a different race in WoW, yet are just larger structured humans from Kultiras.

Forsaken are a different race in WoW, yet are just undead humans.

The point is: the idea of race in WoW is bs and is dictated on how ever Blizzard pushes it.

I understand what you’re saying but - and I apologise for being rude - it’s really a pointless distinction to make. She isn’t just a level 200 shadow priest, I hope we can agree. Or if you want to assume that a level 200 shadow priest melds with the void in the way that void elves do, then sure she’s a level 200 shadow priest.

She is, inarguably, a void elf though.

Bingo. Which is why I don’t use the term almost ever, because people who play WoW and don’t know anything about biology can’t grasp the words actual meaning.

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Which is why i say shes both, but how Blizzard does storytelling seems to want the player to focus on her being a rendorei rather than her roots

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It isn’t pointless, when the context of the thread is discussing how High Elves might be implemented – and with the understanding that, biologically, she might well still be considered a High Elf?

She is both. She is culturally and politically a Ren’dorei, but biologically it’s most probable that she remains indistinguishably Quel’dorei.


What do we want!

Undead spines that don’t clip through our cloak!

When do we want it!

When ever, it’s only been 15 years


A level 200 shadow priest wouldn’t meld with the void the same way as the void elves did because void elves melded with the void as a result of their failure to control the void.

Void void void voidity void void.

I mean we already know that high elves have an interest in void elves, go look at Telogrus Rift. They’re there. I completely think it’s within the realm of possibility for “second generation” void elves to be high elves, without needing to bend over backwards with what Alleria’s DNA might be.

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They failed and then succeeded in surviving.

They succeeded in surviving their horrific failure because Alleria and the pc came and saved them.

Level 200 shadow priests they ain’t.

But they’re stronger for it.

which is a weird position for someone against High Elves to willfully take, no?

The ramification of Alleria being described as being biologically Void Elf, solely because she is inundated by the Void, is that Blizzard could quite easily just add options for Void Elves that are basically directly ripped from Blood Elves – which isn’t something I want, personally, and has been described in this thread dozens of times as perhaps the largest reason why people were opposed to playable High Elves to begin with.

You basically get to pick one position, as it relates to this particular issue:

  1. Any High Elf or Blood Elf can elect to study the Void, becoming inundated by it, and despite not undergoing many/any physiological changes to their original selves can be considered Void Elves (which means that pink-skinned, blue-eyed, blonde-haired HE-inspired or BE-inspired appearances are entirely justified for Void Elves, going forward).


  2. Any High Elf or Blood Elf can elect to study the Void, becoming inundated by it, but will ultimately undergo many/all of the same physiological changes that the original Void Elves did (which means that all Void Elves will continue to look like they do, today, but which also means Alleria Windrunner isn’t actually a Void Elf).

It can’t be both.

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No. It isn’t. I’m not against people getting what they want, I have nothing against high elves, I have a stance against adding some strange new storyline about High Elves and the Silver Covenant when it rides directly against quite literally every bit of their previous established lore. I have zero beef with void elves who came from a high elven background.

And no, those aren’t the only two choices because no one has said that tentacles and permanently blue skin is a necessity to be a void elf - as Alleria has proven.

Currently it’s the only choice players get because this is a video game and we’re restricted to a particular storyline. Unless they change the void elf intro questline, the PC must fit in canonically with Umbric’s original few since that’s what they will be.

Which, for the record, that’s why I believe future generation void elves will be biologically and physically the same as the first generation group, because they’ll need to fit in appearance-wise.

They could give us pale skin and hair, I truly wouldn’t mind it.

Chinese WoW already has this option. :cn:

Why not? The Alliance got Kul Tirans, who are humans with political differences. Worgen are also humans with political differences. Forsaken too.